Snapdragon 888 EGG NS emulator Xiaomi Mi 11 gaming test Switch games/Faster than SD 865? By TechUtopia

By TechUtopia
Aug 14, 2021
Snapdragon 888 EGG NS emulator Xiaomi Mi 11 gaming test Switch games/Faster than SD 865?

Let's begin here: exclusive snapdragon 888, an official egg NS switch emulated test on tectonic YouTube channel by me, Mohammed uh. So you have shown me 11 12, GB, ram variant. You can even see here the stats I'm going to be using CPU monitoring, apps widgets, which is our basically a from play, store for free using games here, x2 game pad, you can have all the buying links in the description. So let's warm up this emulator ninjas with the sweet Pok?mon, let's go Pikachu. Let's go okay! Pikachu! Let's go okay! We are in the obviously an open world area here right now, uh check it out in the top left corner. You can see beast performance, obviously uh, but of course uh you will have to uh.

Of course, I will be doing comparison. Some dragon ite 888 versus the older, cheap chipsets in the house. Like always this Pok?mon game, it is running full speed. I didn't have any problems whatsoever here indoors with the even bigger buildings and everything here. We have the first catch battle mode.

If I can call it in like a better mode. Okay, I'm gonna still run around. So you can just see by yourself here in the top left corner the fps: let's go the first battle mode, okay, so like always the first fight uh, always uh, the attack will lag slightly even with the most powerful android smartphone. Android chip check this out. Now.

Now it's going to be much smoother, much more smoother. Here, let's go this under shock. The second attack will be smoother than the shock check, this out: smart, smoother, much, much smoother and just first one, I'm going to tell you right now, just after playing the egg NS for five minutes again against. It is one of the most hardcore apps in the world for android devices, uh from all emulators ninjas. This emulator heats up the most consumes the most the ram but which is insanely crazy.

Uh. You can see myself here that the GPU's uh stability, if I can call like that and the CPU it doesn't use it. It doesn't even use the fourth, if, like 40 of the real raw power man, that is crazy for now it's under 50. That is crazy man and check here. The temperature of the battery overheating adjusts after just five minutes.

It's overheating I'll, just show you right now here the temperatures 44 degrees, 44 degrees, ninjas check this out, 43 45. That is crazy, high in just 46. After just five minutes of gaming, it's going to go to 47. This is the same 47. You see.

I checked the 47, I got 47.2. This is the similar scenario which I had with the OnePlus 7 and OnePlus 7 pro a year and a half ago. That is crazy man. That is crazy. I don't know uh.

This is how my viewers will see snapdragon 801, uh d?j? vu anyway. Let's go now and play it back. This fps country is not correct. We should just follow this fps counters on the of the against watch emulator and what I noticed. The display brightness went down in jazz.

The display brightness went down because of the overheating issue. Uh the mini itself lowered the brightness by itself. You can see myself here. You can notice, probably just go at the beginning of this video, we'll see how the screen was way brighter. This similar happens with the iPhone devices.

Obviously those iPhone devices which had overheating and CPU throttling happening, and indeed this device has a awful throttling here very bad start rainbow. We are continuing what we are continuing to play here, uh for just for fun. I will enable here this mini game, turbo layout ninja, don't just follow the fps, because fps counter is not correct. With this one, just follow the fps counter on the left side. So far, what I'm seeing here this is very impressive that it's running 30 fps, it does have those fps hiccups like around 27 25, are still very impressive.

Let's go with another battle here very smooth, very smooth here: let's go to thunder shock, it dropped at 24fps, but the second attack of the thunderstruck will be smoother check. This out it was a little smoother. It was 25 27. Beautiful anyway, let's go to the next game. Now 47 on the battery.

That's overheating bro! Oh, my god: okay Resident Evil 6 with the Xiaomi 11 snapdragon 888. This game is kept at 60fps, and just here we go. We are in the game. Please just note here the battery temperature 49 degrees. Oh my god, let's check here the temperature yeah, it is 4849.49 and that is crazy. Oh my god, I'm telling you in the last two years but check to hear the performance.

