The New Screen Savers 163: Mini PC with Windows 10 By The New Screen Savers

By The New Screen Savers
Aug 15, 2021
The New Screen Savers 163: Mini PC with Windows 10

Gasps you love from people. You trust this is twist bandwidth for the new screen. Savers are provided by cash fly at CA, CH e FL y comm, the new screen savers is brought to you by lighthouse, with 3d and AI lighthouses, the home security camera. You just ask, and for a limited time, until July 9th get $100 off by going to www. whitehouse. gov/champions press comm, slash, NSS, the first tablet running Chrome OS, a tiny touchscreen PC and what's the hype with IG TV live from twits Eastside studios in beautiful Petaluma.

It's the new screen, savers, oh, that was Mike and penny. That's great penny is adorable welcome, ? there. She is hello. Penny welcome to the screen. Savers episode, number 163 for Saturday, June 30th 2018 I am Leo Lahore on the right side of your screen and I mean Thompson on the left.

Good. To see you again mate from the register code. UK you're rooting for England Tuesday is gonna, be an interesting match. Yeah, it's going to be tight, but I went I. Think versus we've.

Blanking could good. No, it's England versus somebody's, probably going to beat us. You got Harry it's traditional at this point to lose on penalties. Yes, I know this is bad. I'm excited I like the World Cup.

I watch it every week up there. Of course, what was I thinking and Colombia are a very strong team as well alum BIA yeah. It could have been worse, but at the same time it's been a joyful week. Germany's been knocked out, which is always good. It wasn't that that was something to see Argentina lost 4-3.

So now we've got a new free time, chant, don't cry for free for three Argentina toward Christ Erica, oh by the way, tell us who thought that up this was the Falkland Islands ?, the official Twitter account for the Falkland Islands British Britain's outpost next door at Argentine and deep I want to find that, but whoever wrote that and shake their hand, because that was just a work of genius. This is my favorite website. It's FIFA 2018 analytics calm, because I can never figure out who won where when what's going on- and this is actually a really nice website that it has all sorts of data points about the World Cup so now, I know that France beat Argentina for 2/3, don't cry for 3 Argentina that, and then I can go, see England and Colombia 11 a. m. yet a lie.

Second, how fast off of taking the day off we'll be in the pub watching? That's going to be fun. Oh, yeah! Let's see what do we have here? We have coming up on. This show. Do not drop this on your foot. Okay, that's my review.

Point number one look at this little baby. This is a little wedge of a computer called the echo it was Indiegogo, funded, actually, I, think it's the fourth or fifth, or maybe even sixth computer uh funded by Indiegogo by this company. Why would you want it? What is it for we'll talk about the serious a from a coal pan, a very cool back it has to, but our audio guy Jason Hal has reviews of for Bluetooth earphones at four different price points, all of them very different and talking about new stuff. Look at this I, don't even know how we got this I. Don't think you're supposed to own this.

This is the Acer Chromebook tablet. The first tablet, hey, there's Leo, Lahore I know him. The first Chromebook tablet is aimed at education. We're going to have a first look: because we're gonna, let Jason Howell review this one when he gets in and in Cole, for help we'll be answering for anyone who questions about email clients and to shift now that Microsoft's changing software actually I think this would be a fun occasion to talk about different email clients for different people. Yeah, okay, so yeah I mean what you use.

What I use that kind of thing, Megan's gonna, take us inside Instagram, newest, app IG TV, see if it's worth all the hype and why it's not for the olds brief them awesome. I am I. The olds well just this month, quake 1 2 in 21 years old. That made me feel really a holy cow, and we've also got the questions in the mailbag. A couple of questions which you've sent in, and we've got some good answers for you.

There. First, the big stories of the week California I'm, proud to say here we are in the state of California Thursday night at the very last minute he passed a very tough privacy law. Essentially, do you hear music yeah? It's the oak. Tell I think. Is it this no something's making music I, don't know where it's coming from we're? Just going to have to live with it.

Maybe this is the phone I, don't know my laptop phone, its thought. This is by the way, one of the things I really hate about Siri and Amazon's echo, and all these voice devices I'm watching the World Cup this morning, and we have a home pod. They Apple home pod, all of a sudden by we keep it fairly low. I hear mumbling in the corner series talking to me for something: I, don't know what she's got some command off the TV, and apparently he was a successful command because she was going on and on and on and on interesting. So I'm shouting like an idiot, hey Siri, stop! Oh, you know, I refuse to have them in the home, but I have heard some TV.

Advertisers are gonna, be putting out sonic sort of cues to home devices, and it is still going on. Isn't it oh, it's the Chromebook. Is it if you're violated and not in a good way? What is if it's coming from inside the house? Let's check it off the phone. Is if it's very low? It's it kind of angelic. Yes, it's sort of musical this fish.

Wasn't you nope, okay, never mind I'll, even shut that down, never mind Padre s J's in the chat room, hello, father, Robert anyway, is that excellent, so GDPR I think really was a landmark yeah? The general data at that sec already grounded European regulation now, in effect, we've already seen a lot of things. Although I note that there been stories about companies kind of dodging the law, not sure what really they're required to do, and since we haven't seen any enforcement action just kind of yeah, let's see what happens, what could possibly go wrong? D was gonna, leave a sort of cooling down parody for like Wei rich, and you know sort of companies can get themselves in order yeah exactly well. Let's wait till we get I need some publications, just blocked all EU, all traffic for a go for a week or so yeah. What are those papers in the US said? I'll screw it? We just don't want any you readers, so I. Don't leave really interested to see now this California law was passed at the last moment, Oh enormous Anakin's, yes, had it not been passed by midnight Thursday, there would have been a ballot measure in the state of California, which would almost certainly have passed polls at least said so far that it was very positive and I, given how people feel about privacy, I think would have passed yep all the polling was suggesting was gonna, pass and I.

Think state legislators were concerned not that this was a stronger law. It wasn't particularly stronger the law they passed was very similar, but they would have no impact once it surpasses a ballot measure. The legislature has a hard time, overruling it yeah. This seemed to be the thing I mean it was the idea of a property developer, but chucked a couple of million into, and he spent you know a couple of years crafting a really solid good law, which would be very difficult to beat in the cause right, but yeah. It comes back to what you were saying and that if it goes through on the ballot, then the politicians lose a certain amount of control.

They rushed it through within a couple of hours. It will on Jerry Brown's desk for signature, and that usually never happens that quick, now and then yeah signed into law. So now it'll be easier for lobbyists to gut the law, I think, but at the same time there's popular support for it. It was polling really well and was probably going to pass the guy who got it on him. It's very easy to get stuff on the unit ballot in the California yeah the only a handful worth a few thousand signatures, but the guy who did it did agree.

I will take it off the ballot if you pass. If California State Legislature passes this, which they did right, which tells me that if they're fairly comparable yeah, but I think he there's always the threat. But if you weaken this I can, I'll be saucy in November, no I know it's gonna. There will be people who people want this people genuinely data privacy is important, and now that California is done, it's only a matter of time before the rest of the country, probably well, I, think it'll be chilly, but Satan will go to work on a snow plow before it comes in some states. But yes, did you read the article? Was it in science? Where was the article that says his space is full of greasy dust, not only that it smells like mothballs school image of a nostril having to get out across the windshield like that they actually literally would that scientists in a some sort of weird outreach to normal human beings said it was about the equivalent of 40 trillion trillion trillion pounds of butter yep out there in space out there in space you'd want to spread on your toast I might.

