Asus ROG Phone 5 vs iPhone 12 By SpeedTest G

By SpeedTest G
Aug 14, 2021
Asus ROG Phone 5 vs iPhone 12

So, the ASUS ROG phone has a reputation for being one of the fastest android phones out there. Now we have the ROG phone five. How will it do against the iPhone 12. ? Well, let's find out so the ASUS ROG phone five on the left hand, side with the snapdragon 888, and it's worth pointing out it's running in x-mode, that's the higher performance mode. On the right-hand side, we have the iPhone 12 with the a14 by onyx, so this is android versus iOS. This is apple versus Qualcomm.

When it comes to the processors, what we're seeing already the iPhone 12 is taking a bit of a lead. It was the first there into the compression test and, of course, the ROG phone. Five is not too far behind at the moment. But, yes, the leads still be maintained by the iPhone 12, as it goes into the 16 straight tests. There's an interesting test between outscore and explore.

Can the iPhone 12 maintain its lead? Yes, it can quite easy by the looks of it. It's the first into the blur test, which is, of course the beginning of the mixed CPU GPU part of this test. Coming up in a moment we have the smoke particle test that will be fascinating to what the 2d graphics are like on both of these phones. So still the ROG phone 5 behind, but not too far. Right.

Let's see we go the frame rate 53 52 51 we've got 34 33, that's about 17, 18 frames, a second difference there, so a significant win there by the iPhone 12, and it's coming to the end of the YouTube test. Already where's the ROG 45 struggles there at the beginning, where we go end of the test, one minute three seconds: what's the ROG phone five go? Do there we go one minute, seven seconds: okay, let's break down the scores and see exactly what happened so, as we saw there, the iPhone 12 bested the ROG phone five one minute three for the iPhone 12, one minute, seven for the ROG phone, five difference of four seconds. So where were those four seconds lost? Let's look at the CPU 33.9 versus 32.5, a difference of 1.4 seconds in favor of the iPhone 12 when it comes to the mixed CPU GPU, even with that very fast frame rate, not much of a difference here.17.8 versus 17.0.8 of a second difference there, but these differences are now all adding up and when we get to the GPU test, 15.2 versus 13.5. So that's where the biggest difference is there that's a difference of 1.7 seconds and when you add up all those differences, the iPhone 12 1 with one minute: three: okay, that's it! My name is Gary sims. This is speediest.

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Source : SpeedTest G

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