Toy Learning Video for Toddlers - Learn Spanish Colors, Shapes, and Numbers with a Birthday Cake! By Genevieve's Playhouse - Learning Videos for Kids

By Genevieve's Playhouse - Learning Videos for Kids
Aug 13, 2021
Toy Learning Video for Toddlers - Learn Spanish Colors, Shapes, and Numbers with a Birthday Cake!

Oh, wow a Johnny and egg I wonder: what's inside, let's find out, buy crack, cracking it open Wow. There were six small eggs inside the big egg. How about we use the eggs to make a birthday cake, and we can even learn some Spanish while we're at it. Let's start with the first egg, it's the color, pink or Rosa. Let's crack it open Wow, look at that! It's a cute chick inside maybe she'd like to go in our egg carton, we'll need to match her to the correct shape. This one is a triangle or triangle.

Ah, here we go here's a triangle and look now she's happy, and now we have one yolk to go in our cake, so I'll turn the dial to UNO and now for our next egg, how cute this one's orange or naming ha? Let's give it a crack to see what's inside. Well, it's a orange yeah and look at that. There's a cute orange chicken side. Let's find the right shape for this one, it's a circle or Circuit. Isn't it neat how some Spanish word sounds similar, and now we have two yolks, so I'll turn the dial-up to DOS check out our next egg.

It's smiling, and it's my favorite color, blue or a soul, and this blue chick has a shape of a star or Estrella. So, let's find a star in our egg carton, great job, guys now she's happy, and we have three yolks in our poll, so I'll turn the dial to trace, and our next egg is a screaming one, and it's the color, yellow or emery. Oh, and look at that. The chicken side isn't screaming at all. She looks happy in her shape is a square or hot rod.

Oh, and she goes right there in the square, fair and square rhyme because they sound similar and now that we have four yolks, we can turn the dial-up to Quarto. We have two more eggs. This one here is purple or corpora. So let's add it to our tape mix by cracking it on the bowl. You purple yolk.

Let's find the shape of this chick, it's a cross or Ruse, and it goes right here in our egg carton, and now we have five Wiggly yolks in our poll. So let's turn the dial-up to Cisco. Alright. Now for our last egg, this one's green or Verde, let's crack it open to get that yolk, that's inside! In our final kick, that's the shape of a heart or Coraz?n. Now all our chicks are matched and happy.

Now that we have all six yolks in our bowl, we can turn the dial to was. Now we can start mixing check it out. It's coming together nicely there's that ought to do it now, it's time to add some yummy fruit to our cake mix, we'll just need a cutting board and a plastic knife first up is an apple or Montana in our recipe calls for just one little slice. There we go now we have two slices, a big one and a little one. Let's add the little one to our bowl, and here we have some grapes or move us.

We just need half a bunch, so we'll cut it into two pieces. Perfect! That's what we wanted now, let's put it in the bowl great work so far, guys, here's a delicious strawberry or press. Let's cut it into two equal pieces. Equal means the same. We need two slices for our cake, so let's put them both in the bowl yummy a pineapple or Tonya.

We need 1/3, so we'll need to cut it into three pieces oops that was trying to roll away. Let's use it for our recipe and now about this brown fruit. It's a Kiwi also called the Kiwi in Spanish wow. It looks neat inside, and we need 1/2. So let's take one of our two pieces for our recipe and finally, our last fruit is this big juicy watermelon or Sandra? We need only 1/4, so we'll cut it into 4 slices, and we'll take one of those 4 slices and put it in the bowl.

Now we need some sugar to make the cake taste. Sweet sugar is really yummy, but you don't want to add two months because it's not healthy, so we'll just add one spoonful sugar could come from lots of different plants like sugar, cane and even beets. I think this will be enough to make our cake taste extra yummy now, let's add 1 slice of butter and finally, we'll add some magic pound cake mix. This will be our secret ingredient great now, it's time to mix it all up. Here we go now, let's check it out, whoa cool, look at how awesome it looks you its wiggly, jiggly and so colorful.

Let's add a rainbow of sprinkle colors, starting with red or Tojo great now, let's add orange or Arena whoa. This is starting to look really cool now for yellow or emery. Oh, here comes green or ear day. Next up in the rainbow is blue or Azul. Next up is purple or Berber up, and we're going to have one more color to our rainbow, pink or Rosa great job.

Guys. Our pretend cake mix looks awesome. Now, let's put it into the oven and bake it into a cake. Cooking takes time. So, let's be patient.

While we wait all right, the cake is done. Let's check it out now to open it up and see how it turned out. Wow, check it out guys our six colorful eggs made six cake slices, look at how fruity and delicious they look. Let's start putting them together. One slice, two slices three: four five slices and now for our last slice: six UNO dost res, Cairo Cisco was.

Now we can add some toppings to our cake like this frosting, let's put one on each slice like this all right. We did it now. How about some cherries? Do you, like cherries, will add UNO dost res Cairo and how about some oranges for our fruit cake will at three you know dost res next up are some more strawberries, will add UNO dos? Do you remember these fruits from earlier they're? Kiwis, we'll add these to our cake, to give it a lovely taste and finally, who doesn't love chocolate? We have a couple of chocolate. Bunnies one will go here and the other one here in a chocolate sign that says happy birthday, because this is a birthday cake. Now that we're done decorating our cake, let's add some yummy cookies and even some cupcakes.

Here's a yellow one with a cherry in a blue one with a birthday candle, they look so delicious. Now we need something, a dream: let's get some ice from the freezer, some from me and some for you, MMM fruit punch, my favorite. Let me pour some for you and here's some for me. No birthday cake is complete. Without a birthday, candle I have an idea.

We can use this giant rainbow one now. This next part is for adults only because lighting a candle can be dangerous. Let's sing the Happy Birthday song. Can you guys sing along with me, happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you, alright, good job, guys now it's time to remove the candle and try the cake, and for that we'll need our plastic knife to cut a slice here we go? One more cut should be good wow. It looks so yummy how about you give it a try.

Was it that delicious? You guys did such a great job, helping us make the cake if you had fun, make sure to give us a thumbs up bye everyone thanks for watching.

Source : Genevieve's Playhouse - Learning Videos for Kids

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