But yes, it's actually greasy it's not exactly right, but it's the closest yeah, it's carbon-based and the odor is kind of interesting too. Oh I, don't know, can you smell anything in space? I? Don't think you can vacuum? No, if you try to your nose, would fall off. Ah well, you probably pass out almost instantly and then and then explode. So who cares what he smells like right? There also clouds of ethanol in space which I know. If you're a believer, then that's a clear sign that we're supposed to be drinking an awful lot more somebody's not doing their share.

Let's see what else! Well, we're going to talk a little about all these pocket. Computers. I brought a bunch of them, but there is a rumor that Microsoft is doing a pocketable surface. We'll talk about that a little more when we get closer yeah the NSA these are. This just proves the NSA are nice people, the National, Security Agency they're, just going to delete a bunch of Records like the one hundred of millions of records of your calls in mind the NSA this.

This was a secret program that started after 9/11 George Bush son Bush authorized. It was called stellar wind at the time, and it collected with the help of phone companies like AT&T metadata about phone calls and text messages sent in the United States, not the contents, but who was talking to whom by everybody yeah everything. Then, of course, you remember a few years ago, Edward Snowden blew the lid off of stellar winds. Indeed, so Congress said well, we'll make the Freedom Act, and we'll get it back in get it going, but the Freedom Act has a natural sunset and there's a lot of rules about, and apparently they broke. Some rules- yeah I mean it was this is one of the Snowden leaks was so valuable because you know we've been investigating stuff like this.

For years and every time it came up, you were told by you know, told by government officials, our NSA officials, no, no, no you're, just paranoid. It's conspiracy, theory, stuff, 2011, I, think it was an FBI Dora ?, trying to get me thrown out of black hat, because for suggesting that this sort of thing was going on really aimed at me for being really national Oh, there was a remember Ashkelon. Yes, that was a joint-venture. We thought of the GHQ and yeah the five eyes yeah and the America would never admit it, but then the GCHQ fluid, and they admitted that echelon existed. This was actually looking through everything for keywords, yeah, which is really amazing kind of, and it was being used to spy on European country companies and used for competitive advantage, as we found out in the State Department leaks, which were also around about the same time.

So it was, you know it's nice that they're complying with the law, but basically the whole results of the Snowden thing has been very little new in the way of new laws and those are generally legalized. What was going on at the first place anyway, yeah no great win Comcast's and the Google homework out to this way. Yeah briefly, the Google home stopped working for a couple of hours. People have to use fingers to do things. I was trying to get it to do something because you know if you ask a Google home, if you say something like hey, do we have a Google home anywhere? I could try this with hey Google? No, you don't have to go, get one because I think you'd have to plug it in everything.

But you see, if you say, hey Google England just scored a goal, it would go, go Wednesday, I, wanted to demonstrate it and again the Google home said I'm. Sorry, I can't I, don't I, just can't I just can't, it turns out. It had an outage for a couple of hours and then yeah I'm cast now this one's a little suspicious. To me, Comcast says: there's no connection, but not one, but two of its fiber back hauls got cut level. Re yeah, partly power lines came down as well and an adage to the shenanigans and as some other one that I hadn't heard of like Zara or something with a Z.

They both went out and brought down a Comcast connection to the Tojo day effect in New, York area, 18 teen Verizon said, didn't affect us yeah, and you know with Comcast reputation. Many you know it's not going to sink any lower. So you know those all right in a minute. We're gonna talk about this tiny PC that you should not drop on your foot, the eye telling you it hurt very cool back, a slow vehicle which sounds like a coal I. Don't know what kind of name uncle is yeah it's a serious seat, and do you get why it's? This is on? The back.

Will tell you about that, but first it's time for a word from my camera in my house, my lighthouse I love, my lighthouse. Let me show you: I can see Oh. At least it just got home, so my camera will be off now. That is by the way, a really nice feature. I have a lighthouse camera, which is the smartest home security camera of all.

It has a regular lens. It has night vision, but it has a third lens, the 3d sensing lens it's time of flight LIDAR. That allows it to image the room, to look at objects that are moving in the room and determine whether it's a human, a child or a pet. So you don't get a lot of notifications, but more than that, you can use AI to ask a question like. Let me know when the kids get home.

If or let me I how about this one. This is a good one. Let me know if the kids don't get home by five o'clock right or let me know if you see the cat on any furniture, actually I, don't think you could say furniture, but you can say. Let me know if you have the cat things like that. It's awesome, so one of the things I really like, and you'll see this Lisa Lahore arriving home.

That turns off the camera. Lisa, wouldn't let me have a camera in the house if it were on when a woman it is on. Oh I, better turn it off. Just in case, that's my turn. Not anyway.

That's my office, maybe Lisa turnaround Pushing. We were about to do the yet look at the kinds of things. I can ask the lighthouse I. Have you see I? Had it pointed towards the front door? I can ask it all kinds of questions. Have you seen any unknown faces today? Tell me if you see anyone new when I tell it that I will get a notification on my phone.

Hey you! It's not you! It's not Lisa yeah! Furthermore, it's, not the kids! There's someone new in the house! That's the kind of thing you want. That means those alerts are much more useful. You saw a little pet over here penny. What did the ROG do? While I was gone? You can ask at that. What are they can't do between three and five yesterday? If it's a cat, probably just slept, you see the kids with the cat pygmy.

If you don't see the cat by ten, this is awesome. You can actually see kids, you could talk to kids there's a siren, so you can actually trigger an alarm. If it's somebody in the house that you don't recognize, the lighthouse is amazing. Right now, through July ninth, you can get $100 off. If you go to the dub dub dub, that light dot house 30 days worth of storage, go back in time.

Ask it questions about what was going on. This is a really remarkable tool liked that house, but there's a special deal right now. You know I know we've been talking about this for a while. It is absolutely the camera that I, it's the only one in my house, I, really like this one WW light that house $100 off, but this is their fourth of July special. Only or Canada Day will only through July 9 its recognizes people I can actually get pictures of people that says I, don't know here's a new face.

Do you know who this person is? Why is this person in your house who is that she looks like trouble? Actually I, don't really love this thing, light dot, house, I, love it so much. We got two, and actually I've, given it to people who are worried about their say personal safety at home, but it is a really great tool. I can have all of these pings unidentified faces, at least to look port arriving at your know, I can see what's going on really, really handy light dot house for a hundred dollars off, but don't wait and only is through July, ninth yeah you and your son celebrations of kicking us out. It's just the fourth of July is such a joy. Do you like that? You guys like to drape your house in black and a little slanting Club that we take channel house usually has a barbecue, so I put in a red jacket and good.

Are you a citizen of the US? No, no, no I'm thinking about joining us you're a legal resident. It would break my mother's heart. This is the thing, but at the same time you know it's. It would be a little easier and well you live here. Your wife is American right, I've just thought about my 10-year anniversary in the U.

