3G Speedtest in Nokia X By Techniqued

By Techniqued
Aug 14, 2021
3G Speedtest in Nokia X

Hey guys, so this is normal for technique, and actually we have the new KM with us, and we'll perform a speed test to determine the speed test time in the 3G speed or not this device. So this is a device support 3G, so it's dual SIM food and one of the sim, the preferred SIM card uh supports 3G and the second sim supports 2g. So we have the 3G enabled sim I inserted on the first sim slot. Now we will test this, the 3G speed. So, according to Nokia, the maximum speed is 7.6 Mbps. So that's that that's the maximum treaty speed you can get on this device.

So let's go ahead and now see the speed test and see how it performs so there you go, B has to be getting started the. So there you go. We are beginning the test now, so there you go this for the maximum speed right now is 1.3 Mbps, so this 3g sim we tested on other devices as well, so we got around 3 to 4 Mbps on an average or now the Nokia X or the speeds are pretty low, I'm, not sure whether it's anything to do with the sim card or the signal, because we have the full signal out here. So this saw that didn't give much speed. Therefore, the SIM card, so this is currently using the idea.3G and idea. Frigate generally has two different appears.

We are Tara, don't look yeah, I, look, Mia, 525, 920 and other phones as well. So we generally get a three to four Mbps. So now we are getting only 1.8 Mbps, so that's probably the limitations of a Nokia X because it doesn't have a high speed of 3G support. So, let's just test it once again to see if it is really the issue. Okay, so this test, the second test we did ? show 3.26 Mbps so which is pretty stay consistent with the result. We got on other devices as well, so that that test was sometimes get different values.

So that's why we have done a different another test. So now we get 3.26 Mbps and 0.4 1 Mbps upload speed. So that's a pretty standard, so it's just like any other 3G food. So you get the normal trading speeds up to 7 and bps 7.2 Mbps. That's what new cases! So that's a 3G speed test jar on the Nokia Lucia, no KO Android power smartphone.

So if you have any query, start off a command, and we'll be glad to help you out, and thanks for watching this video.

Source : Techniqued

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