Samsung Galaxy A71 - Complete Camera Test! By TechReason

By TechReason
Aug 15, 2021
Samsung Galaxy A71 - Complete Camera Test!

Hey guys, what's up, I am back with a brand-new video, and it's time to do a camera test of the Samsung Galaxy. A 71 and a 71 comes with the quad cameras on the back. Ask as you can see, and this one is costing around four hundred and forty dollars. So in this video I'm going to show you, how is the camera performance of the Samsung Galaxy ace mt1 on the back? We have a quad camera on the back and the main sensor on the back is a 64, my picture with f1 pad a temperature, and then we have a 12-episode Renoir def to point to a picture. Then we have a five map, excels depth sensor, and also we have a new 5 meh pixel macaronis, which you don't see on the Samsung Galaxy, a 70, and also we have this flash on the front. We have a 32, meh, pixel front camera in this infinity or display, and the front camera is a Teddy Tomb picture with a 2.0 aperture. So now, let's show you the camera samples as well as a video recording.

You get a better idea. Recording the camera performance of the Samsung Galaxy, a 71, you, okay, guys- and this is a 4k video recording of the Samsung Galaxy, a 71 in the back camera. This one is only support 4k with it's a difference per second video recording option and now less running, and let's see how the videos looks, and I am just holding my phone with my hand and Casey, and the weather is so beautiful. It is raining in the sunlight. As you can see, the sound of the clouds here is the skin tone and gas.

Now, let's see the autofocus speed in the 4k mode, and you can see our focus. Speed is also perfect on the SD one, and again it is raining. This one is not IP 68 water, and just this sense, the weather is so good right now and god. This is a full HD DVD recording with the 30 frames per second of the Samsung Galaxy a 71 with the back camera. This one does not support full HD with the 60 frames per second, so now, I'm gonna, just running seems likely video quality.

It is lady big better than before, and here is the other. A production of the Samsung Galaxy is 71, and you can see- and you guys are judge of the microphone quality as well right now, I'd out enable the super study mode in this phone, which is a very useful feature and guys now I enable the super study mode. As you can see, we have little wide area in the video recording option. Simply active video recording is little soft, but it is in full HD with the 30 frames per second. The autofocus is not available in the super study mode and also the video stabilization is perfect in this mall, but the video actual quality.

It is not good. This lead to be soft as case you can see, and also again it is raining you, okay guys, and this is the 4k video recording of the Samsung Galaxy s empty one with the front camera. The front camera is a 22, my picture with a 2.0 aperture, and now, let's little running and let's see how the videos looks so here is the color reproduction. If the sky, you guys, are the judge of the video quality, my opinion looks very good because the front camera also shoot 4k, which is a perfect feature, and, and now this is a really difficult situation and the Sun is behind me like the HDR- is work good dad. This is a full Akira, be recording of the Samsung Galaxy, a 71, my different camera.

So now, let's little running and let's see how the video quality is improved or not compared to the 4k mode. So now let's run Inc and you guys are. The judge of the video quality in my opinion, looks smoother you, you, okay guys, and this is a 4k video recording of the Samsung Galaxy a 71 in night, and this is not full HD and you guys are the judge of the video quality. It is I, think really, really good. So now, let's little walking around and let's see how the video is looks, and it is so much dark right there and let me know you like it: the video quality of the same single XD, a 71 in night I, have to say it is really, really good.

The guys- and this is a full HD DVD recording of the Samsung Galaxy a 71 in night. So now, lets walking like before, and I am just holding my phone with my hand, you can see. The camera is, does not focus very fast and the video quality is also good in Full HD and that this is the ultra-wide video recording of the Samsung Galaxy, a 71 in Full HD, because, while the fall, it is on full HD in KC- and this is the ultra-wide of the Samsung Galaxy a 71. We have to point to a picture, not the widest aperture. You can see, and you guys a judge of the video quality.

So now, let's little walking, let's see how the videos looks in the ultra-wide okay guys- and this is a 4k video recording of the Samsung Galaxy, a 71 with the front camera in night, and now that's a little walking little fast and let's see how the videos looks in night, and you guys are the judge of the video quality and taking so much for watching this. The camera test of the Samsung Galaxy s, empty van I, gotta, say I, really like the camera performance of the Samsung Galaxy a 71. This won't give you a very good pictures, as well as a video recording in daylight, as well as in night, because we have a night mode which work very good in the normal, as well as ultraviolet and subscribe to my channel for future content. And let me know what you guys think about this new Samsung Galaxy is empty one. You like the camera, you like the battery life, if you like to display.

Let me know in the comment section below, and I will see you guys in my next video peace out.

Source : TechReason

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