S. Wow. You know one of these days. You should get rid of that English accent. Never so oh.

This would be very valuable to the Redcoats when it dropped on my foot. I realized this is a weapon. This is actually an interesting computer, theories, serious eh and the idea well there's a couple of ideas. They see this as a media playing device. You see it's a wedge, which means, if you put it on your desk, you can kind of see the screen.

It's actually quite a beautiful screen. I don't know if you can really tell at home running Windows 10. It's got an Ethernet pull as well, which is funny yeah. Isn't that cool, so I'll explain why it's got a full complement of ports. Type-C charging, it isn't a super-fast processor, it's an atom, but it's quad-core, the x/z processor running at 1.6 gigahertz. It can clock up to two point: five: six, if needed, four gigs of ddr3 RAM there's a pro version.

It's a little more expensive hundred euros more expensive that has eight gigs of RAM inside I've got 64 gigs of storage. Although the pro version you could put 128 and- and it does have a micro SD card slot right on the side there, so you could add more storage right. There I think they've got ST micros cards up to 20 yeah and a fingerprint reader. Is it isn't that awesome yeah? That's the that's this button on the side! Here we think people pro mesa promising is to get a terabyte and in the micro SD. So isn't that amazing? If somebody's got an 8, terabyte flash drive? Now it's just us or do it.

So this is a 6 inch.1080P multi-touch display yeah, of course, is using the built-in iris, grout or HD graphics remain until the 405. Now that's what's interesting on the back here full ports, and you could see why they might have HDMI. So this would be a media PC for yes, it's finless design. So it's very quiet you could put it behind the TV and no one would know it's there, but because it's Windows 10, you could run full Plex. You could, you know, do all sorts of things with it.

It also has a full size DisplayPort, which I think is kind of interesting. That's and that's the secondary use for this. You could actually use it as your desktop PC. It's got: 2 USB, 3.1, ports type type-a ports, and so you could have a mouse keyboard a monitor, and this would be your desktop computer that you could then just take with you. This is Gigabit Ethernet, so it's very fast, and it does have a headphone jack.

Dual-band AC, Bluetooth, 4.2. Now the battery is a little anemic for a device of this size. It's about this size of a typical Android battery 3500 William hours. They claimed four hours battery life. Windows 10 is notoriously chews through battery life, not going to get four hours, maybe a couple of hours, but I think a lot of the uses for this are envisioned.

It is plugged in yeah. It does have, as you can see, a canon power port, but you can also use USB-C to charge it and I think that's very nice. Furthermore, it does have ambient light. Accelerometer gyroscope magnetometer the kinds of things you'd expect in a smartphone, even a 5, megapixel camera Skype style camera. It's on the front, not the back.

They should have built a sim console into it. If you could actually use that to your phone as well. You know I really do think. That's a more and more on portable devices. I have one of those always on arm based PCs, the APN EX, 2, and I have the SIM card, and even though it's a slower machine, the great battery life on that and the wireless connectivity anywhere I go make it the one that I reach for yeah less.

So something like this because it isn't connected unless you can get Wi-Fi, it also doesn't have great battery life. I do love the design it comes in, wound, Silver, Meteor, gray and Venus gold, and that's the ROG star. That's the serious constellation passive cooling, Rocco and guests yeah Canis Major. We have visitors from NASA today. So this is the serious a's their third crown funded, Indiegogo mini PC.

It's good enough! The processors fast enough, as you can see, to play Minecraft, but probably not fast enough to play fortnight. What's new yeah I, wouldn't if they also know with announced, so do you really want to play for it? I think it's interesting. In fact, I brought along with me just to give you an idea of what's going on some similar products, so this one as, as configured here are 700 euros, which would be what about $850 about that yeah and that's a 150 price lot to pay for this. This thing is the GOD pocket also running when there's tennis, it's exactly the same microprocessor. This is a full keyboard, and it's less expensive.

But it's really designed to be fully you know portable. It doesn't have all the connectivity just a USB to type C port, although that is a think. That's a mini DisplayPort on here. I like this. This keyboard is almost usable yeah, and it has a little skull.

The nipple Mouse yeah. So this is an interesting product, and it's less you know it's about half the cost and then as long as we're talking, so we back ossicles on them for something very simple: a?ai on five yeah and I had a three four years which I love right. This I've shown this before this is the planet. Computers Gemini also a little less expensive, not as inexpensive as the pocket, but I think about a hundred euros less than they Ail, and this also has a full keyboard. But this is running Android and me.

Think, and it can, it can, they say, run Linux, although I haven't been able to put Linux on there, I'm so excited by that. Just for the- and you know if you, if you remember the Scion you'll, remember the little toolbar it had down here right. You can even bring that back with stick with icons in there. It kind of overlaps tee and that's my palm 3x with a portable keyboard. I read article after article all knows what it is, so this actually has a T-Mobile SIM in it.

Yes, so it's always connected it can take phone calls on it, and you can even take phone cuts on clothes. They've got a little microphone in the piece, so I think that this is an interesting category and that's what made me think of Apple's, oh yeah, somebody some way. Somebody has one of these pin it's so sweet, but fortunately the kids didn't like it. That phone had the lifespan of a mayfly Microsoft killed that I think in three months. Oh, yeah I mean it was a total flop, but you know when you take it out, it's kind of neat I can if it was is it was more than a single-use device, I think it would have been a success, but it wasn't a full smartphone and I, don't alimentation.

So I mention all this. We're talking about the Ail specifically, but I think for some reason this is a hot category right now, by the way, speaking of hot, it's getting kind of warm and that's why you want to live, generate a little of heat coming out of it. You see, there's just being bits being touted it as sort of the next stage forward, in that you get a small device that you can just plug stuff into, and you can run Windows on it now. Microsoft tried that with the windows, phone system and HP bought out of sort of some powered phones, which you could then plug sang's as well yeah, but I haven't seen much take-up of them than within. Now in the industry.

You know it's one of those things that sounds great when you're selling the device to the Accounts Department, but in actual practice it's you know a bit iffy about it, but I do like the design and having that level I mean compare that the level of connectivity you've gotten that to a MacBook Pro. You know it's just bounds. Better sound quality's, fairly good on this as well. Given the size of my play level, Candy Crush saga, I should never play. Candy Crush okay, get ready.

This is gonna, be your first time. It is a very sickeningly, dare I, say sickening sweet game, but you see it's its. You know it looks pretty good right, yeah yeah, it's nice, you don't sound impressed. Well, is it just like you've got a group, the objects together press, and they know I'm talking about the computer right I was gonna, say no, no, no, the actual computer itself. My only negative on this is the price that it does not include a keyboard, but if you can think of it as a media device, perhaps yeah or a device that you might want to have as a kind of like a nook, a small computer that you use on the desktop and then pocket as you travel around that's kind of how they're pitching in the art all right.

It is very expensive bit of kit. I think it needs the same coat. It feels expensive. Oh yes, I mean if the bill calls, he feels good and your toes obviously didn't really appreciate getting it. The notes.

Oh, it really hurt and by the way it survived the fall. So that's also. Yes, that's always encouraging I'll be honest. Before you get any of these pocket devices, I would wait and see what Microsoft does Paul thought have been talking about this. For some time the rumors are surfacing Microsoft's working on something called the Andromeda.

