2018 iPad Pro Camera Test By Urban Tech NYC

By Urban Tech NYC
Aug 15, 2021
2018 iPad Pro Camera Test

Right, what's up guys, I just got off work and I just wanted to do this. Quick video clip I did a few comparisons of the front camera and the back camera or the 2018 iPad Pro, which is exactly what I'm recording this video on I did a few clips just to compare the two cameras, and you know I'm how good they are, or you know I mean if you guys watch the video you can tell the difference, but I just wanted to make this quick video I. Don't have that much time because I just got off work I just made this video, so you guys can check out the camera. So this is a camera test is the kind of comparison on the 2018 iPad Pro. Let me know what you think in the comment section yeah you all right. This is a video test for K 60 and night John.

It's not stable at all. Let's walk back to my car. That concludes the camera test. Let me know what you guys think in the comment section on I see you on the next one: peace.

Source : Urban Tech NYC

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