SHOULD YOU BUY IT!? Apple Watch Series 6 Long Term Review after 6 Months of use By CJ Unplugged

By CJ Unplugged
Aug 13, 2021
SHOULD YOU BUY IT!? Apple Watch Series 6 Long Term Review after 6 Months of use

Let's do it so you guys can see. Looking at me. Oh, look at this just unlike you just feel like haptic. Look at that. Oh, it says it. Oh, look at that.

What's up you guys today we're going to be taking a look at the Apple Watch Series 6 in a long term review now I've been using this thing since launch. I'm going to fill you guys in on durability, user experience updates as well as should you upgrade on my wrist right now we have the Apple Watch Series five as well as I have a series four: should you upgrade from a series 5, or should it be an older model like a series, 4 series, 3 and things like that? Maybe where the Apple Watch SE falls in line with the series 6. , let's talk about it, all my name is CJ. This is CJ unplug. I am your smartwatch guru.

I love smartwatches. So let's talk about it. First thing we're going to talk about is: should you upgrade if you have an Apple Watch Series 5. Now the series 6 introduced, like you know, features that you can't get on the series 5, but I wouldn't necessarily say unless those key features. Those few key features are like 100 like things that you need, or necessity, or something that you're into, or it's just like a dealbreaker or like an ideal thing for you, there's no real reason like.

I don't feel any different in me using this series six over this, while coming from the series. Five like I don't feel like, I have a different watch. If that makes sense, and that's the whole point usually for you to upgrade a piece of technology is to feel an enhancement. So a difference, these apple watches are so good that apple will have to throw a handful of features to separate it from its previous generation, and I'm talking year over year, if we're talking older devices like a series, 4 a series 3. Now we're talking about.

Yes, you should upgrade 100, because you're going to get those things that weren't available on those models but are available on the series 5. So like always on display is a series 5 feature and things like that. So honestly, real talk, you might want to jump to series 5 to this before the 6, but me when I talk about technology, especially if you're going to upgrade. I think a lot of times getting the latest thing just so you get longer support and longer updates over time. It's like an ideal situation, but then apple also introduced this here Apple Watch SE, which is an ideal entry level, smartwatch, so it gets real complicated.

It all comes down to what you want, what you need, and what are you looking for? But if you want the whole kit in auto, the series six is a beautiful smartwatch. It's like the top smartwatch on the market. It's no longer debatable as to what's the better smartwatch when it comes to a person that owns an iPhone a great contender. One of my favorites is the Samsung Galaxy watch three love this smartwatch. It looks better to me personally, has more of a traditional watch feel and, if I'm wearing it with certain attire, this compliments me better.

The Apple Watch is just one of those things where it's like. Oh, that is an Apple Watch and that's the whole point of it. This is like a marketing piece. Nevertheless, using this on with your iPhone in comparison to the Apple Watch, there's so much more, you get out of an Apple Watch on an iPhone as opposed to trying to connect like a Samsung watch to an iPhone. I would typically only use the galaxy watch when, like I really wanted that, and I didn't need the other extra in the whole kit and caboodle that I get in the Apple Watch now the Apple Watch.

Se is an ideal. If your budget is a thing, this is a watch, you can look into getting and since it's a newer release, it should have a long jelly similar to like the Apple Watch Series 6 because they came out at the same time. So you don't have to worry about. Oh, I'm spending less they're not going to support it as long uh, typically you'll see a lot of apple products, get that long-term support and updates all right. So nevertheless, should you upgrade from series 5, it's not really necessary unless you just 100 need those little extra tidbits that aren't available on the series 5.

Now, if you're on a series, 4 series, 3 territory, 100 the series 6 is a goal, go ahead and get if it's the latest hotness and the words of my boy floss, and it's a really great watch. They also gave you these new color options. Now I will say this: the new color options are dope they're cool, but I after a while like in some instances, I wish my watch wasn't red, and I wish I had just a black one or more like low-key one, but in other instances I love the fact that my watch is red. I've been using this Apple Watch Series six over these last six plus months. The first thing we're gonna talk about.

Let's talk about the dislikes the things that I dislike about owning this Apple Watch um, the first to me personally is design. Now I like it, I don't hate it, but I believe that there could be better, I feel like they can be traditional. I feel like there can be a more watch style design, but one thing we know with apple: is they want that once you see their product, you know it's their product, they don't want you to have to ask what watch that is they want you to see it, and you know it's. An Apple Watch and Apple Watch. Does that, so it's hard for me to encourage apple, to want to go with something traditional like this, because with a Samsung watch, people have to ask me what watch is that they never have to ask me that with Apple Watch, unless you're going to ask me what series watches at or something like that, if you into it that deep, but I would like apple to play with the design of something similar to this, but I mean that's wishful thinking.

