Samsung Galaxy A7 2018 Vs Galaxy A8 2018 Speed Test By Tech1Tv

By Tech1Tv
Aug 21, 2021
Samsung Galaxy A7 2018 Vs Galaxy A8 2018 Speed Test

Hey, what's up guys, this is a spit test for the Galaxy S7 2018 versus the galaxy a8 2018, which one is the fastest. Let's find out, I'm gonna start with the phone tile up like song. Okay, next is the message up. Okay, next is the Google Play Store all right next up driver? Okay! Next is the gallery up? Alright? Next, let's go to the camera. Alright, next settings: okay, now, let's go ahead and check out some Samsung apps. Let's go to the galaxy up! Alright! Next, let's check out the calendar up: okay, next up it's the email up.

Alright! Next, let's check out the clock up. Okay, now, let's check out some social media, let's go to Twitter, just like so alright. Next, let's go to Snapchat. Here we go okay! Next, let's go to! Let's see that's about it for social media. Now, let's go to the Cougar folder, let's check out the cocoa photos.

Here we go alright. Now, let's check out Google+. Okay, now, let's go to YouTube like so now, let's go to trainings subscription and box oops I miss it like well, alright. Now, let's go to google play music; alright. Now, let's go and check out some games to see who's the fastest, so the first game we're going to try to load is pop G mobile.

Here we go, and we will see who can load pop G mobile faster. Will it be the seven or the 8 2018? Let's see who can note that game up faster guys? Let's go, let's see if it's going to be the seven or the 8. Actually the galaxy by like half a second, so no big deal, let's go to another game. The next game will be unskilled. Here we go okay, so the galaxy it won this test.

Oh, why? So, let's go back. Let's go back to the home screen. Note some more games. Okay, let's go back. The next game we go to load will be website, GP ? like so, and the galaxy it won.

So let's go back again, let's check out the racing 3 here we go and as you can see, both phones are loading. The game who will be the fastest that looks like it's gonna, be a tie now really show the eyes. Is this a tie or not up in the Galaxy S7 won by like half a second right drop me a comment below to let me know who won this test. So let's go back to the home screen, let's load another game, let's go with tempo one two here we go downloading content 10.1 to fourth and four fours like Festival all right, so who cannot come out on top in distress, let's see, and this one was attached. So there you have a guy drop me.

A comment below give me a thumbs up, and I'm out peace.

Source : Tech1Tv

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