Hi today, I want to show you the case for iPad that I just bought, and I want to give you a little details about it. So if you want to buy it, you know that you're buying a good product I bought this case about two weeks ago, so I've used it for a while, and then I decided to give you a little short review. So you know my opinion and, if you're looking for something. Similarly, you know what you're going to be buying. This one is made in some. It looks like some kind of like a fake leather, it's a very good quality, and it has this rotating side.
So whenever you clip your iPad, then you can rotate it in different directions and has those ridges. So you can rest your iPad, the different positions. This thing is nice and soft has a low volume, so it gives you extra cushion for your iPad when you close it- and this thing is- looks like it's made out of plastic and rotates on this thing. Okay, so then what you do you just take the iPad and this easily clicks inside just like this, and it's done will close it then the iPad will shut off will go on a sleep mode. There you go so automatically shuts off, which is great, so you can have it in this direction.
You can move it like this, and you can rotate it in this direction like that, or you can move it a little more flat. So this particular case is for the newest version of the iPad. This is the fifth version 2017, and you can see that all the cutouts are in the right space, let's place for your camera and your microphone and your speakers. Everything fits perfectly I'm, very happy with it. So if you plan on buying it, I will give you the straight A's, thanks for watching bye, bye.
Source : Maciej Piotrowski