Redmi Note 9 5G Gaming test after new updates/Revisited 2021 Dimensity 800U PUBG/Call of Duty By TechUtopia

By TechUtopia
Aug 15, 2021
Redmi Note 9 5G Gaming test after new updates/Revisited 2021 Dimensity 800U PUBG/Call of Duty

Test review here with the Redmi Note: 9 5g model the demand city- 800, u version! Yes, this is obviously the pro 5g. Also, the Nissan Jackson.7950G are the two best models from the Redmi Note 9 series: I would call it like that, and so we're going to test a few different games immediately, let's jump this is after the updates. You checked, you saw the updates and everything I updated all these games right now to the latest version. Also, let's check it out right now, yeah yeah everything is updated. Everything is updated. So, let's begin with this video, the buying links will be description if you want to purchase any of these smartphones.

Also, my suggestions enjoy we're going to begin first with the asphalt 9. , okay asphalt, 9 in jazz for the dimension 800u. Let's check it out here, though, heavy 60fps, no, even after the latest updates for the snapdragon 750 g and the MCT 800u, there is no 60 fps mode. I don't know why. Just these are very powerful mid-range, chipsets! Okay, here we go oh foreign, what is a strike? I'm not going to hit it.

This time. I thought I got hit impressive, very, very impressive, here, uh very similar performance as snapdragon 750g in this asphalt 9 at max graphics, very, very similar. Let's go next. Okay arc survival evolved we're going to test it at max, graphics, epic. There we go.

Let's do it, you go, so the game is not running full speed. I didn't even expect to arc survival. It runs at snapdragon with the snapdragon 855 full speed at max graphics, something e55 for sure that two and a half year old chip from snapdragon right now. This is lag but still very impressive- that it's running around. What? If I stand here, it's running 22, 24, 25 fps.

This game is kept at 30 fps. Remember that so let's go, and I would just bring it we're going to bring a little the resolution down, and we're going to bring also a tie. Let's see how it's going to work right now, the same spot, and I'm going to check the frame rate.30 fps now like see, what's up here, just a little put pull down the graphics details and the resolution, and this game should be able to run very smooth here with the MCT 800u Redmi Note: 9 5g model. Oh this air, which you see it. Probably it's still rendering the whole area.

That's why it has this kind of freezes and by the way, this game is the best optimized for snapdragon chipsets, especially the flagship processors, okay, Call of Duty mobile density 800. U, let's check here the graphics details still even with the latest update ninjas. Unfortunately, they did not unlock a high framing. This is very bad, honestly. This is very bad.

This is a really great MediaTek chip. I don't know why the game developers do something like this, that they don't focus that much on non-snapdragon processors. I don't even know how to explain it. Just this is kind of really lame lame lame. Anyway, let's go with the front line, nuke town Russia or crash.

Let's go the crash stay tuned. Let's go by the way those settings which you saw uh. Those settings are for multiplayer campaign, yeah yeah battle, royale game, ninjas kill one. They kill me synthetics out back up nice very smooth experience here, oh knife, it's too close fight harder knife, that's a beautiful sentry gun replacement, no stealth, chopper great performance. So what they hear with the ninjas with the campaign multiplayer mode, it's running full speed, 60fps fps, there's no problem at all.

It's just that with for better Laura the game, uh yeah for battle, royale game uh. Unfortunately, you're not going to get amazing, uh graphics, details, not even a great frame rate. So just have that in mind. I'm waiting, I'm going straight, that it was lame. Okay, now we're going to test pop g with the GFX tool stay tuned at the MCC 800u after the updates.

Okay, here we go on adjust PUBG, let's check out the settings with the GFX tool, HD extreme mode. Let's check it out we're going to just put brightness a little up and play arrange it let's go here. We are, we are in the plane. Let's check this out. Let's go interesting check it out and just the game is running around 4950 fps here in the sky.

Let's check it out how it's going to be when we land and just let's check it out here indoors. Basically, when we landed the game here, rising running uh, 60 fps, I'm here in the let me just kill this dude, whoever is shooting at me. Where is he uh? Let's check it out here, 60 fps, running 60fps, amazing performance. This is really amazing. Here the MCT 800u great chip ninja seriously great chip.

The best 820 is still the best mid-ranger from the media tech company, but this is still perfect chip here for performance for gaming check it out. I wish we can explode these barrels. I hope they're going to add more realistic, stuff, bro and more destruction with this game. It'll be awesome. I don't know what they're waiting why they don't add.

I don't think it's that difficult for them to update and to add these features. Awesome interesting. It supports HDR dimension, 800 uh supports HDR, but the frame rate did drop from 60 to 47 fps ninjas check it out, 48 fps around maybe 13 fps. On average, it dropped from HD to HDR big difference, but big difference. An UHD is not available.

Let's go back to HD you're back at HD. Oh my god. The game looks completely different, and here we go. We are back at 60, fps ninjas. The game looks completely different, bro from AJ to HDR.

It's a big difference: 60 fps, 60 fps anyway. Now we're going to go with the devil, may cry uh on the diversity 800. You will be there using a different smartphone uh for this test and yeah enjoy the buying links to the description for these mid-range smartphone budget smartphones and also flagship devices share. My videos share my channel and watch me in the future. Thank you and leave a comment.

Bro there we go here. We go right now we're going to begin with the demand city chip test. Here the uh devil may cry mobile edition we're going to test it. Also, on the message: 720 and domestic 800u at max ultramax, high graphics at 60fps, we'll see how good it handles it. Let me see what you got: Snapchat 750g couldn't run this game full speed at 60fps battery smooth even with the low settings.

Oh my god, a lot of lags here a lot of legs here with the velocity. This is the sd720. Let me just show you right now: uh the density 720. Ah sorry, the passivity 800! U, this is the message, 800 view, oh my god, a lot of lags here, a lot of lags for the Mali g57. Let's go back here so semester, I'm taking 750g runs better this game.

Yeah! That's a lot of lags here. I'm seeing. Let me just show you that this is maximum graphics. There. You go max graphics, let's play it by the way.

This is a real neat device, a really smartphone in jazz heavy game. This is a heavy game for sure. Uh just want to show you that this is the Realme x7 5g model with the 8gb ram in just the mcd800u there you go something's about to go down. Somehow this game runs a little better right now, yeah, it runs better. It runs better right now, similar as the snapdragon 750 g interesting anyway, but I will try to lower right now, the graphics, let's go here.

Let's just enable the HDR. Let's go now, I'm going to go to medium, graphics, medium, graphics, I'm using graphics, oh whoa, wow, okay, there, that is whoaed. That is much smoother right now than a snapdragon 750 g. I would highly advise you to check the snapdragon 750 g. It wasn't that's like this move bro at this graphic details.

Oh man, that is very smooth here for this MediaTek chip. I'm surprised I'll paint him really x7, tenacity, 800u, there's also Redmi Note.9 5g has this chip, while the Redmi Note 9 uh, pro 5g has slimgenics 750g, which are very similar to very similar. Two sets still d802 is the best midterm chip.820 water grace gave me 400 000 points a gaming beast great performer. Okay, let's go to the lowest settings the lowest settings right now, yeah. I can immediately see here how uh, basically the resolution itself is very low, uh, even even the even basically the effects or the graphic quality of attacks is lower.

You can notice that it's much fewer details there tonight. Oh, you.

Source : TechUtopia

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