Samsung Galaxy S21 vs iPhone 11 Pro Max By SpeedTest G

By SpeedTest G
Aug 13, 2021
Samsung Galaxy S21 vs iPhone 11 Pro Max

It has been said that apple's processors are two generations ahead of the competition. Well, let's test that theory by taking the galaxy s21 with the snapdragon 888 and comparing it to the iPhone 11 Pro max with the Apple A13 bionic, which one do you think is going to win. Well, let's find out. So we have the galaxy s21. That's the vanilla s21 on the left hand, side with the snapdragon 888, and we have the iPhone 11 Pro max with the Apple A13 bionic. On the right hand, side we are going through speed, test g and I can see already that the snapdragon 888 is in the lead.

It's the first into the compression test. Now the right-hand side has gone into the compression test, and this, of course is testing the CPU and the internal storage that zips things up and then unzips them and zips things up and unzips them, and we're now into the 16 thread test. Interestingly, of course, the snapdragon 888 is an outscore processor, 16 footage on the right-hand side, that is a hex core processor and who's going to get there first. Yes, it's definitely the 1788 as it goes into the blur. This was the beginning of the mixed CPU GPU.

Part of this test coming up in a moment will be the smoke particle test when we get a real look at the 2d graphics. When we get the frame rate here, it comes now on the left hand, side. What's the graphics going to be on the left frame rate, 34 33 frames a second on the right-hand side. What are we going to see? 32 31 so not much in it, not much in it, but a slight lead by the subject and 88, as it goes now into the test. It's flying through that test.

It's already coming down to the water. Clearly, it's going to win, but by what margin? That really is the question there. We go one minute, 8.7 and now the iPhone 11 Pro max one minute: 12.5, okay, spray down the scores and see exactly what happened so as we saw the galaxy s21 one with one minute, 8.7 and then 3.8 seconds later came in the iPhone 11 Pro max with one minute 12.5. What happened? CPU 34.9 versus 38, that's a win of 3.1 seconds for the galaxy s21. When we get to the mix, CPU GPU, similar story, we saw that higher frame rate there in the smoke particle test, 18.1 versus 20.5, a difference of 2.4 seconds. However, surprisingly, when you get into the GPU 15.5 versus 14, so obviously difference of 1.5 seconds there in the favor of the iPhone 11 Pro max, however, not enough to claw back the lead. So, overall the galaxy s, 21 was the winner one minute 8.7, my name is Gary sims. This is speediest g.

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Source : SpeedTest G

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