Responding to this exact need that you just described, but what will be unique about the Andromeda be about the size of a smartphone, but when you open it up, this green stretches across the hinge, so the full screen is the size of phone doubled, opened up yeah that to me, MMM is very interesting, we'll see what Microsoft does with this. Clearly, this is a category. People feel has some legs we've seen these off for a long time. Remember the Toshiba elite. What was it called the red or so yeah the libretto right, the little computer yeah you see.

The twin screen thing is good on one level, but it does check the cost up considerably, because you've got to run the same things and the battery life, so I'm going to be very interested, see how this works, because you know the surface and Surface Pro up pretty good tablets and laptops well see if they can get if they can get it right. That should be good. I almost feel like when I compare all of these that the pocket device that is running Android is the most suitable yeah, because Android is designed for screen that size and I know yeah and it kind of makes sense. So I, don't know how desktop how well desktop operating systems will migrate to this smaller form. Factor I'm, so much stuff would love them.

Two by two I'm skeptical yeah. This one will watch with interest. That's a thumbnail! Look at the Ail serious, a heavy bit of kit at a heavy price, but pretty alright. Coming up in just a little. We've got a lot more on the new screen.

Savers, including Jason, Howell, who's, gonna, review a bunch of Bluetooth earbuds. In a vast price range, so you can see which one's right for you, but first a word from our sponsor word. Press now, I am a huge WordPress fan. I know a lot of people use WordPress, actually more than a lot.30% of every website in the world is right, WordPress, including a lot of the biggest publications in the world. But for me, it's my platform: Leo Lahore com, I, run WordPress I've been running it for a decade and I recently moved to wordpress.

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com slash NSS and you will save 15%. This code is right there on the website, wordpress. com, slash, n s, s Jason Howell. He did a lot of work for this one. He reviewed a bunch of Bluetooth earbuds, ranging in price from $50 to $$329329, here's his four of them for you right now, one two, three four wireless Bluetooth earphones all in different price categories, I've been living with all these earphones for quite a while.

Now today, I'm gonna, compare them to each other and show you what to get for each of those price points. First, these are the mono price True wireless earphones at $49.99. These little guys will get you nice and liberated from those wires on a budget. The True wireless earphones support, Bluetooth, 4.2, and they're stored in this compact love charging case here. That feels kind of flimsy.

But, as is the case with all of today's products, actually charges the wireless earphones while they're stored inside, so they're good to go the next time you want to use them. The case itself has a 500 William hour battery with each earphone inside holding 50 mill amp hours, each that's around two to three hours of listen time. Your phones themselves are minimally designed they're compact, very light, and there are mechanical buttons on each one. Allowing for control over smartphone player functions like pause play even taking a call fit wise. They stayed in when they needed to and didn't pop out too far to make me look like an alien sound.

Was it's a passable fine for dialogue-driven podcast, but music sounds like it's being played through a cardboard box annoyingly when placing them in the charger the earphones stay connected to my phone and that depletes the battery instead of turning them off automatically like the rest of the earphones in this showcase did, and the assistants voice by the way is really unpleasant. Sorry, robot I'm, just not that into you. Next, the Sabra elite, 65 T earphones at 160 999. These actually support Bluetooth, 5.0, so they're up-to-date, yet I still did by the way encounter just a few dropouts. In my time, not the flawless victory of the Zola Liberty Plus earphones, which you might remember, I reviewed a few months back.

I still haven't, had a dropout on these things. From a comfort perspective, the Sabra Tsar, my favorite I, get an easy-fit inside my ear. Each time they don't pop out too far. Look particularly goofy there's for microphone system that helps filter wind out of the signal when you're talking, which is really nice and super effective I, also use the here through feature when using these, while riding my bike around town. That allowed me to hear my environment mixed in with my podcast, to keep me aware of my surroundings, and it worked great.

They each carry enough battery for up to five hours of operation on a single charge, and the charging case adds another 10 hours of charge to the mix. Each earphone does have a mechanical button for control and assistant summoning and those buttons aren't so stiff that it actually hurts the ear when you push them and the sound is really nice on. These I enjoyed the audio quality for my music with these they're. My new favorites in this price range slightly, edging out the solo liberty plus, then there's the just-released Sony Xperia e R duos, which I would say, look unlike any earphone you've, probably seen before these run $279.99. They set themselves apart because of their open ear design, it's a little funky to fit into place, but once you tug your earlobe just right and get them sitting in there, the earphone channels music and calls into your ear, while still letting 100% of the environment through meaning.

You still hear the world as you are used to only now, you have a layer of music playing on top I do wish they got a little louder and maybe sounded a little better. But this is a great solution for activities like maybe jogging at night or bike riding where you actually want to listen to something but not be totally shut off from your surroundings. It comes with a very large caveat, the funky under ear hanging design that looks rather nerdy. The face of this is capacitive touch, enabled for gesture controls, and each earphone has four hours of battery capacity with a fast charging case. USB C is onboard, providing an additional three full recharges and finally for $329 the popular blog II ? pro earphones and when it comes to earphones with smarts these reign supreme.

Not only do you get top quality design that looks really nice in the ear. You also get deep AI integration that powers activity tracking features that kick in automatically when the onboard heart rate monitor text that you're jogging biking or swimming, and yes, they are waterproof. All of that data can pass through to your favorite activity app, so you can track them there and iOS users have any live. Two-Way translation feature that I hear is coming to Android soon. The dash Pro has capacitive touch controls on both earphones: four gigs of internal storage for music storage, five hours of battery per earphone with an additional 30 hours of charge.

In the charging case now, I should note that on Android I experience dropouts from time to time, which was a bit of a buzzkill but the sound, and these suckers is something else. These are the earphones to select. If you want your tunes to sound their best, and especially if you're a stud athlete and there you have it for ear phones for price points, may your mobile listening be forever wireless I'm, Jason, Howell and I talk all about Android and tech news weekly here on Twitter see. Thank you. That's a lot of money for a pair I know.

I have the Sabra elites, which were one hundred fifty dollars to sports ones, and those are fine, and they don't fall in my ear when I run or which I never do, but if I did, I think you know way. A measure of your success in life is how little you have to run more successful. You are the less you have to run. That's gonna, be my excuse right looking to it yeah if you're running you're not doing well yet keep working on it. So these two look very similar.

Don't they well, one is an iPad and one is a Chromebook? This is the first Chromebook tablet, the Acer Chromebook Tab 10, exactly the same size, nine point, seven inches as the iPad. It's a little higher resolution 20:46 by 1535, but the real difference is, of course, that the iPads is running iOS. This is running Chrome OS. Now I would guess that you're a happy chrome, OS user, since you've got the original pixel book right there in front of you. Let me close a few, and I'll set them with the lights of builds of Chrome OS.

Now that you can run Android apps in within Chrome I think that's pretty exciting. Yeah, Chrome! OS is really becoming the operating system for education and is what this chrome tablet is aimed at. It's specifically for the K through 12 market. In fact, I, don't know how we got one because you're not supposed to be able to buy it unless you're in education, they're going to end up charging $329. For this now remember that the Chromebooks go as low as 200.