Another thing I'm not the biggest fan of which let me bring this back into the picture battery life. Now I get it, let's be real everyone's charging, their smartwatch every night. You build the habit, it's not as bad, but a watch like this I could skip or if I forget, I can still get along well with the Apple Watch. If I forget, I need to charge it instantly, but it does charge fast. You know its tip for tap, but I wish it had a longer better battery life.

I think we've been asking for that out of the Apple Watch for years now I don't know if we'll ever get it, but the uh battery life is sub part of me another dislike. I have towards the Apple Watch, and it sucks because I keep bringing in the competitor but the lack of customization on this watch. If you guys I'll put some b-roll up, I have Rolex brain two-door. I can get all these really dope custom watches. Now I just found out about a new uh app for the Apple Watch.

That gives you some of that custom ability like they have conformed, like Rolex style, faces to this square design. But if I'm going to be honest, I like the fact that you know all of those watches were built on a circular platform and conform them to the square. I mean you're getting there, but it just doesn't it's just it's awkward, so the uh custom watch faces or the lack of custom ability and watch faces- that's another dislike for me with the Apple Watch, but I mean I love the complication watch face. I can't even lie like the fact that I look at my watch. Furthermore, I can see the weather today.

Furthermore, I can see what it's going to be over the next handful of hours. Furthermore, I get to see my battery power. Furthermore, I can control my music. Furthermore, I got my high and low of today uh. Furthermore, I got my exercise time date, so much information in one stop, and I love that about the Apple Watch.

So as much as I brought up those little nitpicking dislikes what you get in an Apple Watch overall, I think it outweighs the negatives so after six months, how is this smartwatch? Durability, wise? Let's take an up close, look, let's see if we get it to focus in. I don't baby this thing. I wear it. Furthermore, I've banged it. Furthermore, I've hit it, and you know I mean I thought I nicked it, but I think that was on my Apple Watch Series 5, which I think I don't know if you can really see it, there's like a small nick right there.

So the sixth, though same, wear same kind of tear and all that I haven't banged it, but I will say this for my people who work in more rigorous work days and more physical and stuff, I would get some type of protection for it. Uh there are things like these from rhino shield, these little bumper cases where you can, you get a lip so that way, if you hit you're not hitting directly on glass unless it's like a pointed object, obviously, but then around the edges and so forth. So, if you're in a more uh work, intensive environment like this rhino shield, protectors are super dope I'll have a link for them in the description, but like I've been wearing this thing naked uh, even with my smartphones, I'm starting to get more into just like using them without cases I go back and forth, though typically in the past, with my smartwatches, I would just cover them and baby them, but I'm no longer like that, but I will say this durability wise. This thing is just kept up with me. Just fine, no issues- and this is just an aluminum uh version- uh, nothing special.

I don't have titanium or stainless steel and so forth. This is just a more cost-effective Apple Watch, and I'm doing just fine, because the reason why I like to go with this is because this is probably like the typical that everyone's going to use also when I'm upgrading every year. This is more cost effect efficient, as opposed to me just grabbing stainless steel out to stainless steel or titanium, or things like that, which eventually I might get to, because I like stainless steel, and I kind of like the weight and the feel it's just. You know with this design, it's like. Ah now, let's talk about performance when it comes to Apple Watch performance.

Is there it's nonetheless 100 effective superfast there's, never a lack hold on. Let me uh unlock this thing, so you guys can see. There's rarely lack. This thing is booming. These are all the open, apps already and uh like if I were to go, and I'm looking for an app to get to and I need to get in their like I hit it, it's oh wait hit it.

It's instantly open. You see how fast that is, there's no lack or slack when it comes to Apple Watch. This is the best companion for your iPhone. I will say that, because it's so intuitive how it interacts with the Apple ecosystem. I'll speak a little more about that, but performance wise.

This thing is snappy as fast as ever you got a beautiful display. AMOLED super Chris super clear, like you're, going to enjoy your experience with the Apple Watch. I just wish it looked different, sometimes, but all in all like great product, uh apple. Did it really well, and it's hard for them to improve. That's why it's hard to upgrade year after year and really feel a difference, because it's such a well-rounded smartwatch, that's the best description I can give to an Apple Watch.

