Secret Codes for SAMSUNG Galaxy A50 - Advanced SAMSUNG Modes By HardReset.Info

By HardReset.Info
Aug 22, 2021
Secret Codes for SAMSUNG Galaxy A50 - Advanced SAMSUNG Modes

Samsung Galaxy 850 and doesn't show you all the secret codes for the following device. So at first you have to open the phone dealer, and now we will start with a very quick, very short code, but very useful one. It's as to expound of 6-pound and as you can see here, we've got the email numbers and also serial number for your Samsung Galaxy a 50. So you can pretty quickly find this information. It is by tapping for this lock code, and then you can provide someone with your. You mean umber or if you'd like, to check some information you can use it.

Then let's go to the second coat. It's Aster ix pound one, two, three four pounds and here you've got the female version of your device, and you can check it whenever you need to. Let's go to the second code for a female version, but a bit advanced one so just enter as to expand to six three pound, and it's also the code for a female version checking. But, as you can see, those and whole are way more advanced. You can also refresh your Wi-Fi in version here.

I will not do it now because it will reboot the whole Samsung. You can also check some other end from Bluetooth version and all the other modules. So let's go back, and now we will go to the test mode. So, let's enter as to expound o as to expand, and now we are in test not as you can see, you can check several features here, for example, from camera touch mega, come green red and all the other. So let me pick, for example, vibration and, as you can hear, as I can see it's working correctly, then they check the speaker.

It's also the healthy working correctly. So if you have any issues with some tools in your device, you can check it by tapping over here. You can check them, and you will see if any issues are caused by your device or maybe just by some applications and let's go to the service mode. So the cult disaster expand two six, eight three, six, six, two and part at the end, and now we are in service mode. You can use those keys to check some information.

You can go back. Furthermore, you can key input again select those options we can check like, for example. Let me pick this one, and here you've got all the Wi-Fi information. You can also run and Pinter's here. Here is the solution, as you can see this one passed.

So let's go back and finally, let's go to the last code, which is what will show us all the USB settings, and it's a strip bound, Oh 808 count and, as you can see here, you've got the USB settings, so you can connect us with, for example, ADB, Diem, MTP and all the others. You can also reboot and obviously the pinata wants. Some option is selected, but I will not those for now, but you can do it whenever you need to whenever you need to check some USB settings or just set it up in some particular way and actually have one more cult which will show us the battery. It's a sweet spot, Oh 2 to 8 count, and here you can check the battery status, the current value average value and all the others over here. So that's it.

These articles for your super Samsung Galaxy 850. You can use them whenever you need to you, can test your device. You can check some advanced information and also this obvious one. Thank you for watching. Please save our channel and leave the thumbs up.

Source : HardReset.Info

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