You have even a little less or as high as like your pixel book here is a thousand dollars, but 329 is about right. I, think if this is the same, processor actually I'm, sorry I'm, confusing it. The pencil is on the iPad. This is it. This is the same.

Processor is in Google's Sam. It's a Google, processor design, processor, the op1. It's a system on a chip from Rock chip, it's the same one as in the Chromebook plus, which I thought was pretty responsive, yep felt pretty good I liked it a lot. The build quality looks good and feels less and sturdy it's a little thick though I mean it compared it to a nice. This is a fairly, but you know it's for education.

Let me give you some specs dual Channel four gigabytes, which is more than an iPad ddr3 RAM. The iPad is optimized to be fair for lower memory and iOS does a very good job with I think it's one gigabyte in the iPad, maybe two in the newer ones: 32 gigs of eMMC storage. That's a lot for a Chromebook and, of course, with the micros card slot. You could store more, but really Chromebooks have always been designed not to store stuff on board, not because you want to get yeah and kids will be using classroom, they'll be using Google, Google, stuff, the Google, Drive, apps and so forth. How do I get out of and out bins? I mean that means love these devices, because that's so easy to great fryer and get rid of yeah yeah.

So I think this is kind of impressive. It does have a stylus, so you notice that the Apple Pencil is kind of a sit on top of pretty elaborate expensive device. Number of people. I've met have lost that pencil. Yes, very easy yeah this one's built in the stylus is built in and there are more and more stylists focused, apps, I.

Think for a student, a stylus is important, take notes for drawing anyway the. Of course, you could add a third party Bluetooth keyboard, but this does not come with a keyboard. It has a two megapixel front camera and when I like about this, it's got a rear. Camera five megapixels, one of the things I see students do a lot with their iPads is make movies, take pictures, and so the ability to do that on. This is a really great thing.

The stylus is a Wacom EMR stylus, so it doesn't need a battery doesn't need to be charged. I know my signal keeps popping up there. Let's go back to it. Let's go back just wrong. The only things I think this is missing is a built as a keyboard, and you know a clip on cable and something on that something along those lines, because you do need that I think if you're a school kid it's an interesting conundrum for school, because the iPad design for school.

You know this iPad has a hardware. It's not Bluetooth has a hardware connector. The iPad designed for schools doesn't have this smart connector, but because schools don't want kids using Bluetooth, especially in classrooms during testing. Yes, they had to have a special system for connecting the keyboard on the iPad for school I. Don't know if this has a special system for that.

I presume that the way the Chromebook works is with a Bluetooth keyboard, yeah and that's gonna- be an issue, so we'll have to investigate that a little more USB 3.1 C connector for charging and data and display you can even run a display out. It's got a regular headset jack and a micro SD card big battery 88 60 William hours. That means they say about nine hours battery life. It's operable maybe a little less than an iPad that'll, get you through a school day. So what's interesting is you can now get an iPad for school for less than $329, but it's roughly $2.99 the education market, but it's roughly the same I bet you can get discount similar discounts on this. What kind of we want I want to know more about this, so we're gonna sign, Jason Howell, our Android guy, the chrome guy and a great tester, as you just saw we're going to give this to him.

This is the Acer Chromebook Tab 10 I wanted to give you a first look at it. It's a nice screen, I think there's a lot to be said for it. I'm not sure if I want to tablet with my Chromebook I want a good keyboard, yeah and I think a lot of kids. Might you see without the keyboard? A tablet is basically a consumption device. You need a keyboard if you're not creating stuff and that's what I find interesting.

This is clearly priced at aimed at the iPad, yeah and I. Don't know if Chrome OS really should be a tablet, so I think it really should be a lanky Louis right. So Jason will have a review and let you know a little more detail. We just got this a couple of days ago. I just wanted to show it to you.

While we could. This is the Acer Chromebook Tab 10 for education. Only you ready for you answer a little comfortable questions. Yeah. Let's do this call for help.

This is Joseph from Vancouver Canada, hi Leo. Let me start by saying how much I enjoy the new screensavers yeah. You and your guests have an entertaining way. There's a knowledge thing that makes it a lot of fun to watch. My question has to do with email, clients, I use, Microsoft Outlook for my business, email accounts and I use Windows Live Mail for my personal email accounts.

That's work great up to now, but when I purchased a new laptop last November I discovered that Windows Live Mail is no longer available for download, so I've been searching for an alternative. The Windows Mail is too simplistic for my needs. I tried thunderbird, but it would crash, and I didn't like the overall look and feel of the interface I also tried seem client, which appears to work well, it's free for up to two email accounts, and you have to pay. If you have more I was wondering if you know of a good email client that has a traditional interface with the folder views, and this way, when my message rules, move email from the inbox to the folders I can see those emails as they arrive. Any help that you have would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you. What are you used for email, Gmail and you use the web interface of Gmail yeah, and we use it for what for work as well? We do ?, we use were a Gmail house, a Google Drive orgy, sweet house yeah. He wants a client, he wants a desktop client and there's a lot of reasons to want this cup client I'll tell you why I use a desktop client I want to be able to store my mail locally I offline if I need to be able to respond to and read email offline, and for me, oddly enough, the most important thing I want PGP signing an aggression, and you can't do that on Gmail. You can install an enigma a little, kludge yeah, so first, I should say Joseph I understand. What you want to do is have a separate kind of email system for work at home.

You can do that within outlook yeah. You can create a profile for your home, a profile for work. Furthermore, you can have a discreet email. Furthermore, you said you wanted a calendars in the outlook is going to do the best job with Cal out calendars, so you may just want to stick with Outlook. He didn't like Thunderbird.

There are a lot of email clients for Windows, I use, Klaus mail, which I'm not sure I, wouldn't recommend it's an open source, email, client, and it's got if you didn't like how Thunderbird looked you're gonna, really not like Klaus mail, it is, it is very much an open source, but I love. If I work on Windows, Mac, Linux, I use it everywhere. It supports PGP very nicely and remember there was this problem with PGP encryption. The failed problem. Yes, where a mail client that was improperly configured could be used to read encrypted messages, and it had to do with HTML rendering class mail doesn't do HTML, email and I like that.

It means I'm, not gonna, have any problems with PGP, but I'm, not gonna, get spamming, exactly yeah visible one pixel links and all of that stuff now have you tried. Inky because I tried that out briefly, because I was inserting I did that by the security side of it. I, like the octopus I fund, they used the user interface just really started to Gilman yeah. Just you know. I wasn't quite sure whether it was just me or whether it was you know.

She's got good security, it's got, you know it's, it's hearts in the right place, but it just the UI just didn't work for what and I think in a way, Microsoft has killed the market for third party email clients. Thunderbird is kind of in trouble. Yeah for years, I used Pegasus mail, David Harris still updates this. It's quite good, but it's starting to look a little clunky Eudora is gone. Yeah, I think a lot of the third party email clients for Windows have disappeared, just because everybody's got mail that comes with Windows and if that's too simplistic for you, there's outlook, yeah and truthfully the really.