I was going to talk about battery next, but I kind of already mentioned that in my dislike battery performance, it is what you expect out of an Apple Watch. You charge it up. You get through your day, and you charge it at night. Furthermore, you wake up you get through your day. Furthermore, you charge it again.

That's the typical pattern. You're going to develop with an Apple Watch. Now one thing I have switched. I will say this: here's a tip for battery life, not just for those of you. I've turned off my always on display, and I've lowered like the brightness.

Furthermore, I got it to an ideal. Brightness, if I need to change it, I can raise it, but by me turning always off on display I'm getting so much more battery life. Now one thing, I'm not afraid to say I always love on display- and I was one of the biggest selling points for the series five for me and going into the series 6, but it kills the battery a lot. I got accustomed to always on displays and spoilage from a big battery and a different platform that offered it and if you know, turn always off on display uh, don't turn up the brightness any more than you need, and you get even more battery performance out of your Apple Watch Series 6 or series 5. As you can see, I always got on display on my series 5, because that's how I left it when I went, and I switched to the series 6 but uh yeah- I've since changed my series 6 to not having it now.

The next thing I want to talk about is user experience. This is where you find out why people like the Apple Watch, why it's the number one selling? What can you expect over these last six months, it's been tried and true, it's been effective. It's been very efficient for me. Here's the thing, like apple watches, fit into the Apple ecosystem. If you subject yourself this to the people who choose to grab like an Apple computer, the iPad, that's when you really see a lot of great features and the extension of the ecosystem.

Now, when I go to my computer, and it's locked literally, this Apple Watch will unlock my computer. I don't have to worry about re-entering my password. That's convenience! That's time! Yes, it's just a handful of seconds, but at the end of the day, it's just walking into my computer waking it from being asleep and having it log in instantly love it now. The Apple Watch is also coming in super clutch for unlocking your smartphone while having a mask on turn this off. Let's see put it up to my face, swipe up to unlock, I felt the haptic.

It worked. Okay, let's do it, so you guys can see. Looking at me, oh look at it. It's just unlocked. You just feel like haptic.

Look at that, oh it says it. Oh, look at that. Oh, it feels as if you have face ID in normal look at it boom. It's so fast. This was just sent out brand-new update, and now you can unlock your iPhone while wearing a mask if you're, using an Apple Watch- and you have it connected like that is ideal, and it makes sense because that's also given security, you have to activate this.

Let me just be clear: I turned it on for my computer so that my computer will allow me to unlock via my Apple Watch. Um. All of these things once you put your Apple ID on it apple knows it's you, and it's your device. You have the option to say that hey, I'm wearing my Apple Watch. I want the ability to unlock my iPhone while wearing a mask super convenient super ideal and that's a big part of the proponent of why these apple watches are well-rounded, why they offer convenience they're great for fitness, tracking, they're, great for encouragement and fitness they're great for completing your ecosystem, they're great for responding to text messages, they're great for answering phone calls great all-around, smartwatches, so the Apple Watch Series six has been nothing but that and a little some something on top.

You know a little bit of something, but not like a ton of a difference from say the series five. So if you got a series five, and you love it, keep it just wait for the seven or eight you know where the next one is coming this year. If you are just now shopping- and you know you're more budget, you don't want to spend so much, but you want to see what the Apple Watch experience is like. This is the lighter less horsepower, not so saucy, but yet will give you an Apple Watch experience. This is the Apple Watch SC, it's an option to go to link in description below, but if you want the whole kitten caboodle, the whole ideal Apple Watch experience that apple intended for you to have all the um.

You know health features and so forth. You get the Apple Watch Series 6, and you will be satisfied pair it with the iPhone 12 12 mini 10 11. Whatever iPhone you using that's another great thing about the ecosystem. It does not discriminate whatever piece of iPhone you're using SE 11 like I'm currently using an iPhone 10 as my second phone to my 12 in 2021, and I'm going to make a video about that, because to see how apple's phones are aging hold on one. Second, let me show you just to show you I'm not capping.

You can see, there's a sim card in here and everything, so I'm using this as my current business line. So I did this to see if the experience lives up to current standards, I have an iPhone 10s max. I could have gone there. I have an iPhone 11 Pro. I could have used that one, but I wanted to use the 10 strategically so stay tuned for that video and also, if you're, looking for an Apple Watch.

My name is CJ. I'm your smartwatch guru, I just gave you the scoop, make a choice any day could have been it high school prices on my head, paranoid lying in my bed, pretty goddamn, turbo short cherry. I was lost, didn't know me six months with the dopey drama.

Source : CJ Unplugged

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