Samsung Galaxy A52 Gaming Test! (PUBG, COD MOBILE & Fortnite) 6GB/128GB By Matthews Tech

By Matthews Tech
Aug 14, 2021
Samsung Galaxy A52 Gaming Test! (PUBG, COD MOBILE & Fortnite) 6GB/128GB

What's up guys we're back with another gaming test. We got the a52 here and this is Jesse standard model um. It is the 128 gig six gigs of round version, snapdragon 720 g, so you can see we're on Fortnite right now. First, game, we're playing I'm on medium and show fps. I've been gaming on here, and the experience has been pretty good. Now, of course, with Fortnite.

You will notice a little of like jitters and stuff like that, but the game is definitely playable. It has the default settings were um like 3d resolution was like halfway, but to me this is definitely playable and again, if you turn that 3d resolution down, but you can see that that little jitters right there and if you look at the fps, we're averaging around 30 fps but, like I said we get those occasional frame drops, so you might have to lower the 3d resolution down um. If you want to get the best performance out of this phone, definitely is playable beautiful stereo speakers on this phone as well as you guys, can see those fps drops but, like I said it is playable, the phone does get a little warm but right to the next portal it turns down, it does get a little warm, but it's not oh wow. It's not uncomfortable to the touch or anything like that. But, like I said, if you turn 3d resolution down, if Fortnite is the game that you like to play like, I said, I'm not a huge mobile gamer but like this is definitely it's a little more playable, but you still get those occasional stutters.

So it's kind of playable Fortnite is kind of playable on this phone all right. So next Call of Duty mobile runs really great. On this phone. You can see we're on very high. We can go to max frame rates as well, and it looks beautiful and remember this phone does have a 90 hertz display, so you will be able to.

You will be able to um play games that are compatible with that, and it will look really smooth, ah dang, now the phone. It does get a little warm when you're gaming, but it's definitely not um uncomfortable to the touch. It's too. The speakers on here are really great as well. You do have stereo speakers I'll go ahead and max guys.

I go down all right. So what are your settings on pub g here? HD and that's it HD and high frame rates, so no HDR, that's pretty much it PUBG. I haven't had a problem with this phone um. You know at these settings it plays fine, I usually don't get any fps drops or anything like that, and the phone is still staying relatively warm. It only gets warm around like this part right here, so it's playing pub g fine.

So you know the real challenge with this phone with gaming is obviously a fortnight that game you might have to just play on low or turn 3d resolution um down a lot, but as far as PUBG and Call of Duty mobile, these are, you know, definitely playable games. I'm not seeing any fps drops or anything like that. So that's pretty much it guys thanks for watching, and I'll catch. You guys in the next video you.

Source : Matthews Tech

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