Review: Apple Watch Sport 38mm Unboxing & Review by 10 Year Old Julian By SJ Gaming Boys - We Love Robots

By SJ Gaming Boys - We Love Robots
Aug 13, 2021
Review: Apple Watch Sport 38mm Unboxing & Review by 10 Year Old Julian

Hello everyone- this is Johanna. My dad today is an exciting day in my room. It's a special day. It's gonna. We got a package mail to us waiting so long, grab the package and show don't open again. Bob.

We got a package, pretty cool, so here's the deal he waited a year. His birthday was last August, and we skipped his birthday to wait for something that wasn't out yet that finally came out, and we decided we're gonna, wait. It's not just a birthday present, there's a little more gifts involved in it too, so it does go back an entire year missing a birthday gift for his tenth birthday, so show the box. We kind of just open up the bottom of the box already, but we haven't done anything yet just open the bad boy up, let's see what's inside it, that's cool spot. All right, open up this box and seal is inside.

There's another box just put that on the ground. Just drop it awesome. What do we get? We got a white box move up close. What is it an apple? What it is an eyewash. We got the watch, so we're going to open this up for the very first time go ahead.

We don't even know. What's inside yeah you're going to have to just use your fingers to move a pen, a room, I guess whatever we're going to open it up. I, don't want a pen here, all right, we're back. You had to do a little room and the pen you're getting up for the very first time, so I am so excited. I can't wait to wear this all right here.

We go. Let's hope it's a watch. Maybe something else now watch hi, so you're guessing what color you think you got what size you think you got here. We go open it up slowly. Here we go the unboxing very first time after you open up that box.

Let's see, what's inside all right cool, what's inside another box, yeah all right, let me take that box. Turn it upside down, want the whole thing, all right cool. Let me have the box tickets in there. So we've got a box, so we got like it's in their plastic thing. So I guess we take off this piece.

Closer come closer there's paper inside. Let's say the paper is coming off back up, I'm going to help in here. Let me do it very first time what is going on here it is, there's the pull right. There say: alright, unbox it back up a little. Alright, we are unboxed little Apple sign it's a nice case opening on its side, so it doesn't fall out open it up and sing, bring it closer.

You got the blue sport, I watch sport, the 38, millimeter I, think 38, it's a 38, alright, so we're going to take it out of the box. Let's take the package off I'll. Take the Box up a little, I guess: I'm! Guessing you pull from there yep! Take it off, bring it up to the camera. Let's take a peek is brand new. I watch on your hand.

This is the screen. Yep I! Guess we'll take off it. Oh, no! Second, let's bring it up real close. I watch right here we go. Let's take off a little, you got it back up a little again here.

Well, I'll! Take that there it is yes, alright. Let's do another piece of paper, one more piece of paper: awesome: very nice how's the lucky excited yeah. Alright, let's cut out we'll put it on, and we'll go from there we'll be right back, be excited! Yes, oh my god. It's finally, here alright we're back check it out real deal. Haha, we got the eye.

Watch on his hand, looking good might be a little loose, maybe we'll tighten to show the bottom of the clasp is, so it loops on here. Snaps, a nice neatly ignore the floor, a couple of things on the floor, snaps in nice and neatly and then wraps around underneath to protect it how's. It feels comfortable, yeah, alright, so we're going to fire this thing up and uh. So what we got we are using my phone. This is an iPhone 5c.

Yes, so we have to hit update it to the newest iOS and there's a window in there show the Act there's an icon. That is my buzz word hey, so it gives you where's the leak on Apple Watch, Apple Watch, icon, right, ?, it Apple Watch, and it also comes with something called iBooks. Podcast tips and health those are just may have just came with the upgrade or something like that. But anyway, you can see all the games I just got on. Yeah I, don't actually play them all.

Then we're going to turn this off and fire it up we'll be right back, alright, we're turning on the watch for the very first time up there we go. Oh my god, I can't hold my own. Can we sink it? My arm looks pink my arms, not pink. It sure looks on red yeah who had red lips in their videocam sparkles yeah. Alright, you go firing it up.

What's next I, don't know loading I hope it is enough battery. Do we have a charger? Still loading up I saw a blank I hope we have a charger Jan on the wall. That'll help you there. Oh, good yeah. We came to the charger.

