Realme x7 pro battery drain results in standby mode By Sai Tech Guru

By Sai Tech Guru
Aug 15, 2021
Realme x7 pro battery drain results in standby mode

Hello everyone- I am Santana- welcome back to my channel site record in this way, I'll be doing the battery line text on the Realme exon pro in the standby mode. So I did receive a lot of questions regarding the battery and the battery backup of this uh realm x1 pro. So this video particularly I'll try to focus on the standby mode uh battery training like overnight. If you leave the phone, almost the battery can be drained. So this kind of questions I can answer in this kind of video but uh. I did already upload on the video on the PUBG battery and test, while gaming in the Realme x1 pro so make sure to check that video just in case.

If you want to know a hundred to zero percentage, how much time you can play the PUBG game. There is a separate video for that. If you cannot find that video make sure to check the playlist of the Realme x1 pro there, you can find 182 videos, and out of that, I think uh 10 to 15 videos will be related to the battery running test results while watching YouTube. While watching movies, while watching Netflix, Amazon Prime, so a lot of videos, I did upload already on that, so make sure to check the playlist. If you cannot find that particular video make sure to comment below friends, I'll definitely do my best to do that video.

So let's focus in this video, particularly on the standby mode time, so how much the battery can train if you leave the phone as an overnight so without connecting to the Wi-Fi or without connecting to any mobile data, just with a single sim card or if you are trying to use. So, let's see the screenshots which are taken before I sleep and after I awake and even during the morning times when I'm not using the phone I'll, try to show you the screenshots as well right now so um. These are the few screenshots which are taken at the nighttime. So when I'm going to the bed around, as you can see friends so 10 56, so as a round figure try to calculate at 11 o'clock so night, 11 o'clock I went to bed and the time is about battery percentage- is about 76 percentage. As you can clearly see your friends 76 percentage and next year morning I woke up around uh 6 50, so I can get close to maybe seven o'clock.

So during this time uh, I think seven plus one so eight hours of time. So during this eight hours of time the battery gone uh drained from seven six to seventy-three eight hours, three percentage of the battery code train, so all friends for every two hours, one percentage of the battery will be getting a drain. So if you don't use any always on display, no mobile data, no Wi-Fi connection only with the single sim card slot. So this is what the results are without using any power saving mode. So that is another most important thing.

If you use the power saying mod, the results will be different, so I'll try to show you even that one as well so right now you can identify the battery icon, so I did not use any power saying mod during this time. As you can see clearly friends, I did not turn on any power saying mode, so the next screenshot will be with the power saying mode enabled, as you can see, the power saying mod has been enabled, so that is with the normal power sync mode, not with the superpower, sync mode, just with the normal power saying mode so that I did start around 650. So as a round figure try to take at seven o'clock in the morning, so seven o'clock in the morning and the 4 20, so uh 4 30 as around figures, 4 30 in the evening, so battery dropped to 71 percentage. So during this time, 73 to 71 during this time of I think, uh close to 10 hours. So I was around figure 10 hours of time, two percentage of the battery got dropped so from 73 to 71.

As you can see friends so overall uh. Definitely if you're using the power saying mode, it improves a lot of battery backup you can get so maybe when you're going to bed. So if you try to enable this power setting mode option, maybe you might be able to or not drain much, maybe two or three percentage less will be drained, so you can use definitely this power setting mode as well in your device. So there's another screenshot which are taken about 7 30, as you can see, 7 30 in the night evening time so from the morning 6 50 to 7 30. So overall, it's up to close to 12 hours and 30 minutes.

So during this two well hours time so two hours time, three percentage got drained. If you look at this kind of figure, three percentage for 12 hours, so oral friends, uh four. So for every four hours the battery is dropping only one percentage. So this is how it is the power saying mod works in this real me, x1 pro device. So right now we got to know the battered end details when in the standby mode.

So for more details, don't forget friends, as I said, if you want the PUBG gameplay or due to watching Amazon Netflix, watching, try to check the playlist, and you will find the video particularly which I did on that particular topic. So these are complete uh review friends on the battery training in the standby time. Only so, overall, it's a very good uh, not that much draining at all. So it's better to use the pursing mode before you sleep, so only for every four hours, one percentage. So if you sleep for eight hours, only two percentage so for more.

This kind of interesting videos make sure to subscribe to my channel scitekuru, and thank you for watching this video friends and see in the next video until then bye. You.

Source : Sai Tech Guru

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