Samsung Galaxy A30 Game Test |Philippines| By The j Vlog Stories

By The j Vlog Stories
Aug 21, 2021
Samsung Galaxy A30 Game Test |Philippines|

Hello guys welcome to my channel energy flux, not essential to this video. He games as nothing's on Samsung Galaxy a 30 so that I guy similar nothing Samsung, Galaxy, II 30ml on 4 gig gram at an internal storage in 64 gigabytes. So, oh s, out of the box, mention Android 9.0 Pi in the Marin 1ui, the chipset medicine Samsung Enos 7904 CPU magical outscore CPU number on max gigahertz at 1.8 gigahertz GPU Mirage on Mali g71, Sabarimala, gambit, rhenium Mirage on four thousand William. Our non-removable battery number on fast charge, Budapest Monica, a guy sitting on a peak on a long seconds. No co-op entrance is Samsung Galaxy, II 30, so similar, nothing in three two ones! So now open channel, 32 point 27 seconds along team Sunita test, nothing guys: mobile legends, Java, NBA, 2k, 19, comma Katina for GD Tahoe, abundant Malala opening up upstarting and nothing only long seconds will go up into MANA games to start ice above all ages. In three so 33 point 58 seconds the Robinson Mow bray legends and be totally 19 a month, I so start int 1.

So twenty-six point zero. Three seconds ago, friends and behave of in nineteen so, but I decided it was a mobile legend, so not start ice apart arena 29% there nothing only long per centum of Abbas about London on 10 minutes, 30 minutes long now, high graphics position, 10 minutes! Now guys we cannot think of a number three percent and above us, so 26 percent nylon battery. So 3 percent line above us guys lava 3 percent. So tell me: nice, Apple, aluminum of elegance Tito, Samsung Galaxy in 3d, so games aside, because the NBA 2k 19 play now so far guys are phenomenal, implement an experience, an equation made. You need a manometer or anything you're increasing gameplay.

Now in being too key 19 litres, Samsung Galaxy, II 30 so far. Well, on my own experience now, and it cups primary animation, smooth nominee, giving the tosser d30 play a volume and way to in 19 different ways, so Cassie traumatize, our mobile legends at the forum settings and the committee, nothing in the hot, so graffiti hi, not an HD display or nothing so even guys. HD display graphics and the gameplay starting to mobile is a Samsung Galaxy sitting and I think playable Russia. Now hi Sadie's. We are starting a fire, so young guys so far.

Valentine experiences at number 10 is Godfrey, Marie, probably not much as Muslim anemia in high settings, I own graphics, Nutramigen gameplay. So you engaging gameplay memorial agencies as a Samsung, Galaxy, II 30 so far under game festival, Anne of an experienced inflow or any club friendly, very smooth, you're implying a Depot height and a high graphics in settings. So you guys playable, see mobile legend status on Samsung Galaxy, a 30 in high graphics settings. So you nation team test code. It was a Samsung Galaxy.

A third if Fermi wish on my game test in the long term, is going to give over in a monetary system a new gameplay code on Laguna, Decca invite in nineteen major power-hungry Rajeev moon or in Amish are playable opposes a mobile agent. Playable shock I hit another high graphics ax in a long wallet. I make it as I said things neon high frame rate mode because of Samsung Galaxy, a 30 other thing: dementia who mean am I, saying this I'm a shadow, a minute, Have, Manila, Tojo and, of course, guidance about to be very soon eating. Battery Dona Paula, hey, bring a pen mini sonic guru, Nanak, full brightness, kappa, as for GD Topanga, dammit, no 3% land above us, hey I own as a battery or innovate, though I mean the long game. Nastiness Co playable shy, young NBA, 2k, 19 Chao mobile legends, so you guys don't put on top.

Oh, so hot in video want to go so deep in video, don't forget to Like share and also subscribe to my YouTube channel for more upcoming videos and like the Facebook ad block stories, video bikini, Nam, bell, icon for know Lakisha. Once again, this is Joe from the d-block Saudis and have a great day bye.

Source : The j Vlog Stories

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