REDMI NOTE 8 PRO ANDROID 9 VS Android 10 - SPEED TEST!! By Tech 23

By Tech 23
Aug 21, 2021

Hey guys what is up welcome back to the channel, and today I'm going to be doing a video that I got this video as a request. So when I did the Android 10 update video I offer admin note 8 Pro, you guys wanted me to do a speed test comparison between Redmi Note, 8 pro vs. Redmi Note 8 pro android 9, vs, Android 10. So here I have it. Both phones have 6 gigs of RAM. I'll.

Show you once it boots up the one on the left is running Android 9 and on the right you can see. Android 10 I'll show you that as well, so karma green is again guys running Android 9. Let's go ahead and do this and if your first time make sure you subscribe to the channel guys, let's see which one up boots it first Android 9 versus Android, 10; ok, ok! So that was a little surprised, Android 9 little faster when it comes to. You know: booting up the phone. So, let's quickly set this up, and I'll see you once it's completely set up a quick little configuration guys, Android 9 on karma Queen versus Android 10 on the white gradient I did a similar kind of video when I got the y11 update on my phone.

That was me. Why 10 versus me? Why 11 you can check that out as well. I'll give the link in the button as well so yeah guys everything is set up. As I said, let's get straight on the video, let's close everything in the background as well. Let's make it really, really fair, let's start with the dialer, and you can see that no difference both phones have opening at the same time Spotify.

So this is definitely faster on android 10. Let's move on and open cameras. So that's again a Thai camera opening very, very similar on both Android 9 and 10. Let's move on to some social apps, you can see that we got a bunch of them. Let's open one by one, and I will see what we have got a one: nine versus Android ten, starting with Pinterest Android 9.

First, to open, Pinterest, app 10, taking some time, let's check out Twitter. This is definitely opened a little quicker on the Android 10 Facebook very, very same, very same Instagram, that's again a tie so pretty neck-and-neck. So far, let's move on to the final one, and once again you can see that it is very, very similar with LinkedIn as well. Let's open some games. Why not starting with a really, really light game, flappy bird little ahead on Android 10? What about this Orb ea game? This is again a little.

You can see that opening faster on android 10. What about smash hit? Let's see, you can see that little difference when it comes to gaming. Android 10 is faster when you compare it with Android 9, let's open subway surf. It's getting really, really interesting. Can Android 9 2 a little comeback? Yes, it does Android 9 opening subway surfers a little faster than Android 10.

Let's keep this in the ramble check that out later. Finally, opening the really heavy game- GTA San Andreas', which Android 9 or Android 10, looks like Android 10, will open this just a little quicker than Android 9. Yes, it does not a huge difference once again, it has just a tiny difference or maybe a couple of seconds. That's it. Let's, let's quickly open some shopping, apps I'm connected to the same Wi-Fi network, opening, AliExpress, open, and also you can see that loaded, Android 9 still taking a lot of time and ok, it's done.

Let's open the next one that is going to be Amazon, what about Amazon again open on Android 10, and it's loaded as well. Finally, we got one more that is Flipkart. Can ny9 open, flip Calibri faster? No, you can see that open on Android, 10 and load it as well. So, let's open one final, app guys YouTube, let's see what happens with YouTube opened on Android, 9 and loaded as well. Let's quickly check out the RAM management, I think we're done with the apps.

Let's see what we get Android 9 DRAM management, isn't good Pinterest refreshed on Android, 9, Facebook, again same release, result refreshed on Android, 9, orb ea refreshed on Android 9, but in the ramp on Android 10 flappy bird is refreshed once again on Android 9 subway surfers, and you can see that that's where the problem is Android 9 RAM management isn't perfect and Android 10. They have done some improvement with this update in the RAM management, at least, let's move check a few more apps GTA San Andreas once again refresh on Android 9 Flipkart refreshed on Android 9, Amazon, once again refreshed smash hit. You can see that everything on Android 9 seems refreshed. So definitely the update has improved the RAM management on trendy, Note, 8, Pro and speed wise. Yes, our Android team is a faster, and also they have done a lot of improvement.

So it is worth the upgrade and yeah. If you like this video guys, please give a big thumbs up subscribe if you're, not more videos coming and as always guys like subscribe, share and peace out.

Source : Tech 23

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