The third reason why you don't see as many clients anymore as most people are like you, they use a web interface yeah their email. He wants to use filtering and stuff and I can understand that I mean it's, it's the produce the pro way to deal with it, but you know, as you say, there's very little out there and outlook its clunky, its clergy, but you can configure it to do what you want basically and the new Windows 10 mail client. Is its Windows 10, but you know how? Even so it's not that bad! That's the best thing you can say it's not that bad I agree yeah. It's a lot of surprises, a lot like life, mail or out or the old Outlook, Express, I, have to say: I have looked at them all I've used them all. I've bought them all, and I ended up using clause mail.

It is because it's cross-platform I, like the security aspect of clause mail. You said you use filters. Clause. Mail has amazing filters yeah. It also has one feature I really like, and you can get this to work in other mail clients, but no never have I seen it works so well, as in clause no mail templates.

So you can have an automatic reply. Template you can have the automatic, send template it'll fill in information. It knows about the recipient, so it'll, you know if I'm writing an email to you. For instance, a deer in comedy is that it's that different from the suggested responses that you get with Gmail yeah? No, it's because I completely control it as a template right, and so I always say cheers or thank you at the end, I have my email signature and that saves me a lot of time. It actually brief.

It's cut kind of form, letters yeah for email, and it has a very extensive variable collection. So you can put a lot of stuff in that and auto merge. If I would look a clause. Mail is not the most pretty, although you can customize fonts and kind of make it look better, but it is certainly a power tool. Yes, and it is that it is the tool that I have ended up using again having the ability to get that level of control, which is what it sounds like.

This is being called for by Joseph. I. Think! That's, that's, probably a good one to check out. So two answers Joseph either continue to use Outlook on your desktop and set it up with dual profiles. That will let you use everything you like about outlook at work, but you'll be able to use it for home and home mail and keep them separate or if you want something really kind of more robust, more open source I like closed mail, yes see, and it's free CL, AWS, ? mail, dot, org all right there.

You go, there's a there's our best answer now next week, Alex Lindsay! Yes, so he's a guru in the Mac and also, more importantly, maybe a guru and video production. So if you have questions for Alex, here's how you need tech help. The new screen. Savers are here with answers, email, your tech questions to new screen. Savers at twit, TV, all right, its brand new from Instagram Facebook continues.

Its power grab. Yes, hi! That's what I think this is all about. I'll explain my theory in just a second but first Megan Marina with her review of the new I, don't have to waste your time. First, let's just get the important stuff out of the way IG TV the new app from Instagram is not aimed at me and if you are over 35 years old, it is not aimed at you either it's aimed at the kids, and it's also aimed at killing Snapchat and YouTube. If you're looking for I G TV inside the Instagram app, you will find it a little blinking TV in the top right, it's very hard to miss.

You can also download the IG TV app separately on Android or iOS. If you like me, have found that navigating Snapchat makes you feel like an old person, then you will recognize that same feeling in I G TV the videos automatically play from one to the next, a chance Altar that you will not want to watch most of the garbage. That is up there right now. For example, in just 15 minutes, I saw a bodybuilder doing a backflip, a couple taking a shower and a woman I did not know and had never heard of, explain why she and her husband had decided to adopt a child. I, don't think Dan and I are actually going to try to have biological children I think we're going to end up solely adopting, and all of that appeared on the channel labeled for you.

Instagram is owned by Facebook and me. Know. Facebook knows me better than that. So what gives under the popular tab, I found a woman unpacking her groceries from Trader Joe's to iguanas fighting outside a Starbucks in Boca Raton and a video of someone squeezing those green things that people who garden used to absorb extra water in their houseplants I did try to Google this to find out what the name of these things are, but I could not find it. But that is not the point.

The point is, you will want to skip through some stuff to do that. Just swipe left to go back, swipe right, tap to get the controls to pause the video or to grab the scrubber at the bottom to skip ahead or back to an exact point in the video. This is also where you can find the Browse button to go back and find other content. You can search under the for mentioned for your tab, which, as I said, did not seem to be for me, yet there's also tab for people you're following and a popular tab right now. You can also search for creators, but you cannot yet search for topics like the main Instagram app.

Furthermore, you can like comment or send a video in a direct message, unlike Instagram comments and likes are not the main focus here, which I suppose is good for taming, our narcissistic Society. If you are any kind of creator from Oprah to the guy, dressed in a spider-man costume, dancing taxa in line at the drugstore, you will probably want to figure out how to post your content on IG TV, even if it's not the place where you plan to consume content or the place where you would like your viewers to consume your content, you can complain about the fact that IG TV only uses vertical video or that it is exhausting to create content for another platform, but whether you are just starting out or you are already successful. You have a lot of competition for people's eyeballs and if you want fans to get their eyeballs on your content, you ought to meet them where those eyeballs are. Even if you have long-form content that works better on a TV, you might find a fan through IG TV who will fall in love with your content and then watch you on your platform. If you still find vertical, video abominable then move along.

But if you can evolve like the rest of us, then let's get started. Unless you have a verified account, your videos must be between 15 seconds and 10 minutes. Long larger accounts can upload up to 60 minutes a video, and you have to upload that from a computer you can create your channel within the app or from the web, at Instagram com, just select, create channel and then follow the on-screen instructions. If anyone comments on your content, you can see those comments in the regular Instagram app in the same place. Where you see your regular Instagram comments.

I want to thank Wade, an artist and tech nerd who commented on my IG TV post to explain how useful a MTV can be to creators. Even if you hated the idea at first I am Megan Marina and I host tech, news, weekly, every Thursday and iOS. Today, every Tuesday and coming up very soon I will be hosting know how IOT with Florence ion and that will be on Thursdays Thank You, Megan. You didn't even know about IG TV ?, now I'm, not down with the kids in the world, so I have really mixed feelings about it. Because I, you know I, don't know exactly, but it's clear what Facebook's up to they yeah.

If Facebook doesn't appeal to young people in America, it does around the rest of the world, but not in America, then they're going to put in they're gonna, buy Instagram, put Instagram, then yeah. If Snapchat starts to pull away on people, then they're going to make Instagram look more like Snapchat, which they've been doing for the last couple of years. I mean it's. It's been pretty blatant at that point. My first thought is that IG TV might be aimed at YouTube which young people in America consume in preference frankly to regulate television, and maybe it is I think that Facebook doesn't care they're, just going to put stuff out there.

You see what happens, throw it against the wall safe at stake, something yeah yeah. It's I mean it's an interesting concept in its way, but it's its like great another video up. Well, who I don't like the autoplay feature, the minute you open it, it's going, and it's playing, and it is playing that for you, tab which doesn't seem to be for me or anybody. I know you saw, it was a play for Megan I, don't know, maybe in time it will get more accustomed to what I know. I mean I'm.

Also, going to be curious to see how this is abused, because I can see I mean if they've got unless they've got actual content monitoring, there's some Queen oats. No, they do anything up there. This is where Instagram has done very well right. I can't show a nipple on Instagram, even if it's a man's nipple without somebody complaining and it being taken down right away right. They have a very active community moderation on Instagram and that will apply it.

Okay, good well. So I, don't think you have to worry about that. On the other hand, I do think this is my theory. Brands are going to flock to IG TV, with its autoplay video. It's going to be a great place for advertising.

We've already put a bunch of stuff. Did we get good engagement, a couple of things? I, don't know if we got good engagement, it's a little weird because we shoot our stuff in landscape mode. That's like a normal TV and everything an Ag TV is in vertical yeah. Just looks horrible. Well, remember there, it's designed for people watching on their phones.

