Galaxy A80 Gaming performance!!! By

Aug 22, 2021
Galaxy A80 Gaming performance!!!

Hey guys funky here and the future of Android gaming is about to change with the Snapdragon 730 G. So, let's find out so you guys are thinking. What's gonna change, my Android gaming here well, Qualcomm just announced a brand-new processor line, the Snapdragon, seven thirty and seven thirty-nine have some really awesome feature they're built on an eight nanometer chipset. You know they have the ability to record 4k 60 in portrait mode, which is absolutely amazing, Wi-Fi six built in their fourth generation AI. You know: they've got new tensor, processor, and you're going away thunder II what about game? Well, it's because the 730 G is focused on all those gaming features that you care about, and it brings those features from the 855 platform down to the 730. Now we know that 855 does really well with the galaxy s 10 devices.

You know devices like the black shock from John May all, which does a fantastic job. But what do you get with this on the 730 G? Well, you get, of course, Wi-Fi 6, as I mentioned, gets Wi-Fi management, jack reduction, HDR gaming on there, which means you're getting full rec 2020, and you've also got about 15% more graphical performance over the 730 line itself. So this thing does a really, really good job, but it's it again, you're saying: okay, fun! Dew hat about the games? How did they actually play? Ah, yeah I've got a reference device here in my hand, and I got to spend a whole day with this device. So I did some pub G gaming for you pub G fans who of course know I am terrible at it and some arena of Valid. So let's go ahead and check out some gameplay from both games.

You clearly see that this handles games really well, and I can't wait to see what other manufacturers actually do with the 730 G. We know Samsung is about to launch the galaxy an 80 or a 90 whatever they want to call it, and it's supposed to be running a 700 series platform, which means if it has 730 G in there. It's gonna gain well at a price point that you like, and that's one of the most important things about this processor. It's the fact that companies like VEVO Opp, who make a lot of mid-range devices, can now pack in performance that actually gives you the gaming experience that you want, but also a lot of the camera and processor experience you can expect, including things like recording ad 960 frames per second in there as well. So there's so much you get from this chipset, but as a gamer I'm excited to see that I can actually do much more with these snapdragons 730, G and I don't have to break the bank, and you probably don't have to do so.

If you have any questions or any comments, let me know never get to like and share this video favorite. This video subscribe to the channel thank Danny, winged and Tommy and always enjoy your entertainment.

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