Red iPhone 8 Plus or iPhone X? By Nick Ackerman

By Nick Ackerman
Aug 15, 2021
Red iPhone 8 Plus or iPhone X?

So, what is up guys Nick here, helping you to master your technology, red, iPhone, e+ or iPhone 10? Now we're going to make this one shortened to the point in sweet people have been asking me like a lot in different variations. Bro really, like should I get the iPhone e+ in red I love that color I'm yeah. You know, I was gonna, get an iPhone 10, but you know I like that red iPhone name plus they finally went ahead and did a black front glass back aluminum sides it is sexy, should I get it or should I go with the iPhone 10, because it's got that beautiful OLED display. You know not. Everybody digs the notch, I'm, not one of them, but at the same time I don't recommend you pick up an 8 plus over the iPhone 10. For a few reasons, number one is that the iPhone 10 does give you OLED technology on the display.

We already know what this is: I'm, not gonna, go over it again. Basically, it does give you a very punchy, more vibrant color display than the iPhone 8 plus. Now, yes, it is calibrated. Similarly, but you cannot deny OLED when it is dark, and you have a black, you know punchy screen on here. You're going to see more contrast and iPhone 10.

It's just the way it is with OLED technology, we'll see the differences here. Also, the iPhone 10 gives you slightly better cameras on the rear and on the front Hannah has a bigger battery life's a little better on the 8 plus, but still you have a bigger battery on the iPhone 10, so you know also the iPhone 10 has one thing really over this red, iPhone, 8 plus and that's economics. This phone feels really nice in the hand, and you know if you're going to pick up a phone right now, like an 8 plus they're going to come out with like new iPhones later this year, that have the newer design, and then you're going to feel like should I upgrade again. So definitely if your bought an iPhone, 10 you're more on the cutting edge more on the future-proof of Apple, and you're only what a hundred or 200 hours away when you get to this price point of phones, I, don't think it really matters too much to spend a little more to get something. That's definitely a lot newer.

Looking and a little more on the bleeding edge now I know: I have videos title why iPhone 10 made me love a plus, that's personal, but you know for people who are buying it right now. It's hard to you know, recommend you know going with a plus mid-cycle. You know this is mid-cycle now your seven months in already on these phones and going with a phone that seven months old and also has a design from 2014 mid-cycle when there's about to be new iPhones in September is not the wisest choice. If you ask me now, both of these should hold their value quite well, but the iPhone 10 is gonna. Hold it a lot longer in terms of how much money you're going to get back out of these phones.

If you do decide to trade them or sell them, so keep that in mind as well. So that's it I just wanted to give my thoughts here on the eight plus red versus the iPhone ten, because people keep asking me about this: should I buy the eight plus red or should I buy the iPhone ten. If you want to see a full comparison between these two I've already created that video I'll drop it down below. But what are your thoughts? Would you get a red iPhone A+, or would you just get dye phone 10? Do you have an iPhone tending you've seen that red one, and you were like uh-uh no way am I going back, there's! No. Where did you see it, and you're like I've been really not liking? The iPhone 10 I'm definitely ready to go back to what is like my favorite, color, red and black on a phone.

Are you one of those persons whoare like hey I've, been waiting for that iPhone tank to be in red already and hoping that Apple is gonna? Do that at WWDC I? Don't think it's going to happen, but it might just have to want all those iPhone models that were leaked. Let us know down below. Let's chat about this. If you found this video and forming entertaining enjoyable, do me a favor click that like button for me, if you haven't, subscribed already go ahead and do that and turn on notifications. So you don't miss any of my upcoming content.

Nick helping you to master your technology be sure to be well and peace.

Source : Nick Ackerman

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