It doesn't look like on your phone. It's the natural aspect, ratio of your phone. The problem is our lower thirds got cut off on the sides. Everything we're going to have to start centering everything in the middle, so that because right now, for instance, if we put this on IG TV, you wouldn't see me- you wouldn't see- and you just see this TV screen in the middle, so you can just move a little closer. That is not compelling TV.

So thank you, Alex for helping me a demonstrate that brands will like it and I think the real secret reason for all of this Instagram would definitely want to kill Snapchat and yes, and they've decided there's no way to get young people to give up. Snapchat young people like the privacy, the fact that it disappears that no one else sees it's not public when you're messaging us exactly an instant and, of course, Facebook and Instagram don't and can't compete with that. However, the thing that keeps snap alive is the brands who are advertising on Snapchat. If you get those brands to move to IG TV by snap they've lost them yet another of they're already pull, so you know tiny revenue stream, so it's yeah, so I think it's actually not aimed at you and me, or at the young ins. It's aimed at the brand Facebook is desperate to kill off Snapchat I mean it's a major weakness that they couldn't buy like the same way that I mean remember when they bought when Facebook bought Instagram, and we were like a billion dollars for Instagram.

What were they thinking and then now it's just like this is easily a hundred billion dollar cut. I just saw I just saw the evaluation uh-huh that hundred Billy that's a hundred times in a couple of years. Right turns out to be a good investment. We'll see what happens with. What's that hat Mark Zuckerberg does what he's doing? Doesn't he and who knew that this would actually they tried to buy Snapchat couldn't yeah? This may actually put it to rest time for the mail, bye egg and our friend from NASA who's visiting us today.

Oh, and look just for you, this I thought you could wear this during the England match: England Colombia. Why is it every time I come up here? I guess we're a ridiculous. Oh, looks so good on you as dear still, this is a deerstalker. Yes, yeah, icons, hair, yes, elementary, my dear! What is it a chair at English football matches, some of it's probably not repeatable long speaking, I. Look like Andy Camp yeah, oh the little wife-beating racist! Yes, there was a cartoon, yeah I know, but there's an any cap pick it up, email, uh, okay, sure yeah.

He needs a pipe. Looking at my pipe and I, don't look like Watson, and I'm who I look like. You've got the first one go ahead: oh ok, rights, ok, FIF, my security with the recent Rooter attacks and vulnerabilities in the news: I'm, that's a V go England! Aha, quite frankly, after the South African experience, anybody that brings out vuvuzela who, who is a sailor in the English crowd, gets it inserted. Yeah really, oh, that sounds painful. I hope it's the thin end anyway right v.

My security with the recent Rooter attacks and vulnerabilities in the news I'm, a frontier customer, my apologies and our antivirus software is avast- has been reporting that my roots are firmware, is way out of date and has another vulnerability it's made by Netgear and issued to frontier customers. Yes, neither company wants to do anything. You know dated firmware that and else appraisal on that. One is this matter urgent enough to change ISPs or is there something else I can do to secure my network? Well, I! Don't honestly think you need to change ISPs there's a couple of things. You should be doing first off examine if you can manually update the firmware yourself, because rooted companies have got a lot better about releasing patches and fixing this kind of problems, but I'd be done about Yulia, but I'd be tempted in this case just to what the hell it's time to upgrade Mary, so yeah I mean most of the time.

What happens is these cable companies because they want to control not merely the fact that you're using them, but they want to control your in-house Network. So they issue you a cable modem, what you have to have yeah to interpret what's coming in from the cable and turn it into Ethernet, and they usually bundle that into a router yeah and something completely different in Australia. So, as does fanny pack, but that's another story. Well, yes, so what you would like to do is disable the Rooter router yep and use the cable modem, which you have to use in some cases and I bet you frontiers. One of these cases, certainly Cox and Comcast's, will let you do this.

You can order your own label me do that as long as it goes with certain protocols are covered by the hardware, then you can run be a room love. You know like yeah, so that's probably the best bet. Furthermore, you want a more modern router. Furthermore, you want a more modern, cable modem. Furthermore, you should look on the front of your website to see if they allow third-party cable modems, if they do get one that they say they support at least DO CSIS.

Three, that's the latest protocol doctor one is coming soon. So if you have, there are many three ones. Routers out there go to the wire cutter comm and see what they recommend. Ironically, they recommend I think a NIC, your cable, oh yeah, I mean that can make good rule of yeah, and they get more of a more modern router which you can keep up-to-date and which they don't control. I'll tell you one of the problems I think with letting the cable company deliver your router.

If you're a Xfinity customer Comcast customer the router that Comcast bundles will, unless you turn it off, and you have to know where and how to turn it off set up an open, Wi-Fi access point called Xfinity for your neighbors to use on your router. You know they say well, it doesn't count against your bandwidth, but it still thinks it's using your bandwidth. It's its a monstrous system. I mean yeah. It's because Comcast has visions of becoming a cell provider.

Yes and ultimately, they're going to set up these Xfinity routers to provide cell service, in fact, I think they already do. Yes, they do an effect cell service all over, and so if they can blanket your area with Comcast routers, which they have done here in Petaluma they've done in San Francisco, then they're halfway to having their own phone network. It's just going to be business practice, but we are talking Cohn cost, yeah, I, don't think frontier is much better if they let you use your own cable modem go ahead and do that yeah. If they don't, then disable the router in your neck. Your modem router and use your own router, and you can often do that worst case scenario: it's not the ideal.

If you can't disable the routing in York, and you're provided cable company provided router, you can at least put another router on I use, an arrow for instance, and let it do all the work, and it will become another barrier between the outside world. You may have I mean Netgear routers. We are susceptible to the VPN filter, yes, and because it's not updated. That means you're, potentially wide open to the VPN filter malware, which is on at least half a million turns out there. Well, we're also saying malware writers actively targeting Reuters now, because now on the home front, it's not as important but for businesses.

If you can actually get malware onto the router itself. Who is about the only person who's going to go on to that router? It's the IT admin and if you manage to hone the IC admin, that's it game over. Oh,, thank you! Every fighter, yeah there 's was some fascinating research on Kaspersky later in the year when they found malware. That was specifically going after routers just to go after the IT admins. It was it's a sneaky bit of code yeah in general, the modem and router you get from your cable company will be out of date, they're renting it to you, often at a great cost.

Comcast charges I think ten dollars a month. It's shameless! It's really shameless! Furthermore, it's just! Do you know the idea that you won't be able to that you've got a rent? You know the modem and router it's just like. Just let us buy it. I know the old days of the phone company had to rent a phone yeah. Maybe you don't remember that no, no in the UK, it was the same yeah.

So get a Rooter router. What do you call? Cable, modems, cable, modems, no, okay, yeah, it's get okay! Well, we don't have an awful lot of cable in the UK as well. So is that true yeah I mean it's its around it's spreading, but the bulk of Instar has comes through DSL lines that were adapted from the original copper pots. A couple pots lines. That's it that's a strong disadvantage, it's not very fast! It is so now.

