Redmi 9t vs Samsung A12 Camera Comparison | Camera Test | The Midrange Camera Battle By PhoneWorld

By PhoneWorld
Aug 21, 2021
Redmi 9t vs Samsung A12 Camera Comparison | Camera Test | The Midrange Camera Battle

Um assalamu alaikum everyone welcome to the phone world live. This is video comparison between Xiaomi Redmi, ninety and Samsung Galaxy a12. So, first, let me tell you guys: devices recently launch devices mid-range category entry level, devices, Xiaomi, Redmi, nine. Ninety note unique: almost thirty thousand rupees galaxy a12 prices around twenty, eight thousand, nine, ninety-nine rupees and almost twenty-nine thousand. So though, no devices, maybe one thousand rupees car fire, which is, I think, not a big difference. Looking still uh, let's see your camera macro camera or 2 megapixel depth and single camera other than that front sight for up to 8, megapixel camera setup, okay, maximum recording 1080p, 30fps, recording 1080p 30fps that support Berta, so numbers and figures, almost lunar phones can the camera point over is the same, but let's see career where you can their different lighting conditions can there which phone performs better in terms of camera uh, so guys these are the front cameras of both the phones, don't okay, uh mode for Redmi.

Ninety gets you up to quality, good humility. So now you can judge better which phone is providing better quality in terms of front camera, so do hey, so hey so guys. This was the camera comparison between Redmi, 90 and galaxy a12. Well, to be honest, can there obviously echo figures you can do. Let me know in the comment section stay tuned for more reviews and more comparisons.

Till next time take care Allah, Hafiz.

Source : PhoneWorld

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