Razer Update: Did the camera get better? How good is NETFLIX on the RAZER Phone... By Gadget Beard

By Gadget Beard
Aug 21, 2021
Razer Update: Did the camera get better? How good is NETFLIX on the RAZER Phone...

Welcome back to gas beer. Today we have for you a quick update video now last week, razor did release an update for the razor phone. Now this update is the size of two hundred and forty-nine megabytes. Long with this update was included, the January 2018 Android security patches and the fix for the meltdown and spectra vulnerabilities also Netflix enhancements, so excuse me, necklace is now included with the razor phone and enabled HDR content playback and then enable Dolby, 5.1 audio playback support, which is great I, can't wait to hear this, considering that the razor phone has probably the best front-facing speakers available today. Also included was camera improvements of fixed, an issue where some images would appear, yellow and tuning and image, quality improvement, and it crushed bugs and performance improvements. I really do hope that this camera improvements does improve the camera.

There has been reports of pictures kind of looking a little hazy and stuff like that. So what I'm going to do is at the end of this video I'm going to provide some free update pictures and then some post update pictures to see if you guys can tell the difference between two and see if the act, if they actually improved on the camera. Like this update said it did thanks for watching guys if you enjoy the video make sure you go ham on that like button below and if you have a razor phone and if you already have updated your phone, let me know in the comments below if that update, actually made a difference, make sure to LIKE share and if you're new to the channel make sure you hit that subscribe button hit a notification bell. So you know when more awesome videos like this drop. Thank you, and I'll catch you in the next video peace.


Source : Gadget Beard

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