BlackBerry KeyONE vs PRIV - smartphone comparison [EN] By

Aug 16, 2021
BlackBerry KeyONE vs PRIV - smartphone comparison [EN]

Hey guys welcome to B, we have a YouTube channel, and today it's all about blackberry, of course, on our channel and today, I want to welcome you with comparison of the blackberry. Q10 proof, like pure proof, was released like two and a half year ago it was a high-end device with six core Snapdragons and, as you can see, it's quite unique thanks to the slider mechanism. It's really durable and even though this phone has already two-and-a-half years and when I was using it, it was used all the time, but mechanism never fall down, and it works really well still. Today. It also has a beautiful Super, AMOLED, probably from Samsung a screen, and that is curved on the sides here, and it's Super AMOLED. So, as you can tell it's bright, it's vivid and that colors are well saturated, even over saturated.

You can say that's that some people have complaints about Samsung for that, but I think it really looks beautiful and even today, when we have those infinity edge displays, this thing looks gorgeous, especially when you slide out the keyboard and just type when everyone what else this screen is HD the 2 to 2560 by 1440 resolution. So it was a bit tough to you know, keep up with the resolution and everything so unfortunately, brief had also some optimization issues and the device is poorly optimized, so it is kept on, you know, crashing and having some hiccups, even despite the six core welcomed CPU. What else can we say about this phone? It has an 18 megapixel camera, that's capable of recording in 4k, but unfortunately it's not perfect, its first low and most of the time when I used it I just wanted to record the video and then snap a photo out of it and not use that the camera application itself, because it's really slow and often when, when I wanted to take it to the picture. That moment will just go yeah. So this phone was a bit pricey after that this was the first Android phone that factory released and after that they like outsource.

You can say that they shut down their hardware, the division and started focusing on software and the hardware was created in partnerships, firstly with TCL Communications. Now we can see nowadays we can see some other manufacturers. They want to get their piece of cake, their piece of blackberry, but BlackBerry says that all of these devices are super secured and each hardware component. This is encrypted and has its own unique key that so that no one can switch in components that aren't certified and would be able to compromise your security. Okay, and now we have after after proof.

We could see to detect series, two phones like that, and then TCL communications have merged with some former blackberry hardware division employees and they from blackberry, mobile and black global in 2017 over a year ago, the BlackBerry q1 p1 is quite also quite a unique device. It has a built-in physical keyboard. You rarely see them nowadays, especially hello, building like that, and there is a four and a half inch screen here, and you can say that this device is quite compact. It fits well in one hand, it's quite well-designed the upper bar probably is a reference to blackberry Passport as being the Silver, Edition or special edition. If you can remember that and what's cool about this phone is that it was a higher mid-range device, so you could get it quite cheaply, comparing to the proof- and it has buddied- has a mid-range processor CPU, so Qualcomm snapdragon, 616 and the screen is quite despite its LCD.

It's quite now he's looking quite sharp and nice, and you can see that you can say that the colors are well saturated and well-balanced. The whites are looking better than on AMOLED, of course, but in general you can't have that super blacks and- and obviously you can't have the night stand modes. Looking so good, looking as good as in proof, especially when it comes to battery usage, also dark theme on proof would give you some battery savings and when you, when you have LCD screen, you don't have that. Okay, what's more, the real cool stuff is the fingerprint scanner that's built into space bar. So we have this huge keyboard here, and it's really cool that they've managed to put the fingerprint reader here.

I know right now the have right now, manufacturers they are even able to build the fingerprint sensor into the screen itself. But really, if you have the physical keyboard, I would say that it's a must. It would be so stupid to have it below or something like that when you can have it on space bar, that's really cool. When it comes to cool stuff, you also have the convenience key that allows you to map an action or shortcut or run an application whenever you want I, have it mapped to Google assistant, so it's superfast when I want to use it. This thing has three gigabytes of RAM: it's enough, but the Black Edition, the like the next iteration of this one has four gigabytes of RAM and I believe that four gigabyte is right now the sweet spot, and if you have three gigabytes, is enough for daily usage, but it's not perfect so yeah.

If you want to pick up a key one, maybe think about that. To sum up what can I say about those two devices? I love the pre. If I love the slider, I love the mechanism, but q1 is faster, more responsive. It still has the updates, because BlackBerry decided that they will no longer support free and its stock on Android marshmallow, and this one still has updates. It has enjoyed nougat, and it's really cool to have.

If you wanna, if you don't use a lot of multimedia, this thing is really great, and you can get it cheap, and this thing you can get cheaper, and it's super fun for multimedia thanks to the screen, but it's a bit outdated, so it won't run as fast. Okay, anyways, thanks guys and I hope to see you around.

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