Apple Watch SE Vs Apple Watch Series 5 Quick Comparison! By LoFi Alpaca

By LoFi Alpaca
Aug 14, 2021
Apple Watch SE Vs Apple Watch Series 5 Quick Comparison!

Welcome back everyone: let's do a little quick comparison between the Apple Watch SC and the Apple Watch Series 5. Now I just pre-ordered the SC. It should be coming in. Hopefully, in a couple of weeks from now there are some pretty big differences between these, but there's also a lot of similarities as well. Now, the very big thing to keep in mind is that the Apple Watch Series 5 is not available to be ordered from apple. com anymore.

So you can't just go on that website and just buy it. That's not how it works anymore and the Apple Watch. Sc is the next one in line, so that one is really the only one that's available right now for you to purchase. So when it comes down to that, you can't really even buy the SC. You can't even really buy the series 5 unless you go through eBay, Amazon or Best Buy or whatever for now but, like I said, there's a lot of similarities between these, but- and I will tell you if you own the Apple Watch Series 5, I would not go for the Apple Watch.

Sc there's a lot of pretty much the same things, there's actually a disadvantage. If you actually go from the series 5 to the SC, now display wise, they have the same exact display as far as we know, they're both 40 millimeters and then 44 millimeters. So you have both of those capabilities on these, and I think that's a perfect thing. I like that, those sizes are really, really good. I'm sure a lot of people may prefer like an even smaller one, but I think these sizes are great, and I think even the 40 millimeter one is pretty good for a lot of people out there, so they have the exact same design exact same size, but a big difference between these two is that the Apple Watch Series 5 does have an always on display where the Apple Watch SC does not have an always on display.

So that can be a big thing to you. That's one thing to keep in mind for me personally, I really don't care too much, but for you that might be something you might want to keep in mind. So definitely keep that in mind. For sure now everything else is about the same as you guys already know. They both have fall detection.

Actually, the SC has the same accelerometers and gyroscopic whatever it's called as the Apple Watch Series six, so that's a pretty cool thing and speed wise. They are pretty much the same exact speed as well. They both have the s5 chip inside it, so it's not like you're, going to pick up one and find one being way faster than the other one or anything like that. If anything, they're really more or less the same, you know same speed same everything else, even the main differences that you see are really kind of eating for the s5 being the better one, but I still think the SC is really, really good. Now, pricing, wise the Apple Watch Series 5, you know, is not being sold anymore, but I'm sure you might be able to pick one up for like less than 250 dollars in the used market.

However, the Apple Watch SC brand new is selling for 279 dollars, which is a really, really good price to pay. For that, considering you know it does almost everything the series 6 can do. Obviously the series 6 is a better one, but the fact that the Apple Watch SE is 279 dollars is an perfect price to pay for that specific device. In my opinion, so when it comes down to it, I'll definitely tell you like. I said before.

If you have the Apple Watch Series 5, I recommend keeping it there's no real reason to go for the SC, but definitely if you have all the money in the world getting DSC could probably be a better way too. If you don't care about the always on display, but it's totally up to you if you guys have any other questions or anything. Let me know in the comment section below hit the like button on me so much, but definitely hit the subscribe button, every single subscriber that we get really does count so me so much if you guys could hit that also check out the other links down in the description as well. My Twitter, my Instagram, my main channel. More importantly, everything else.

I love every single one of you guys. Hopefully I'll catch you guys in the next video peace out. You.

Source : LoFi Alpaca

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