Still loading. Still it uh hit the button the bottom button. How does anything? Maybe we're just missing something? No, no I'll be right back soon, as we get this thing loaded up we're back, and now we get the choices. She's, our language, English, open the app launch app lets, get that start pairing! Here's my password okay, Apple Watch app. Is that open, yeah stop hearing him? Leave it together again, perfect, don't move it apart.

It moved the phone work because it needs to be a picture of it. Oh, it does cool Apple Watch is paired. Sweet set up, Apple Watch set up ever watch left left-hand yeah, you wear it. On your left hand, your arm hanging. What's that say you have what you can pair couldn't bear uh start over.

It might take a little long. Yeah, we'll be right back. Try it again we're back to the beginning. Again, wrangling start pairing. You need to get this perfect.

You can hit start pairing. Yes, a dude I, don't think so. I need to get it steady. No, you got a hit start. Pairing hope you put it on is paired sit up.

Apple Watch, letting wrist patterns left. Okay, did you at left? Hit left? Yes, I hit left hit it again. It's loading, no terms and conditions just hit agree down at the bottom. Just it agrees. We agree.

Let's put your online go. Apple ID, oh hold on second we're going to cut up with the other big idea, so we just basically typed in our password, and it's now on location services. Okay, okay, what is this Siri? Let you use your voice to send messages place. Calls cool, enable okay, Diagnostics automatically sends yeah we'll just do automatically share Diagnostics yeah to be nice to Apple, create a passcode Apple Watch. OOP, hey, take great offense good I'm going to move this camera.

Where I'll work my watch well on your watch. You have to do it all huh, huh you're doing here, I watch, you see cool! Thank you very cool. Do you want to unlock Apple Watch with your iPhone? Yes, cool? What's next install available, apps install all still? Oh, why not Apple I want you syncing your I watch is almost wet ready, Apple watch is sinking and sinking and sinking and sinking, and it's not sinking in the ground. That's sinking my hand is sweating right now, relax, not your hand, swing yeah, it's good on. You, though, looks good, looks, perfect.

We're going to make two videos this first video is to unbox. A second video join will give it to twirl once he figures, everything out: yeah They about small work, watch it when our apps and like we're going to cut out for the sinking done we'll be right back all right. Your Apple ID and phone number are now being used for iMessage on a new Apple Watch. If you recently signed in to app Allison, that's mom, Eric kids under her account hit. Okay, just like that go ahead.

Okay and Apple Watch is syncing. Our mom will eventually be in a video, but it will take a long time. Twenty-Five hundred subscribers goes in the video. That's what we decided. You have a ROG trying to visit, we're not letting you in chip yeah, we'll be right back as soon as this thing is synced up so done, and it vibrated on me.

Oh yeah, yeah, my you got a clock 959. You should be in bed, June, eighth calendar, no upcoming events.82 degrees is hot okay. So now what would you oh I want it dad 10 o'clock? Do you want to go I, don't Oh friends, okay, swipe down on the top of the phone on the gun top of the watch there you go? No notification. Soy pump set up the activity app totally activity, yet we're doing that now it brings up an activity whew whoa I. Did it live a better day by achieving three daily fitness goals? Hit an arrow to the tip.

Yeah, stand up for at least one minute of every hour: huh, that's insane you're sleeping again, like you have to do that. What so, like the thing, there's more button soon move hit. Your person hit your personal calorie burn goal by moving more next exercise, accumulate, 30 minutes of activity at or above a brisk walk. We went rollerblading tonight and for your school, and you play roller hockey tonight. So I think you hit that stand.

Move exercise, try to complete the rings every day, get started, get started all right. Little information about yourself. Sex go down Sydney now, no other! No! In this world there are others age up, oh god get to your birthday -. Oh, yes tell her. When you're into his 23rd 8:23 we're going to hide the year.

We're going to hide the year. No because they're going to know how long John people know I'll join you go on the wrong way. You're running my age, dude doesn't go. No damn go up. You go there.

We go chicken, gonna, be passed to ? mm-hmm, okay, get your weight; I, don't even know what my weight is: 75 I think I'm like 80 or something a 90 I. Don't know no you're, not 90 to 80. It's all do 85! No! That's too much you're! Not me! Okay, I'm, just gonna! Do anything! I, don't know. Lady I'm, serious I, don't need five, not even ten I. Don't know how I'm my height by five fifty-four inches here for four eight four foot: six yeah did you get skip? No, you did you hit skip four foot.

