Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus vs Galaxy Note 9 - Speed Test! By XEETECHCARE

Aug 13, 2021
Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus vs Galaxy Note 9  - Speed Test!

Hey, what's up guys it's time to do a speed test comparison between the almighty Galaxy S 10 plus against the best of yesterday Which is the Galaxy Note nine the Galaxy Note nine is one of the most powerful phones out there it is the latest generation of the note series and a lot of people who use the note 9 are probably not gonna upgrade to The galaxy s 10 plus they're waiting for the note 10 But one question that will be on their mind is how well the Galaxy Note 9 will perform Against the S 10 plus and before we get into this I just want to remind you that I am giving away a galaxy s 10 to enter the scale where subscribe to the channel follow Me on Instagram and Twitter and leave a comment on my unboxing video link will be down below in the description so I start the test off by booting up both phones at the same time and Let's see How faster the new chip here with the s10 plus is compared to the last generation of the note phone. So By the way, I got the latest one you I updated my note 9, so it's pretty fresh. I had a fresh install and wow, so note 9 Actually is faster than booting up compared to the s10 plus with the 1 UI Wow Now that is something that I did not expect to happen, but it did happen the note 9 was really quick there Both balls are actually having a 6.4 display but the galaxy s 10 because of its new business designs feels really good more one-handed friendly than the Galaxy Note 9 and another mind-blowing fact is that the S 10 Plus has a 4100 mAh battery a little bit more compared to the 4000 of this one while being slimmer which Absolutely blows. My mind is still got the headphone jack. It is hella impressive. So let's see the multitasking tray Everything is closed in the background.

Okay, so as always we'll be starting off with some warm-up So we've got the phone dialer application. Here we go. And You can see galaxy s 10 plus faster there samsung has Advertised in their trailer that the app opening speed is definitely faster on the SN Plus and we have seen the glimpse of its power Against the iPhone Dennis max if you guys haven't seen the test make sure to watch it Let's launch these settings at the same time. Here we go. And Still the S Templar just a tiny bit quicker moving on to some third party action.

We've got subway surfers on both phones Here we go. And Let's see just like that sn+ done and It is absolutely incredible I was actually shocked when I first opened This game side by side against the iPhone Denis max. Let's launch Cora and That is really fast on the s10 plus also if you check out our scrolling it's really smooth on both phones read it And that's quicker on the s10 plus asphalt 9. This is one of the big games we have and Let's see Galaxy s 10 plus already on the loading screen Alright the SN plus is done followed by the galaxy note 9 pin out Instagram And that is faster on the galaxy note 9 surprisingly, let's check out these scrolling looks pretty smooth on both phones and going into the Instagram camera that's little bit quicker on the s 10 plus so There's that difference and let's see my profile that go load up on both phones equally Spotify and quicker on the s10 plus SoundCloud and Again slightly quicker on the s10 plus moving on to YouTube That's 10 plus done followed by the galaxy note 9 of God one more game that is smash hit and Once again same result. We also got Twitter on both phones and That is faster on the samsung galaxy s 10 plus pretty much If you scroll down you can see I can feel a bit structuring on the Galaxy Note 9 stuttering Yes, that's the word A bit in the star but now it's moot but I don't think I've seen it on the s10 plus so looking overall now It's smooth on the note 9 once it's lawyered up and last but not least We're going to be launching cameras at the same time.

Here we go and that is About the same on both phones. Let's really do the image rendering on both phones with the Adobe Photoshop Express application Let's load an 88 image on both phones and you can see the s 10 plus Bit quicker there. Let's apply some effects So we're gonna be putting the spring filter on both phones all the way to the max also apply the clarity to 100% as well and let's see the export power at the same time boom and Let's see, okay both phones taking time the sn+ is done followed by the note 9 next up is a quick browsing voir so we've got Vicky's period org on both phones first website, and I think that's Slightly faster on the s10 plus really small difference scrolling looks really smooth and if I zoom in and out Very smooth performance. Next up is WBE comm and That's really fast on the s10 plus it's done loading the full website and also loaded up the ad at the note 9 Again slightly slower there, but still really good performance overall from both phones Scrolling looks smooth with this heavy media website Let's go back and do the ramp management and see if they are keeping up the memory or not phone dialer still there settings Subway surfers and that got refresh on the Galaxy Note 9, by the way The node 9 here is actually the six gigabyte version compared to the 8 gigabyte version that I have here of the s10 plus So Korra is still there on both phones reddit asphalt 9 and I think now the whole app is refreshed, but I think this is This is the application that is refreshing the content So it's not the phones fault moving on to pin out and that got refresh on the note nine two refreshes on the note Instagram also got refresh three refreshes on the note now Spotify Nodine is refreshing more apps now SoundCloud still there YouTube smash head and I don't know why I'm getting so many refreshes now with the note 9 Definitely with what UI things have been massively changed and I think that is the fact there With application so Twitter is still there as template is going perfect in this test We're back to the Adobe editor and that also got refreshed and back to the internet browser So yeah guys, I'm super impressed by the performance of the sn+ compared to the best of Samson from last year Which is the note 9 I know then again is a really good phone is really fast But pretty much RAM management needs to be addressed with the one you I update obviously Samsung will be improving stuff more With the note 9 of course s10 plus I mean it is on its first software version with more updates It will get even faster and it has all the AI stuff as well so I mean this phone Generally feels really fast and I think that's because of the dual and bu I mean AI Working behind the scene the app fast launch is indeed real I can perfectly attest that that the trailer that they showed that the app fast launch is there it is absolutely true note 9 Conquered by the S 10 plus let me know what speed as you guys want to see More and I'll be doing a camera test as well and a battery drain test Be sure to stay tuned for all that stuff and peace out.


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