Alcatel One Touch Smart Watch - Unboxing and Detail Review By Raz's Mantra

By Raz's Mantra
Aug 21, 2021
Alcatel One Touch Smart Watch - Unboxing and Detail Review

And everyone- this is Bradford's mantra, and today I'm going to do a quick review of this new Smartwatch that is Alcatel Retouch Smartwatch and I have got this smart was as my birthday gift from a brother like this one buyer for this watch. So just let's go ahead and unbox it. So, let's unbox this gave it the hope of this one: okay, okay, so I think we need to take it out. Okay, sir, is making a nice packing, so let's unbox this box as well. Okay, so here we go. We have this watch, take a look here.

What's your inside okay, say scanner indict in here, yeah hey! So there. If you use this manual- and apart from that, you can see here, it is an app that is a Retouch move. We need to download it on mobile in order to connect this watch with the mobile, okay or TRS kinder okay, nothing much here, it's just a user manual data that will tell you how to connect your mobile with your phone and how to use that. So it's pretty simple, there's nothing much here! So there's to move it from here. So he came out so this is the watch guys keep it aside.

So this is the watch, and you can see here you have it surrounded with a metal body, so coffee, a chi finishing, may happen, and apart from that, just kiss trap sell synthetic, a strap set and Takashi quality care. It's not a bad one. So this is what the watch looks like. Okay and the back of this watch here you can see there the heart rate sensor, which will go into a record the rate of your heart. Let's see, let's switch on this phone and one more thing guys.

This is a very good here. You can adjust a strap according to size. Just have to develop a heart. The size, about skin stops him. It's got justice at their occupation, or you scrub set curse at them.

Let's clarify this up there. You can see here charger. So that's a good thing about this watch. You don't need to keep our extra wire, although nowadays there you can get those charges easily, like an up, will be a normal mobile Android mobile. The charger use curse at the end.

This kind of device clear, but still its good thing- that you don't need to care yourself and wire. These can simply just put this. This give. You know this is a plug directly to an adapter. So it's a good thing and even I, like the concept of this one, this is a bitter.

You know. New I will say that I have never seen anything like this in other watches. Okay. So let's go ahead and switch on this. So here's the switch on key there's only one key.

Oh, you just need to press it like this for 30 seconds, I, guess so guys this is not can exist on. It seems that it's not charged so hums the charge carrying a thirty-minute Scalia, because that's a charging time for this watch and then come back again. So let's do cheat on this charge now so guys just we need to press this key so happy at except there you have seen for each key had usurper switch off your switch on curse at them or start where I am- and this is an interface of this watch which you can change. Although and let's talk about its specification first, so it has the dial size of a one point, two inches and with the 240 into 240 pixels. So it's a pretty good resolution.

You can see here and even up normal sunlight. Maybe you got a copper Cheetah time, dick spying and dick buying it. So it's not a big deal. Okay or it's a pod, data Bluetooth version, 4.0 say above, so lab came a while Mabel to the mobile second Manizales go to optimal me Bruce it at least 4.0 person, K above on H. Am let's see what are we getting here in this watch? So we'll just click here: okay, so whenever it's getting a switch off like it's getting switched off after a few seconds like five second 10 seconds, although you can change the timing of that so and whenever you want to see the time again, you need to press this key and this for you the time and if you click on this here, you can see that you are getting a different option.

It's not that there are so many options because I won't say this is a completely Smartwatch. It's not a computer. Smart was because we don't we're not getting a so many functions like you can see. There are many Chinese or other watches available in the market, who can even support us in and through which you can do many things like you can use. That watch has a camera.

You can even use this watch to receive the call and down the call butts in here. You are not getting those many options, so yeah dick there. Furthermore, you can email them so, first here so by this, you need to click on this key, and you'll come to know that was the weather outside. Ok, however, it's not telling me yet because I seem that I need to connect this watch with my mobile first. So let me go back, so this is the key here.

Like is the white potion? If you click here, it will go back to the main menu. Let me break the boil first to connect this watch with low boil, so I have already downloaded the app or that is one touch move, so you say have so just check. I have already tried to connect it before, so it will be easier for me to get this time so yeah. So here you can see that you have to create the account first in order to use this watch with your mobile, so I have created my account, which would ask you for your email address and all, so I'm going to count critical yeah, or you have the exactly different, optional, so yeah. First, let's go to the watch here.

You can set the alarm change the wallpaper of the watch, and you can select the notification like what kind of notification you want to receive through your watch. So these are the things I have selected because I actually have selected all you can also do the same if you want and yet the setting option, so you can select the area for which you're going to see that ever weather report I think, so this is a Miss mean along I'll. Show you that what is the functions available in this watched? This is a home page of this watch just going to click here once and will show you all the options, as I said before. So, first, let's go ahead and show you sorry, so we'd go one by one, so he has the first option. That is the weather report, so vintage.

If that it's only connected to differently, it will show you the weather information. Yes, so this is a first I'm trying to connect this mobile for the weather report. So this was taking a big time here to get those details. It's already dude, okay, saying that women really connect with okay. So it's not maybe some earrings also yeah.

