Camera Comparison! iPhone XS VS iPhone 11 Pro! By AppleInsider

By AppleInsider
Aug 14, 2021
Camera Comparison! iPhone XS VS iPhone 11 Pro!

Let's compare the cameras of the iPhone 11 Pro in the previous generation, iPhone 10s. What's going on everyone, it is Andrew here from Apple Insider and the iPhone 11 Pro has some pretty big improvements over the iPhone 10s, not only to have the new wide-angle lens. There are features throughout the camera app. The tell lens has a wider, faster aperture and the wide-angle lens has 100% coverage with focus. Pixels lots to go over in this video we're going to go through all those changes and compare the excellent cameras of the iPhone 10s to the amazing cameras in the iPhone 11 Pro. Before we even get to all the sample photography, you can see how much richer the iPhone 11 Pro looks on the left than the iPhone 10 s on the right.

As we mentioned, the iPhone 11 Pro has that new ultra wide-angle lens you can see it represented in the camera. App by that point, five one and two x option: where is the iPhone 10 s is limited, just that one and 2 X, that ultra wide-angle lens can take a shot like this, which looks nice, but a little constrained and turn it into this, which is far more expansive and representative of the environment being shot. Here's another shot with the wide-angle lens before we take a step back and switch to the ultra wide-angle lens on the iPhone 11 Pro here we are pushing the tell lens to limit with 10x digital zoom on the 11pro, and here it is side-by-side with the same shot on our iPhone 10 s, the iPhone 11 Pro seems a little sharper and the colors seem a little more true to life for the dusk setting before jump me into some more sample at Agra feet. Let's look again at the new app that you can still take photos by tapping on that shutter button, but by holding it you can go into quick, take which will immediately start recording a video, and you can swipe right to lock into that video mode or tap and hold and swipe to the left. Then you'll instantly capture burst photos.

Another new feature restricted to the new iPhone 11 Pro is the ability to shoot in different aspect. Ratios Apple did allow you to switch from 403 to square, but now you also have a new option for 16:9. It's pretty handy and it's non-destructive. So if you in 16:9 and want to switch back to a different mode after the fact you can do so without any loss in quality. Portrait mode is a huge deal for iPhone users, and it gets even better with the iPhone 11 Pro again, you can see the better vivid color on the iPhone 11 Pro on the left compared from 10 s on the right, but we also the option now to switch out from portrait mode instead of just doing two X using the teller lens and the wide we can use the ultra-wide and the wide and begin shoot from One X, which will do you don't have to be so close to your subject or far away from your subject.

Like you had to be with the 2x mode. You can see how summed in we are on the iPhone 10s. It is far lesser on the iPhone 11 Pro being able to zoom that out just a little and not be so close. If you capture a lot of portrait mode images, this will be a huge deal for you. Moving on, let's take a look at that front-facing camera apple has upped.

The megapixels up to 12 is now capable with a bunch of new features, and we're going to go over. Those right now then get into some samples. First you'll notice that little arrow in the center. You can now zoom out and shoot ultra-wide selfies. You can go yourself and tap on the button or rotate the phone, it'll rotate automatically and zoom out.

At the same time, let's now go ahead and check out slo-mo on both our iPhone 11 Pro and the iPhone 10s we're going to switch in a slo-mo mode there on the 11pro first and when we switch on the iPhone 10s, it jumps us to the other camera. That's because the front-facing camera on the iPhone 10 s cannot capture slow-motion video. The new iPhone 11 can do it at up to 120 frames per second and what Apple calls slow fees here are a few more sample shots on the iPhone 11 Pro here's a standard selfie. It looks great in 12 megapixels. You can zoom out with that ultra wide-angle lens now, and it'll.

Even work with portrait mode, which looks better than ever. Here are the shots side by side. The iPhone 10s on the right looks a little blurry, not as detailed. Of course, you can't zoom out, like you can with the iPhone 11, and it just looks a little over saturated when we do the portrait mode side by side same issue. The iPhone 11 Pro looks a little more true to life in a little more detail than the iPhone 10s.

Looking at some pumpkins and produce, you can see the Boas look a little natural on the iPhone 11 Pro, and you can see the issues with smart HDR on the iPhone 10 s, which was widely over saturated. Some shots do look very similar like these flowers and even these flowers, from a distance. As soon as we crop in here we are at 200% magnification. You can see the iPhone 10 s starts to lose some details, and it's still there on the iPhone 11 Pro same thing. With these peppers.

They both look great in both shots, but again we zoom in to 300%, and you notice how much better the colors are and the details in the light on the iPhone 11 Pro shot. Now we've moved on to some pet shots. Here we have Cosby. We asked him to pose for this photo and when we zoom in you start to see the staunch at the difference between the iPhone 11 / on the left and the iPhone 10 s on the right. This time it looks like the iPhone 11 reduced some details in Cosby's base, but look at what it did to the pillow.

The pillow looks much more natural and it kind of looks a mess on the iPhone 10s just way too grainy and the blanket looks desaturated here is Moe's one more time and let's blow it up to two hundred and fifty percent, and look at the detail around his face. The iPhone 11 somehow managed more depth of field by blowing the pillow slightly, but keeping his face. Nice and sharp excellent NS did not pull that off. Lastly, the iPhone 11 Pro has a new feature called night mode. Night mode allows basically long exposure shots in very, very low light.

So far, we've been really impressed with how amazing this feature is it'll, take a series of photos and then combine them together, unlike a mirrorless or DSLR, which simply leaves the shutter on that entire time. It'll automatically give you the best exposure limit based on how much you're moving around, or you can choose it manually here are a few shots that we managed to capture with our iPhone 11 Pro, compared to what we also got using our iPhone 10 as the results, and this isn't to make a pun, but night and day here are a few really impressive shots that our Twitter user Paolo shared with us, and these were shot at a concert on his iPhone 11 Pro. Of course, these, unlike the rest of our photos, have been edited and switched to black and white, but they look amazing to be shot with the smartphone, especially in such a low light. Here's another excellent exam without Twitter, highlighting the iPhone 11 pros prowess. What we really like about the night mode on the iPhone 11 Pro is how it keeps things looking bright, but you can still tell they're taken at night.

Rather than just making everything look like a daytime shot, so what do you guys think? Do you love the new camera on the iPhone 11 Pro? Let us know down below in the comments what you think and, if you've taken some great photos of your iPhone 11 Pro share with me on Twitter at Andrew underscore OSU, hey everyone. Did you guys, like that video be sure to click on that like button, so we can create content that we know that you guys want to see and follow Apple Insider on all social media channels? If you want the best prices on any Apple gear check out the Apple insider price guide that is updated daily and until next time we'll see you later.

Source : AppleInsider

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