Xiaomi Mi8 Lite vs Honor 8x Speed Test : which one is more fast ? By Life of a Gamer

By Life of a Gamer
Aug 14, 2021
Xiaomi Mi8 Lite vs Honor 8x Speed Test
: which one is more fast ?

Hi everyone: this is a help from life of Fatima. Today, I am doing a speed test between my new phone Xiaomi me, eight flight or euthanasia and another phone on a 8x boat form cost me about two hundred dollars, the same price switch and this one half snapdragon 616 and honor a text of killing 710, so we can see which one is faster and which one performs better. So, let's begin our video and see which one is more fast start working like garlic, so here is show me it lights and honor 8x. You can see. So, let's begin with the face unlock, which one is faster. Boot are really beautiful.

Phones, the colors, perfect blast back. So let's start with the face unlock. So me it light is much faster. You can see, so I give the point two minute light. Now, let's clear the RAM and power of reboot the phone and see which one is faster, so me logo for came first.

So first one is me it lights again. So the point goes to me. It right, so I am using Chinese apps because in my honor a text I can't use Google Play Store. There is some problem, I don't know so. First one, let's check the RAM is clear.

So first one we will oak on the map, so owner attacks is faster than I.8 light this time. Second one is did. This is like Uber in China. So me 8, light this time now, Tab somewhere I do all of my shopping. So me it lights again little time difference.

HQ me it lights. We chart again me eight light, so means light. Is going perfect, so cue, music, now so this time on r8x pop G, so honor 8x is a little faster. Next one is yuks, so me to light load faster than honor 8x, a little faster, so now rules of survival, so on write X this time. So next one is fast-fish app.

This is like OLD and show me diet. Flight is a little faster again. Next one is UC Browser. So me, eight light load, post, JD, calm. This is a shopping website, so honor it X load plus this time.

So it's nine five need light, is leading so enter two benchmarks, so, on rate light, the score of show me: eight light is much higher, but on right axis faster. So let's open the phone so honor it X message. Just I mean eight light. Last one will be the camera. So me it is like.

So you can see. Snapdragon 616 is much faster than curing 710, but one thing my show me: meat is 6, GB, RAM and honor a Texas 4gb. So did they have an advantage? So hope you like this video, the camera comparison and other comparison are coming soon. Stay tuned.

Source : Life of a Gamer

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