BlackBerry KEYone: The Beginning of a New Era By TechOdyssey

By TechOdyssey
Aug 16, 2021
BlackBerry KEYone: The Beginning of a New Era

Hey everybody welcome back to tech Odyssey, so today I'm here to talk about one of my most favorite things and of course that is blackberry. If you followed my channel for any period of time or seen any of my most recent videos, you know that I am a fan of blackberry and the BlackBerry mobile devices, as well now I'm here today to talk to you about the BlackBerry key one and a little about how well it's performing in 2020. Now this phone came out two and a half years ago. I know because it's a very first phone that I ever reviewed it's very first unboxing I ever did it's the very first video I ever did so the day I got my blackberry key one. I came home, I shot. My unboxing video with my blackberry, actually shot with my Porsche device back then the p9 983 great phones -.

So here we are with the blackberry key one Black Edition, so this one was an upgrade over the original key one, and mostly you just had extra storage, and it has the extra gigabyte of RAM in it. So four gigabytes of RAM, as opposed to three, which is really, really important, because the BlackBerry user interface takes up so much memory. It slows down the performance of the phone, so three gigs just wasn't enough for the original key one does Black Edition fires on all cylinders, and it is much, much better, but enough about this now I don't want to spoil all the surprises before I go farther in the video I do want to say if this is your first time stopping by thanks for checking out the channel thanks for watching this video. If you liked the video please hit the like and the subscribe button and a little notification bell, so you can get updates on the latest and greatest now, let's go ahead and dive in and take a look at this phone and see how well it holds up in 2020 all right. So taking a look at the blackberry, q10 I was actually using iPhone 11 Pro Max as my daily driver before I switched over this.

So if you're wondering and saying oh he's just using a blackberry phone for a long time, this is rubbish. We don't I, don't buy into this I use a Samsung Galaxy fold which I have right here and then my wife is actually using my 11 Pro max now, because I've been using this, so she decided to take over that phone. So I've been using this for an entire week now, and I really haven't had any heartburn. The only thing I miss is my Apple Watch, but other than that it works really. Well.

The speaker is good. The camera is good. The keyboard is phenomenal when I first got my original key1 back in 2000 and what's 17 now I didn't like the keyboard that much and then when the key to keyboard came out, I was like man. The key to keyboard is way better and then getting this back again, and I had my key too as well. So don't worry, there's going to be more videos on that as well, but I'm really leaning back towards the key One keyboard.

I like it has nice rigid buttons I like the spacing I like there are no bars really between them. It's not as elongated as the key ? and also using it as a trackpad. Just feels better with these. You know these more. You know these plastic key buttons.

They have a different texture. These have more of like a matte finished texture on them and there's a little more spacing between the keys and I would like so on the key one. It just kind of feels very smooth and fluid whenever you're using it for the capacitive features you know, so you can do all you're scrolling and stuff, so that's kind of cool. Otherwise, the screen is exactly the same as the key -. It has a modified 1080p resolution, that's not the greatest in the world as far as brightness and contrast, it's very doable, but you know if you're used to other phones, and you're gonna, probably miss out on the higher contrast- and you know the better color saturation and stuff like that.

But if you're a BlackBerry enthusiast- and you like blackberry, this video is mainly geared towards you, because I'm looking at this from a enthusiasts' perspective because I like blackberry and is this something that I would be willing to recommend somebody to use 20, 20 I would definitely say yes with a couple little asterisks here along the way, one of those being the security features on here. So the security has not been updated since April 2019. Now taking a look at the key to it, was last updated in December 2019. So there's not a 2020 patch on either of them and I think that's indicative of the city. The status of the TCL license.

I, don't know if we're going to see anymore, and you know as far as they're concerned, the key one may have seen end of life already for them, but overall the performance is still good. It's something that you can still use in 2020 games work. You know just fine for the most part, I tried playing like Mario, Kart and yeah it. It has its moments. It's a little on the chubby side every once in a while, but it's definitely playable boom Beach perfectly fine Alto perfectly fine, the camera.

Furthermore, it has the same camera that the original pixel had in it. So I actually kind of give a nod to the key one. When it comes to the camera, they put a little more into that. Then I think the key to are the key to Ellie. Now you don't get the portrait shots because it doesn't have the depth sensor on the back.

