TCL 10 PRO 4K Daytime Video Test! By Phone Tech At Work

By Phone Tech At Work
Aug 16, 2021
TCL 10 PRO 4K Daytime Video Test!

Hey, what's going on everybody Alan Anthony for full check at work, doing a 4k video test with the TCL 10 Pro I just wanted to see. How does everything sound? It's really windy right now, I do have the included case. That was on the phone right now, so I just want to go through some branches. Maybe we can see how it works. I'm, not tapping to focus anything. Let's walk a little just walk a little this job, just a little just to see how the stabilization is on 4k I probably will have a 1080p version as well I'm, just holding it with one hand, just wanted to see how everything not really not great all right.

So, let's go to this over here. There's not a lot of colors here, so I'll have to switch it up somehow, but she's, just a 4k guys, slow, pan, okay! So we're almost at the two-minute mark. Let's see if we're able to get some more color, somehow you can pause it, or you can take a picture, so it says there, so we're doing it. That way. Let's see if we can find some type of color, that's not black or green or yellow.

There is a yellow flower that so the price point of about $450, the TCL temp probe, does have a lot of options. When it comes to media in the recording pictures, there should be a direct upload snowman across a little. That is really windy here by the way sirs. Let me know how the quality is. How does everything, so I do have a mask on ?, so it's trying to be safe.

So that's it that's. It were quick, alright guys, so we are approaching the three minute and 30 second mark yes, so the animators video headed with a thumbs up and follows I got word for more than you know like this. Let's see co2 well, I wanted to come see some love I'll, see you guys.

Source : Phone Tech At Work

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