TCL Wearable Display First Look By EFTMOnline

By EFTMOnline
Aug 16, 2021
TCL Wearable Display First Look

Logan EFT- and these are a very cool thing now I actually got to play around with these at CES a couple of years ago, back when we used to travel- and I know I look like a complete idiot sitting in the park here, but see I'm sitting here with a smartphone and a pair of glasses, waiting, sails waiting for a bus or waiting for a friend, and I'm just enjoying watching, Netflix or Stan or YouTube on what looks like a 150-inch TV. Now, I'm it's basically two small screens in the top of these glasses that project down onto a lens that reflects so that it's a straight just a great looking screen. It is bright. The resolution is outstanding, and I put these on at home sitting on the lounge normally, and we've got an 85-inch TV and this screen was enormous compared, so I do think roughly 150 inches on a wall. Three meters away from you is what this looks like it's very, very cool. They are coming to market around, probably the end of this year.

Last quarter of this year and in Australia under 900. I have been blown away by the reaction to these I've shown a few people. People love the idea of a big screen, portable and watch whatever you want, wherever you want, it's just tethered via a cable to your phone. The phone needs to run specific apps at this point, we're running a TCL phone, but I got to tell you it's pretty exciting stuff.

Source : EFTMOnline

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