Exynos 2100 VS Snapdragon 888 30 Minute Battery Drain Test Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra By PBKreviews

By PBKreviews
Aug 13, 2021
Exynos 2100 VS Snapdragon 888 30 Minute Battery Drain Test Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra

You're watching the Enos 2100 versus the snapdragon 888 battery drain test, if you guys want to see more videos like this, make sure you like subscribe and click on the notification bell, so you'll be notified the next time I upload a video now for this test, I'm going to be using two Samsung Galaxy, s21 ultras. One of them has the Enos 2100 processors, while the other one has the snapdragon 888 processors, I'm going to start the battery drain test by doing an idle test, I'm going to be putting a white background on each of the screens for about 10 minutes. So I can see how many percent each phone's battery drops in charge. One more thing to mention both screens are set to 100 brightness. I've also turned adapted brightness off. Both phones are also charged 100 and pretty much.

Everything else is stock settings. Let's go ahead and set it to the white screen. Now I'm going to disconnect the chargers and start the test so about 10 minutes in a few seconds under with the timer, since the screen's dimmed out since the screen timeouts on both of the phones are maximum. At 10 minutes we're getting about 31.5 degrees or 31.7 degrees Celsius on the snapdragon compared to 32.2 degrees on the Enos. Now, let's check out the batteries they're, both at 97 percent.

So it's fairly. Even so now I'm going to use the generic battery drainer app to run some loads on the CPU and the GPU and see how the batteries fare through that. So about eight minutes in the battery percentage is pretty much even I did notice. The snapdragon battery is maybe almost a percent less than the Enos battery at times, but for the most part they're fairly, even what about 46.3 46.5 on the snapdragon about 44.9 on the Enos now another thing I noticed the snapdragon began dimming the screen out a little as it was getting hotter and then down the line. The Enos started dimming out as well, and then the snapdragon dimmed out a little more down the line all right.

So now I enabled all the options on the generic battery drainer and, at the current moment, the snapdragon's at 91 percent and the Enos at 92. Let's go ahead and start the test all right. So about 8 minutes and 17 seconds in the snapdragon is about 2 percent less battery wise compared to the Enos. It's not that big of a difference, but we can see the Enos is handling the battery better temperature wise. We got about 49.8 degrees Celsius, 50 degrees Celsius. We got about 46.6 on the Enos, so bottom line. Furthermore, we can see that the snapdragon processor is running hotter and the battery temperature on that is hotter as well battery wise.

There isn't a huge difference. However. We can see the Enos is handling the battery better than the snapdragon. I hope you guys enjoyed the video and if you guys want to see more videos like this make sure you subscribe and click on the notification bell, so you'll be notified the next time. I upload a video thanks again for watching guys, and I'll see you guys in the next video.

Source : PBKreviews

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