This is the Razer Phone review By CNET

Aug 21, 2021
This is the Razer Phone review

This is the razor phone yep, it's a big black slab, and it's also the fastest phone I've ever used, because this is the first handset with the screen that refreshes 120 times per. Second, let me tell you: it's been hard to go back to other phones with this phone. You can scroll through websites and read text that be blurry on practically any other device games, feel more responsive, I beat my high score and smash hit. The first time I tried and razors twin stereo speakers get mind-boggling Lao for phone, while staying crispy, where they're better than most laptops, I've used to be honest, they're, not quite as good as the best Bluetooth speakers, but they're great for sharing movies and tunes, and this is a rock-solid aluminum handset that feels great to touch even those corners and his squared off design will definitely turn heads. So those are the reasons to buy the razor phone, but there are also reasons to maybe steer clear. These giant speaker filled bezels, make the phone as big and bulky as an iPhone 8, plus it's a huge pocket bulge and if you're looking for wireless charging or a headphone jack, you won't find them here.

If you thought the razor phones, huge, four thousand William hour battery, would give you days of battery life. Think again, I made it to bedtime most days, that's about it and the camera. Well, the best I can say. Is it's not terrible photos? A good light are pretty decent in photos at low-light can get ugly fast. It's actually pretty cool to have a second telephoto lens, but razor made it super difficult to tell when you're actually zoomed in an iPhone 8 plus Zoom is too way better.

Also trust me when I say you should keep HDR mode turned off razor says it's working on updates for the camera, but for 700 u. s. dollars, razors first phone, just as in competitive with the latest iPhone Google, pixel or Samsung Galaxy phones at camera, quality battery life features or design still razors, 120, Hertz screen and speakers are pretty awesome and in every other way the razor phone will get the job done. If you buy phones for bragging rights. This is definitely one to show off.

Source : CNET

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