Will the Xiaomi Mi Note 10 work in the US? By RandoTechInfo

By RandoTechInfo
Aug 21, 2021
Will the Xiaomi Mi Note 10 work in the US?

Well welcome to Reinna tech info. They were talking about the Yam Ni?o 10. This is the phone. That's been getting a lot of hubs on the YouTube for its great camera system. It's got a five camera system on a five lens camera system on it. This primary lens has 108 megapixels, so it takes some really, really detailed shots if you like working in raw, or you like, working with a lot of detail with your photos, a lot of people are saying this is basically the best Camry to get on a phone.

Its post-processing is that quiet is good in certain situations is like to say an iPhone 11 or a pixel 4, but it's still pretty good, also one for 550 dollars or roundabouts. It's a pretty good value as well. Furthermore, it has a headphone jack. Furthermore, it's got a nice big screen, it does not have the latest and greatest Snapdragon processor in it. Furthermore, it's only rocking the seven thirty, which is an upper end, mid mid-range Snapdragon chip, it's not the 855 of the 855 plus, but for most people and most tasks, it will work just fine.

In fact, if you go on YouTube and watch people gaming with the thing, you may not be able to always play on the highest settings, but it can pretty much play anything, so it'll be able to do most of what you ask it to do, unfortunately, as great as this phone is as great as the camera is especially for the price. Once again, this is another phone from a Chinese phone manufacturer that is not coming to us. Shores, it's only really being distributed mostly in China I. Don't know how well it would work over in Europe if you're curious about that. I can definitely do some research and let you know, but definitely won't work in the US.

It's only using six of the 16 frequency bands, and it does not utilize most of the main frequency bands, either what I call backbone frequency bands it doesn't even utilize, though so really reception would be spotty or non-existent with this phone over in the US, which is really unfortunate. We're seeing a lot of perfect value phones being released over in the East, and most of them are not making their way over. Here, hopefully, that's something that will change down the road, but for right now, I'm going to happen to still look elsewhere. Anyway, if there's another phone, you want to know about whether it work here or if you want to know whether this phone will work somewhere else in the world. Please drop me a line in the comments and let me know, as always, if you found this video useful, please don't hesitate to give me a thumbs up and a sub and until next time this is Ryan.

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Source : RandoTechInfo

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