So you don't have that or dual camera setup. So you don't get the both effect shots, but you can still take some pretty decent pictures and the funny thing is: is they actually look better looking at them on something else than the screen, because the screen on the key one is really not all that great I mean it's perfectly adequate, and it works fine, but you're not going to get the true depth and appeal and appearance of the photos that you take, that you would looking at them on something else like say a computer monitor on another or on another phone other than that you're really not missing out on anything. The keyboard is just as functional as ever, and it seems to have held up pretty well. I haven't been using this one for two years, I've been using this one for a week, but it has broken in nicely, and I've really been enjoying typing on it. Now it does require quite a bit of force to type on I'm, hoping that was still loosened up some overtime.

The key to is very much more on the loose side, and it's much easier to press the keys. So if I could find a way to blend the key press density or whatever you want to call it the amount of pressure you have to use to actuate the button. If I can take this keyboard but make it a little softer to press kind of like the key to I think it would probably be ideal, but otherwise the hardware is still good. The camera is still good. The overall performance I find is perfectly fine.

I mean I'm, not really missing out on anything. Now it would be nice, yeah, I kind of miss iMessage, but that's nothing in the world. I didn't talk to a lot of people on Apple, it's kind of like my secondary film, but this one yeah you lose that anyway, if you, if you know, use any other Android, so I can't say: that's really a ding against blackberry per se, but overall you can still get all the apps you want. You can still get all the streaming services you could possibly want, and it still works. Just fine I mean it's Android 8.1. You know a lot of other phones now are running Android 9.

A lot of the main flagships are upgraded to Android, 10 I, don't think we're ever going to see Android, 9 or 10 with me had the BlackBerry mobile devices, so there the license is going to end on August 31st this year. So I don't anticipate that this is going to move forward any farther, but it should still be good for a couple of years. I think a lot of people that have BlackBerry users typically hold on to them. For a long time. I recently made a blackberry privily, oh and a lot of people are still using the BlackBerry probe even today, or wish that they still did.

So. If black herb is watching this, please make another print phone that would be really nice. The slider is great, but overall blackberry users tend to hold on to their phones for a long time, because they haven't really made a lot and, of course, we get stuck loving the devices that we've been using, like the BlackBerry 10 devices or even the print, and, of course now the key one and the key to so still excellent, still very worthwhile. If you like, blackberry, I, think you're going to be very happy with it, especially since you can pick them up for, like you know, 199 200 bucks or whatever, on Amazon. As far as picking up the Black Edition, it's a more limited edition phone I, don't know about the pricing on it or where you can get one I, don't really think they're selling a lot of these any more I mean BlackBerry's, not selling them.

So if you get one, that's going to have to be. You know on a resale like Amazon or eBay somewhere, like that, you can still get key twos and key to at least some places, this one's a little harder to find, but totally a great phone and I still recommend it. You know, even, even today, if you're a blackberry, enthusiast, and you're talking about let's say if you're using a proof. This is the perfect one to bump up to I. Think I think this is very much in line with something that you might, would enjoy versus using the prim and if you are using a blackberry, 10 devices, if you like to carry two lines or if you're considering finally jumping ship.

Since you know the App Store is pretty much dead, if not dead already, and it's been on life support for a long time. This is a nice jump off point to transition into the Android world. It works very well, and it does. Everything that you need to its great for communication is great, for typing is great for pretty much everything I mean everything that you still love about. Blackberry.

You still get in this phone, so I don't feel like the experience is diminished at all and I like it a lot. So that's all I've got on the blackberry, keep sorry the BlackBerry key one still very usable. The only thing you're really missing out on is, of course they haven't updated the security patch in quite a while we're coming up on a year. So you know BlackBerry's been one of those things for years when it's like security security security, and they talked about monthly security updates. But I guess you know two years was the end of life for this guy when it came to that so any emerging security, any emerging security threats that might be out there, you may not be as well protected, but other than that.

That's pretty much the only letdown. You know over the last two and a half years, since this phone came out so still good. Still, kicking still has great performance, a great communicator tool and all the wonderful features you've always loved about blackberry. So that's all I have on this video. If you liked the video please hit the like and subscribe button in the little notification bill, so you get updates on the latest and greatest thanks for stopping by I, appreciate you being here and as always, I'll see you guys next time.

Source : TechOdyssey

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