You can see here like it's showing a time for injury body. That's my location here, so that I'm here it's a 25 degree and what's a forecast weather, so you can see these things for next to three to four days. Okay, and even you can set those details through the mobile as well, I'll show you how to do that, and here you can see saying that woods how many steps you have done in one day and how many calories you have burned and different kind of sore think so. Basically, you know in this watch Apple part for normal timing, RP, half plane, Fitness contractors at this, so there's a good thing about this watch, and it's very easy and very convenient for this. For the sport things so I always say that this is the ideal watch for the guys who are fitness freak.

You can see. That is an option of a heart rate sensor and a few more things, so the fitness that you can type out case. It's a stopwatch. Okay, let me wear this watch guys. First and I'll show you a few more functions of this watch so how many times now I say: oh so much size only so I don't need to adjust the strap now.

Okay, so suppose, guys if this watch is off like a mean this displays off, you just don't need to click the key one again, again just to watch the time. You can simply move your hand like this I'm just going to show you at that time. Okay, so let's go with other features. So here you can see the heart rate sensor so which you can check your heartbeat anytime. Apart from that, you can see her the stopwatch a stopwatch.

So what's here, this is also like you can track your running speeds. This watch and let's go back here. Okay and we have the stopwatch, we have discipline —, like you know, you can control the music of your phone with this watch like to show you suppose increasing the volume of this watch like this, and apart from that, you can just pause the music, and you can do it next. So these are the main functions, I'm living here, so I'm not going to play because YouTube will not allow me to download this see if I'm going to play the song. There is a copyright issue.

Okay. So, let's move ahead here you can see that it's a compass here it will show you the direction, okay and what else here yeah guys. This is a very good feature for the people who want to remotely control the camera from the distance or do something to unlock them or by first suppose. If this watch this mobile camera is open, you can simply click photos. By help of this watch, you guys just I need to click or this watch ones, and so I'm going to take a few seconds, and it's going to click two photos, and apart from this, we have okay at the rock flight.

You can change the interface of a watch like if you want the basic interface, it will be like this and if you want the date and the time at the same time, you can choose this option apart phone, if you, if you want, if you like the distant one, you can go for this. Okay and the part for that you'd, like it's a very good option for the people like me, who has the habit of forgetting their mobile instead like if you are not able to find the money for not getting worse mobile, it's just going to click this option ones, and we start. This is a very good option. They can simply go to a mobile. You just need to pick up that, and it will be fine.

Apart from that, your vibration also legs on this watch. There is no tone available for this, like there is no ringtone, nothing, no silencer, because we don't have any speaker on this watch, so I may go you notification, not I am adding mobile pain, yeah, which other option here so scary, huh, my bus, a vibration option she'll be up to my work on notification. I lay the watch will need to start priority. Okay, so let me keep it switch it on. Okay, apart from that, you can keep your mobile I'm, not mobile.

You can keep your watch in airplane mode by using this one. It means that the vibration function which is function will automatically couldn't get off switch and by this option you can adjust the brightness of your watch so as I hand I have it I haven't had to keep that watch in the full brightness mode. So because that's the one I like working that you can select it in the darker mood and the bright moon so nice, it's an option available nice to watch me and let me show you guys now: how can you know rumor remotely access your more watch rising this app I? Can you change the wallpaper according to a choice like it has so many options available in this app, or you can see that me? Just suppose, let me show you how to do that. Select the wallpaper select the interface whatever you like, and click on apply, so that you can see that it's not that slow! It's going to take at least 3 seconds, and it's going to set that wallpaper on your mobile I'm sorry hand on your watch. You can see that it's looking beautiful, so there's so many options similar, and apart from that, you know if you have any photos of you, you want to keep that photo.

You can do that as well. For that you just need to go here in the custom, and you can select your foot, but I believe you can crop according to the size and I can apply I'm, not doing just showing you okay. Apart from that, you can track your fitness so by using this mobile app as well as you just need to wear this watch all the time, and I'm going to tell you like how much you have done, how much you work out you have done and how much steps you have already done for the day and one more thing like you can track a slipper, but that's not automatically that's a manual. So, like you have to wear this watch, you need to go start it off from your mobile. Also, like I, believe your watch, let's see here, you have to just start it manually, then you can drive it.

How much house you have slept that night. So these are the options guys. So this is all about this. One touch, Smart, Watch, I. Think I haven't forgotten anything to tell you about this watch, so it guys at last.

I will tell you that, as I've told you in the beginning of this video that it's not a complete Smartwatch because you're not getting me so many functions, but for the guys who are fitness, freak, and then I so don't use a mobile like they're, the guys who don't use the watch like they're mobile, it's a very good option for them, and good company as well the good build quality. So I can set the fat layer. You can guy, definitely go for it, and it's not that cost costly I. You can get this watch for 4000 rupees from Amazon, so that is all about this watch guys. So those will come back soon or with our new video or the Glee subscribe.

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Source : Raz's Mantra

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