UMIDIGI A9 PRO V.S DOOGEE N30 you be surprised which one is better By stonemaster.kevin

By stonemaster.kevin
Aug 21, 2021
UMIDIGI A9 PRO V.S DOOGEE N30 you be surprised which one is better

This video is brought to you by stone master. What's up my beautiful people, your boy Kevin back again today, I got a very interesting video for you guys today we're going to be doing a speed test on the medal a9 pro and on the ROG m30, the specs on the Miami a9 pro is this and the specs on the ROG n30 is this and if you guys can see the Miami a9 pro, it's got a faster processor aeop60 and the ROG n30. It's got had p22, so we're going to see which one performs faster, which one's got a better display, which one downloads faster we're going to go through the whole thing. Before we start this video guys, I told you guys, I'm going to be giving the n30 way. So I did pick someone from the comment section. Actually I didn't pick it.

My brother picked it for me. So the winner is the guy with the Google account he's got a Google g, and it says google account if you know who you are. Please send me a message at the bottom, and I'm going to tell you what to do from there and I will ship the phone to you. So congratulations again and you guys I will be giving another phone away really soon. I'm going to be giving the medal uh a9 pro so make sure you are a subscriber before we start this video guys, please don't forget to smash that subscribe button, make sure there's a little bill at the bottom.

You press stats. Every time I make a new video. You get a reminder. So let's do the speed test on these two. So both these phones come with fingerprint unlock and face unlock.

So let's try the fingerprint first, let's try the Miami first boom. Try it again, pretty quick, try it again, pretty quick! So now, let's try this one. Try it again pretty quick! Now, let's try the face unlock. Try it again, really fast! Look at this so fast! Now, let's try this one! Try it again. I think the medal was way faster for face online.

Let's see way faster, let's open the app! Let's try YouTube! Try the map. Let's do google try it one more time now, let's see which one opens faster. I think that will be that key is faster. Let's try something else. Try it again way faster, open settings.

Now we're going to do same game we're going to see which one downloads it faster. Let's try it same time, um way faster. Let's start the game! Now, let's see which one uh Google Assistant works, faster. Okay, google, open camera, okay, okay, I think the ROG n30 is way faster. You guys! Let me know what do you guys think in the comments? Okay, we got the Miami 6.3 inch display, and we got the n30 6.5 inch display we're going to see which one's got a better display and which one's got a better sound. So, first, the video in the background is 1080p.

Let's go here, let's see what max so max, 720 60. ! Let's see this one see if you guys can see uh 1080 60. Today I got another budget phone that we're gonna review in front of me. I got the new release phone by dog. That's what I call it ROG n30, let's see max volume, what is up? What up my beautiful people, your boy, Kevin back again with another video for you guys today I got another budget phone that we're gonna review in front of me.

I got the new release phone by dog. That's what I call it ROG and so, if you guys can see display brightness all the way up, let me show you guys this display brightness all the way up. Now, let's try the sounds it's in euro, but they give me a connector for it, so I can turn it to us or Canadian plug little louder than the m30. Now, let's see which one takes better pictures, um, 48 megapixels and the ROG got 16 megapixels, so yeah, that's pretty much it for today's video, please uh! Let me know in the comment you guys uh. Let me know which one had a better performance which one download faster, which one had a better display better sound and which one took a better picture, and please don't forget to press the like button, and I'm going to catch you guys in my next video.

So peace out for now.

Source : stonemaster.kevin

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