Samsung Galaxy Note 9: Camera App Settings By Ace Lucero Tech

By Ace Lucero Tech
Aug 21, 2021
Samsung Galaxy Note 9: Camera App Settings

Shoot, my Barnard glove ?, mom, ?, hey, what's happening, I'm back with another video, and today we're gonna, be talking about some camera settings in your Samsung Galaxy. Note: 9! Let's jump into this now a lot of people when they get a device they just like to be able to take it out of the box, open the camera app in point and shoot. Now you can do that with your Samsung Galaxy Note 9. Ok, that's where it said it right out of the box. You open the camera app, and you go right to auto. Ok, but I'm going to show you a few different things: ok! Well, you can do one of the first things you can do go into your camera settings alright and come down here, and you have something called the floating camera button.

I want to be honest with you I, oh really, didn't know it was there until yeah anyway. So what that do you come over here and you and I know a lot of people are like. Why do I need another button to take a photo? Well, here's the deal now a lot of people when they are out taking pictures they'll do this watch, don't press it out, and then they'll do that sliding motion right there. Let's put this right here now say: you're trying to get that perfect, shot, say you're, one of those people you're crazy. You just want to get a good shot, see what I did there.

You didn't have to do this. Ok, you were able to just have more control over the shot you're going to take that's what that floating button does alright. So, let's get on to the next thing there, and I said: I was I, didn't even know that existed alright and if you want to get rid of it, pretty, pretty basic like with every other Samsung setting. You just come over here, and you turn it off now. Let's come back down here, let's come over here to we're going to adjust something here: we're going to adjust when we kind of adjust, I, think I, probably just went right by it edit camera modes now we're gonna.

Do the rear camera now I always get that confused, because I think the back of the camera is the back that to me this is the back of the phone. Where my hand is back here, no, they call this the rear. Ok, this is the front. This is the Great alright. So anyway, this jump into it.

So here's all these different modes right, you see the mode you can check, or you can check off like, for example, life focus. If you don't use that you can get rid of it now you can do food mode. If you know one of those people that you know likes to take photos of your food and put it on Instagram, that's terrific! You can do all that. Ok, now, let's come down here, I want to show you all something real quick. Now you have the ability in the option to do this.

You can move them around, depending on which is more important to you. Alright. So for me, I'm really curious about the camera I like using all aspects of the camera, so I leave it where if I've, even right where it is the only thing I might switch around is put the pro mode right here. Ok, anyway, I'm not going to get into all that, but you see what I'm saying right now you can do that alright, so let's get, and you can do the same thing with a front camera as well for the front camera. You have a little cheese, yet front camera this, the selfie camera.

You have a little less options, but a's so cool. It takes great photos. So one other thing that I want to show you all that is turned off. Ok, now, let's come over here. Do that motion photo right there, which is important your face, shape, correction, that's alright! It will catch.

You know that you know say you're. The photo was not right. It'll give you a notification. It'll alert you to be like hey, you know this photo sucks clean it up. That's a little! Do you let your shutter sound! You can leave that on that way, you can get the whole photo taking experience, I prefer to keep it off and though I'm not being like one of those creepy dudes I, just keep it turned off, and I'll tell you guys, and I'll show you guys why, later in another video, why I keep that turned off? Ok, so come over here, the voice control.

This is a cool one. To have right now, not right now, I want to show you all in another video. What why how voice control can come in really handy, because you might not always have your hands. Ok, so there you go anyway, all right. Let's come back over here, I wanted to show you something else.

So, let's slide and by the way I see a lot of people coming up here, and they slide through their camera modes. Like that, you don't have to do that. You can slide right here. It gives you the option to do that now. There's another uh, there's another whoa, there's another mode and another feature on this phone called slow motion.

I know everyone knows about super slow. Nobody talks about slow motion, it's right here, all right there. It is now. If you look right there, you see a Settings button. Now what you can do, press that Settings button, and it'll give you options of the PC can do inside that Settings button inside that settings menu for that for the mode that you're in so in slow motion.

I have the quick launch you can, I can quickly launch the slow motion if I like I can do location tags all that stuff to face the face correction? All these things are available to you by the way turn your HDR on not Auto turn it on that way. It doesn't turn off on you, okay, that's just something that I do and all right also select how you want to record super super super slow motion, video, so you got multi tape, and you've got a single tape all right. The best thing you can do is play around with it before you go out and actually take very important photos and videos. I recommend that you actually stay inside your house and practice indoors, or you know just on some. You know on some non time and learn how to use that camera.

So that way, when you are out and about you, don't get all caught up and twist it up, and you know screw yourself up. Okay, now super slow motion, alright, so same thing with super slow motion right there. You also have a setting they're all there on all the different modes that Settings icon- okay, so we'll come over here, gives you the same options: super slo-mo multi take single take a single day. Let me see here the video size FHD. These are your options for a super slo-mo that you can do alright and also on the side of here.

You can edit your camera modes from inside that one as well. So some of these menus are a lot of like so when were anyway a little different from others. So there you go so that's one thing: I do recommend that people do. Are they uh? You know what I might do. I might actually leave that auto right there in the middle.

That's seen what I mean people do this inside the house that way, whenever you're out and about you, don't get tripped up now. Imagine if I'd have been somewhere trying to take an important photo and I don't go and did that I'd have been like. What am I doing? What am I doing? Nope I'm not going to do that I'm, putting it right there because guess what on these, do it being there in the first place so BAM there I am okay, you can press the pro feet to power key twice to launch the camera, all right and some other basic settings. You should get into that. A lot of people.

Don't is this video size? Okay, comes out of the box right here on 1920 by 1080. If HD I recorded video on with this device on all these different ones, they work amazing. The focus is good. The camera is a great camera. There's lots of videos.

There's lots of videos out there, showing the great video keep on taking capability of this phone, so you're good to go right there for these YouTube videos, I do them in 720. You know because I'm like I'm right here, so it's not a big deal and yeah. So there you go I mean there's a lot of things. There's just a lot more settings baked in to this camera app and that's the beauty of it. I know there's a lot of people that they want to do.

Point-And-Shoot comparisons with this camera- and you know it's kind of not fair to the device itself, because look over here I mean you've got even G is okay. You have more point-and-shoot, you have more options than point-and-shoot. Okay, then I spent you let your pro mode right. There come on I, don't know if you up I see that there in the video. Let me darken this up a little.

If I can yeah your little your mode, your ISO, your aperture, your white balance, all that stuff, autofocus you let all these things there, so it almost does a disservice to your Samsung camera to not use it to its potential. Okay, they're not used all of its capabilities that it can do all right. This is just more than a one-trick pony. You know like with the like with you: you know certain phones, you know they're, just they're point-and-shoot, there's no promo, there's none of that. You know this device here.

I recommend that all of you get puts the word get very familiar with your settings. Okay in your camera, but I just wanted to show you all the couple cool things, but the most importantly, the slow motion, and it's not just super slow. You have slow motion with the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 I thought it'd be important to bring that up all right, so that's going to be for this. Video I want to make some more camera. Videos as well.

I want to go a little more in depth with how to use some of these different modes, but for now I just wanted to break down some of these settings. So yeah, that's one of me for this video I! Don't want it to go on for like 10 hours, all right catch you in the next one.

Source : Ace Lucero Tech

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