Six. Four foot six 48 plus 6 is 54. Okay continue to continue. Typically, how active are you lately moderately you're, probably moderate, moderate tomorrow? Here's your daily move goal. Fortunately, the gallery start moving all right now it keeps cracking news, run you're doing anything.

No, what's your movie? Okay? Well, it's going to take a lot longer than that all right swipe it over one. There are no swipes. Okay, go! Let's! Let's leave this, and we'll check back in a couple of days on it. Go back to the circles on the right on the phone on the side of the watch. Hey you burn three calories.

Isn't it friends? You can add friends we'll do that later? How do I get back to the main screen? That's one of those two buttons there. It is there it is. So how do we change her face when you cook okay cool? Now? How do we change the face of the watch? She's clock in the middle? Look at the middle see the middle where's, a clock right in the middle huh yep hit that swipe nope get out of here. Now bet your calendar, which is blank. You had nothing planned all right, cool hit the bottom one.

Maybe it's the bottom one another bottom side button dad get a bigger hit done. If I hit it again, it didn't hit that, let's figure out the clock over right back all right, we found Siri we're gonna, ask her a question: how do I change? How do I change to say some of my clock on my watch hmm start over hit the button at the top on Syria. Oh, you didn't hit that one. You do it again. How do I change the face on my watch nice use hand off to search the web, for how do I come to face an watch what's hand off so yes, sirree hand off lets.

You start a task on Apple Watch and continue on your iPhone. Just look for the small icon on the button. All right, we got to figure this out. Look back. The watch is off when he turns her arm.

It turns on automatically. So it knows it turn it on. When you turn your arm towards you, I mean did figure out how to change the face. We got Mickey Mouse and he kind of moves around a little. Let's show you how we change the different faces.

Is it tuning arm turn your hand there? You go hold it down, you push down, and then you can change the faces to slide it. You can go extra-large new, that's something utility cancel! Furthermore, you just got. Furthermore, you know that one! Furthermore, you don't I, don't like that! I like Mickey Mouse, isn't working yeah, it's vibrate, so mom you got extra-large Mickey Kronecker chronograph is really cool for fancy. Watches that like chronograph. That's a fancy want good.

If you go out for like a dinner with a girl, solar got a date join, you can go to Corona with the collar, which is kind of cool. There's astronomy! So choose you to prep the moon's motion, slow modular utility, so we're going Disney yeah we're going Mickey all right! You can customize it too I'm. Just gonna call just gonna! Go that all right course. What we're going to do is over the next couple of days. Working a lot of start using this thing and did come with some other things in the box.

No looks like an extra band I. Don't know why you would wanna a third man came in some simple instructions. We had to call uncle Ryan, who has the watch already he's about a week ahead of us joins uncle my brother-in-law, and he's going to give us a tutorial, probably and in the box. Also, we got a charger. We got a very fancy charger.

I think this sits on the bottom of the watch and yeah just touches it wet Georgie, but anyway, we'll spend the next few days once you turn that thing back on again, it is getting a little late hit the clock, so we can see what time it is. Look it's right in the middle of the hit messages there you go clock, and we're now looking at 7-eleven. No, it's not 7-eleven, it's ten, probably ten eleven! Maybe we got adjust the time zone a roadway around this a little this ten eleven. But it says cup, okay, I was going to switch Mickey, Mouse I can't read that, yes, you can no I can't that does not make sense. Alright, Ben anyway, please rely on his right on his two arms.

So we're going to end this video off right. Here we got all down working yeah push a little there. Yeah, I wouldn't want um deep us huh check out us ten twelve. So you can see where it's dark out and light out. Isn't that cool he's been dark out? Now that doesn't spend well, you can see the moon, ? Hannah moon, face whoa.

Oh, that was cool dude. That was a good planet. That is so cool awesome all right guys. We have you enjoyed this next time. We'll give you a tutorial once we figure out how everything works.

This is really cool, so you can see where it's dark out and light out we're on the east coast. You can see that the west coast is just getting to sunset right now, Monday t 8 6 8, so it's Monday, the 8th, and it's 10 12 at night, and you guys have a great night adios leave a like subscribe. Do all the good stuff finish it except it does plus on back, see ya.

Source : SJ Gaming Boys - We Love Robots

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