Samsung Galaxy S21 - How to Take Care of Battery By HardReset.Info

By HardReset.Info
Aug 14, 2021
Samsung Galaxy S21 - How to Take Care of Battery

Welcome, if you want to take care of your battery in Samsung, galaxy 21 and just extend the battery lifespan at the first, you have to go for the settings. Then you have to find battery and device car right now we have to go for the battery and then simply scroll down until you find more water settings. When you are here, you have to go at the bottom, and we have to turn off fast. Wireless charging superfast charging and normal fast charging, and there are good habits. So if you don't have to use the fast charging when you are in the home, and you can slow charging your phone, it will be much better to your battery lifespan yeah. We are going to extend that battery life lifespan because the fast charging and the superfast charging.

It is not good habit for the battery it will drain. You know the battery life span will be shorter for every time that you use the fast charging, and it will be perfect. Also, if you don't charge the phone to 100, the bar, the best option is to get it between the 80 or 90 percent and the same uh. If you don't get to go for like zero percent on 10 percent, the best option for smartphone is to be between the 20 and the 80 or 90 percent. So that's how you can extend the battery life span of your Samsung Galaxy s21.

Thank you guys for watching leave, thumbs up comments and subscribe to our channel, see ya.

Source : HardReset.Info

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