I don't know why the performance didn't go down. Shame that the bed the screen went down. Basically, the screen brightness basically was decreased by the mini because of the overheating issue right now, but this experience- oh my god, check the smoothness ninjas check the smoothness. Let me just try to put the brightness down. Maybe it's going to look a little ugly in the back, but hey ho just a minute.

Okay, here we go. We are in the game. Jess, let's check it out. I think now it's you can see clear more of the screen. I wouldn't have to do this if the mini is not decreasing.

The screen brightness and just I wouldn't have to do that. I would clearly show you with the studio lights and everything I will be also doing comparison, so you just have to follow the fps in the top left corner. Why is it so quiet? I've got a bad feeling about this. Oh, my god, the phone is overheating. It's super hot ninjas.

Obviously I don't feel it right now, because I'm holding these joysticks uh, the fps drop just check this out the fps, by the way, I'm using game turbo mode of the uh mew. Let's see here, the GPU load and CPU load similar and just they're under 50, is still under 50 percent. Oh now, 60 percent of the GPU CPU is 40. It seems that the egg NSM is using here right now, the GPU power you can see here on the top corner, the frame it right. Now it's uh at better speed.

Now I wonder if there are any survivors, I don't see any difference. I would even say, but again I have to be very fair play right now with you guys, go use zombies. There you go, we are outside. Yes, I don't see any improvements. I would say that the GPU drivers, inside with the snapdragon 888 and this eight x1 core uh cluster uh altogether the GPU arena 660 lags of some probably like some GPUs, which were optimized or used with the against switch emulators.

So again, I switch them later. We'll have to right now, just basically take their team and work just similarly on this chip. Ninjas knew it because it has new GPU drivers. Remember that I did explain it here that the big difference, also the GPU drive, is not in just in the real world power that the clock speed is 3.0 4.0 of the CPU. No, no, that's not just that important.

Just also the GPU drivers in one way are very, very important in the gaming, especially in emulation scene in jazz, especially in the emulation world. Okay, now the frame it is better than this now the frame it is better than running outside. So maybe it does have some kind of cage or maybe cage rendering issue, because it takes some time to render maybe or to store the cage inside this coating of the emulator. I'm not that technical, but I just suspect. Maybe these are the two reasons why this uh map was lagging at the beginning right now.

It's much, much smoother check it out now, when we run around all this map, we say like that. We mapped this map, but it is running much, much smoother check it out here right now. This is very playable, though very playable. Indeed, the GPU right now it's around 68 percent CPU is still under or around 44 check it out. You can see myself on the top corner.

Let's go next game. So far, the temperature battery is 51 inches.51. Sorry, for that, let me just out of focus brain. Take it off 51 temperature that is so hyper. Okay.

Here we go Super Mario odyssey, ninja Super Mario odyssey with the snapdragon 888 uh. Let's check it out the performance again, I will be using this video to combine it in one single video I'll, be downloading my previous videos, uh off with the snapdragon 865 and a65 plus OnePlus 8, pro and rog3, and I will be doing this gaming comparison, so you guys can find all these videos at one single place so far. What I'm seeing here Super Mario odyssey is running very good, ninjas, very good here. That is crazy. How good this game is running right now.

I know if any CPU throttling is happening right now, the screen, the brightness. It is right now, I think at normal body drop now the frame it dropped. Let me just go again this area. It seemed that this area here is giving us more than 50 fps man. That is crazy.

This area over here, but as soon as we can bring back here, the whole circle, and we check the whole field check this out. Here it dropped now around 30 fps. There you go 30 fps, looking around this at the waterfall, see that waterfall up there yeah check this out check it out. If you look at it constantly- oh my god, the fps right now dropped at 30 FP 10 fps, and I'm circling around with the camera wow. That is a heavy game.