That's why cable is getting more and more popular in the UK now and there's also a lot of fiber build out, but that's things just jump leapfrog over cable and go straight to it. Yeah! Exactly! That's the logical step! Question ?, hello, no screensavers, hello, I will be getting a new cell phone in a few months and I will love it. Don't you love of Ella for about five minutes and then again the Matt? Remember that people actually wrote movies Ella filters so that you could put it on, and it would filter out the vuvuzela sound from this room. Race yeah I can believe it because they go really annoying in South Africa's from South Africa. Somebody brought to me after the World Cup Oh funny times, ? yeah, that's a piece of history, yeah I'll, beginning that's what some people call it I'll be getting a new cell phone in a few months and I want the most secure smartphone you can buy them most secure.

What do you recommend so on Friday last week, I interviewed Phil Zimmerman, the writer of PGP and silent circle, which created the black phone? Now this was designed to be the most secure cell phone ever they stopped making it and I asked Phil about, and he said well, it turned out. We really don't understand the cell phone business at all and to make money in the cell phone business. You've got to sell a lot of cell phones, and you don't generally have to go through a carrier, and we just weren't able to make that a business. So we stopped making it. There are open source phones, there's a Libra Mon yep and there's the copy heads the copy handle pricing system, that's been locked down or that's gone into some and into some problems.

The problem is, I mean if you want a phone designed specifically for security, you can buy. I mean you know about the Boeing black. I think it is where it's actually booby-trapped the case. So if you try to open the case, the phone automatically --TZ-- itself, black phone was great I, loved sons and what science circle did then I was thinking about. Maybe things like the black, the black Brady tech line.

Let me tell you what Phil said: MMM because I said: well, what do you use if you're? Not if you don't, he said I use an iPhone. He said really for one thing: there is an advantage to using a weird off-brand phone like that blowing phone, because there's fewer people to use it, there's less attack surface. You know everybody Aubrey hacker and the world's going after the iPhone. It's just that the with the secure Enclave and with apple's attention to security. He feels safest using an iPhone.

He said. I would never use an Android device of any kind, don't Kaminski the gun that saved it saved us all would deal with DNS. As he's in complete agreement, he also says use an iPhone. My one problem is that you thank God you don't have to, but if you're going to get the full benefits of it, you've got to buy into the whole Apple ecosystem, and it's grown Android phone. If you go with an apple, no dummy yeah, but if you aren't gonna, go with an Android phone I would say: go for the pixel ?, but I do like that.

You'd get you get your security updates ahead of everybody else. It is actually pretty good security in there for what it is. The key thing with Android is to watch out for the apps yeah. You know the apps all kills you with Android yeah I, don't feel like I'm on its using Andrew. On the other hand, no one who goes to DEFCON carries an Android phone right.

The big hacker I did take one last year with hopes of it getting hacked and did it you might have been on a stingray in that. No no! Well, that's true and I. Wouldn't. Surprise me if there's going to be stingrays or the fake cell say: yeah we're not the harvesting sites, but no no I took a phone and I left it on, and I'd left all the stuff. There was one bit of slightly odd activity and then about two days later it starts to go really haywire.

Oh, it was like right: okay, factory, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm, I'm thinking about getting a cheap Windows PC and just to hit and leaving it open, seeing what happened. I think you're safe on your Chromebook. If you go too difficult, that's why I take the Chromebook to come because it's very, very hard to hack, and it's called my stickers on it. It's the problem using a kind of off-brand phone like the Libra, more the phones, we met. Yes, it's a small market.

These guys, we don't know how long we're going to stay in business. Are they going to keep it up to date? Are they gonna? Do the patches and I just I feel like you're, even though you're on a popular phone, which means it's a very popular place, to try to hack apples done the right thing, I would say uni phone, the other thing you might mention the Samsung Knox phones as well, because Samsung yeah has that Knox secure, Enclave Phil said you know, I see some people doing that kind of thing, but he uses an iPhone I know somebody who swears by his phantom, but they've now got our business. Was they were found out to be selling those products deal? Is there is the problem right? Yeah, purism makes that Libra phone I was talking about yeah. That's why we should get one of those we keep on hearing about the Farm phone that's coming out, but this is apparently an ultra secure phone, but as yet as far as I know, it isn't yet out on the market. They're still talking about it.

I mean blackberry have traditionally had okay security, but their management, but they sold the source code for the black and sold gave the source code for blackberries Enterprise. Server to China to Russia as to anybody who asked them yeah I know: that's we don't use it anymore, but still I, don't know. No I got the feeling that blackberry would roll over and do whatever a government tells it is so at Apple. If I were in China right now, I wouldn't use a knife, but it's interesting. Apple is now building in functions like you know the sort of what you want one-hour window you've got with a new operating system which are designed to thwart right.

I know for this kind of stuff they're not giving up on this and I. Think because they've seen people like Swan secure phones, they are honest. MMM. If you want to be secure, you shouldn't be carrying a fricking cell phone kind of GPS. It's got a microphone.

It's got a camera, it's connected to an always-on network which has if it's in the United States almost certainly been suborned by a three-letter agency yeah. This is not a secure device in any sense of the word and you. If we do, I mean you also, when you get a new phone, you've got to spend so like you could have spent a lot of time, locking it down, because the default settings are wide open. Yeah, you know it's its it's just not good. I think we should just we should just live in fear.

Go back to the old days we carried around a blocker for change. Just in case you needed to make a phone call, go ahead, spy on me! Well, I, I, didn't tell you about the p20. The phone I got, the Chinese phone I got because I was very curious if he went over like a camera. I've been talking about it on the air, it's an it's a Xiaomi phone, and it's the first thing. I turn it on.

Furthermore, I mentioned this yet last week. The first thing it does is it says: would you like local weather, yeah, okay? Well, what's your IMEI number and your MAC address what yeah, and then I noticed the last security update? It's an Android device. The last security update it got was last year yeah, so maybe not the safest volunteers, no I mean the problem. This is the problem, the major problem with Android and where Apple really wins out on the security front, keeping it up is yeah keeping it up to date. You know the bulk of Apple users are up-to-date on their patches.

The vast majority of Android users aren't because the manufacturers, all the networks, don't push them out quick enough, which is why, if you're going to go Android goes the pixel route. This is a great man, this guy, this man. This is a great man. This is a man who writes about security and all sorts of wonderful things at the register that coat UK I. Look for your byline, less of it.

Now that you're, an editor yeah I mean I, did the hole that I was low bits and then the inside scoop on Brian crows news living Intel I was speaking to some people in selling they're, like there's no way he's resigning over say a relation, a relationship that ended three years ago, yeah that wasn't even when he was CEO, he's resigning because Intel's in too hot yeah. Exactly that's. Why they're a one-trick pony, that's yeah, going down, but Oh some Saab. We couldn't print some stuff. They talk they'd, they realize about him, but Oh certainly tell me later: I can drop it yeah.

Once we disconnect the mics stay tuned. Folks, I'm going to pretend the stream is over. We do the screensavers, the news, green savers. Every Saturday afternoon, 3 p. m.

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You guys is gonna I, wasn't sure about that, one, whether that you had to bleep that oh I'm sure we did. Thank you on the new screen Santa's bye-bye, bye-bye. You.

Source : The New Screen Savers

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