Call of Duty (COD) Mobile Battle Royale Gameplay in Samsung J6 | Any Lag? Technical Chaharji By Technical Chaharji

By Technical Chaharji
Aug 21, 2021
Call of Duty (COD) Mobile Battle Royale Gameplay in Samsung J6 | Any Lag? Technical Chaharji

So hi guys this is my niche and do this. We don't do that. Call us beauty test under this sensing, daises I'm in testing this game on this phone and I show unit how smoothly or hide barely that gave up on sensing j6, and this last we're going to play a series of a game on the Samsung j6. So in my opinion, the sense in the a6 was running on an equal. Next seven is seven zero possessive, which is equal to 625 processors of the Snapdragon. So, let's find out whether the game can be play smoothly over here on this sensing j6 or not after the invert, by update the Call of Duty I used to play approximately 115, yes bag onto my PC and laptop.

So this is the first time I'm trying out on the mobile and that to onto the sensing j6 and not to my one plus six. So let me just add you take you to my nowhere scree. So this is the sensing j6 you already know about this. ? I have shown you a couple of times, so now I'm going to play the Call of Duty I, already install it from the Play Store, so I'm, just starting it right now, I'm going to see, but that you can actually play the Call of Duty, that you must smoke three or three sensing j6 or not, because many of the users are country right now using the Samsung g6, and they might be wondering whether I can't play the high became like punchy or the call of duty on to my Samsung j6 or any other chase. It is one.

So what is getting loaded? The graphics, the first loading graphic seems to be when you must smooth over the second j6. So unloading is will take a couple of times. So let me just enter as a guest right now, so even you can hear the sound, so slow, ting seen the loading I think is very much faster in the Samsung j6. It's just like any other phone. So overall, this loading is very much fast and let me just play a scenario over here.

So I'm going to start it I already completed the demo version, or you can say just the starting point. So I already have a couple of guns and dad and the game is going to start. You can see that is very much smooth and over here, I am playing the with the standard controls, not with the advanced controls, so I could just normally, so I'm just moving it. You can see almost smooth, the graphics are, so the graphics are very much smooth. I can play it without any lag I'm, just hiding behind the car and oh I've been killed.

So overall the graphic seems to be much the replay showing off over here, and I'm, just tap twice to escape this, my loading again and right now, I'm going in and let's just see that how I play this time so again, the graphics Instagram, which I've only got a chance to kill someone. So that's very nice zombie loading. So overall this seems to very much okay, so I'm going to be holding it. So you over here you can see the graphics are not smooth. I can play without any sort of flag, so you have seen how smoothly the game has performed over this sense in j6, without many like I'm able to play a round on to my sense in j6.

So from my side, I think, there's a better of a gaming performance. You can see the improvement in the game performance of the sense and j6 after the end good night I obtained. So let me know in the comments below whether able to play any sort of Pusey or the call of duty to the Sanjay series form of the Suns in j6 without any lag. So if you liked this video give a big thumbs up, don't forget to share with your friends and don't forget to subscribe to my channel for interesting videos. This is Danish and I.

See you in the next one. You.

Source : Technical Chaharji

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