Bro, that's a heavy game. Did you notice that that's a heavy game bro? Now it's running around 20 fps 22 23. We're going all the way up, yeah the game anymore. I don't see. Let me just see here: will it run 50 fps anymore? No, it doesn't run 50, fps anymore, check this out.

CPU throttling is happening right now. Maybe CPU totaling is happening. Right now, especially also is overly demand.52. Okay, now we're back to 30 fps here very weird again, it's probably because there you go check this out and just maybe CPU throttling, maybe because the welcome told you the lack of the GPU drivers. This emulator was uh built on snapdragon 865 and obviously the best optimization is for that chip, even if you have five in the future.

If you came back came from the future and that's not possible with this- I don't know: snapdragon 2000 uh, unfortunately distinctly with that power, probably because of the lack of the GPU drivers which they used and since they didn't optimize it for new chipsets uh check this out right now check this out. This is crazy. This uh, the old previous snapdragon 865, couldn't get this performance at this area. They couldn't get that performance. I get 55 in the middle of that air and in jazz check this out here, 50 fps here it's running super smooth bro, but then it drops back.

It drops check this out and let's go with the next game. Okay, just diablo 3 right now, with the snapdragon 888 check it out here the performance. Let me just go inside the enemies. It's empty area. Space area is running 60 fps, that's a great performance! Let me just enable here the GPU load, obviously, because I restarted the agonizing switch emulator uh.

Okay again just this is this. Am I don't remember if the OnePlus 8 pro had this kind of performance, but I will do like? I told you I need to do a comparison. I need to add my one plus standard a65 and 865 plus videos for all of you guys to see in one place, so you don't have to visit my different videos. There you go. The fps dropped check this out, throttling two reasons: throttling or lack of the optimization lack of the GPU drivers which they used.

These are the two reasons which I can tell you right now. Obviously, when I say throttling uh all together, I'm adding the overheating here. What you notice that the mini itself uh it right now limited the performance of the Xiaomi 11 in many ways, but just one reason: you saw that the screen brightness went down. Sorry yeah man, wow, shame such a power here we will see him just we'll see, what's going to happen in the future, with the update right now here, even in dungeon is not running. Okay, dungeon should be running right now, 60fps easily.

The like. I'm telling you here right now, uh some uh bad optimizations are happening here with the Xiaomi 11 in the again switch emulator. The battery temperature is still 52, so it's so far it didn't go higher than that and just it didn't go higher than that.40 fps 50, fps, okay, we are back at 60fps and just check this out. I don't know how to explain this: okay enemies, let's see what enemies still 60 fps here. I don't know how to explain this.

Sorry for that- and just I told you two reasons: CP tutoring overheating and uh agonist. Switching later uh, this uh update old update was used only for snapdragon 865 and building up on developing it. So just these are my kind of opinions. Conclusions still 60fps check this out still recharging. Okay, we are on the cathedral now down in the basement.

Finger cool like that on the ground, still 60 fps dropped. The frame has dropped now lack of demonization for sure. For sure. Oh, my god, that's a very bad lag here this. I never saw this kind of lag on a previous flagship phones as well: very bad lag.

It was under 18, fps, bro, okay, follow us. I think this is it ninjas regarding the against swatch uh egg NS switch emulator. Like you see myself here, we get very high temperatures right now, physical than just imagine these physical temperatures here right now will show me 11. Super hot man super hot here, almost 50 degrees, physical temperature, 48 point something bro try this out battery temperature 52. That is nuts there you go back there check this out then just again here is the proof.

There is proof for you. Something is happening check it out. This is the best performance. So far that I saw snapdragon 88, it is the beast ninja. It is the fastest chip right now in the world in android, uh, smartphones, there's another reason to show you that uh 60fps it's running 60fps.

I couldn't get this in dungeon here with the previous flagships. I couldn't get this something is happening here, so Agnes, simulator developers, please update this and later test it get yourself something 8088 and check what kind of coding you need to do in order to optimize this emulator for this chip. Thank you for watching, subscribe, share like and just buy. All these products, with my links in description.

Source : TechUtopia

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