2020 iPad Pro - Water Test [HD] By MyUnboxingsAndFun

By MyUnboxingsAndFun
Aug 14, 2021
2020 iPad Pro - Water Test [HD]

This is me my unboxing are funny today and today, I'll be having a water test of the brand-new just released.20/20 iPad Pro is very risky procedure, but I'm willing to do it to see if this thing is waterproof or water-resistant or if Apple has implemented some sort water to innocence in it let's, but it is and see what happens. Okay, so I'm, literally just putting on a low pressure phone okay, oh my god, I thought I died. The iPad Pro into it. So I put Pro is already damaged. Are you actually kidding me? It literally isn't responding I think it's already damaged what the hell are doing. Are you kidding me bro? This is probably the fastest water test, I've done in my life, but anyway guys.

Unfortunately, that's the iPad Pro, and you can see it doesn't live up properly. The world has failed, so the main questions to ask hey guys is: would someone bring this iPad out if it's raining or slightly raining, I would say? No because literally after 10 seconds of dumping, it in water literally go through. The speaker literally broke the iPad completely. So this iPad Pro guys is literally dead completely. Now you literally can't do anything with it.

It has to go to trash, or you know, throw it away somewhere, but it's literally dead power, not basically what you think of they'm. Just literally, as you know, fish the water and the Apple logo actually is coming on, but it's like turning my box. Isn't it? Let's see it just keeps on flashing on an officer. I know that maybe this equates to this iPad, but the screen is it damaged because it looks like the answer they're doing rushes off by getting infected up, but you can see like the water inside the glass and like on the side as well, but yeah. This is this.

Is a gonna anyway see you guys do.

Source : MyUnboxingsAndFun

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