Razer Phone, Galaxy S9 Camera, Oclus Go: The Weekly S4E35 By Booredatwork.com

By Booredatwork.com
Aug 21, 2021
Razer Phone, Galaxy S9 Camera, Oclus Go: The Weekly S4E35

Due to hey guys, we are live, welcome to episode 35 of the weekly and with me this week. Of course, our usual host of characters, starting off with mister aka, black eye on the school man, Sam how's it going man I'm, doing good and, of course, the one, the only Mr. one back now, I'm on a couple of hours of sleep with some coffee, so I think I could probably talk about some stuff. That could happen yeah yeah. Definitely so, if you guys are wondering, as we have different camera angles, this is a new thing on the show we will be changing our camera angles every week, maybe one from the floor, shooting it up. Maybe an overhead shot.

You name it they're, like yeah I, think I really feel like people. Don't look up my nose enough when I'm different- yes, yes, different beverages this week, I'm also super healthy trying to recoup from last week. You guys don't want to know what happened: grapefruit drink in a jar I'm trying a new bolder dark, roast coffee from my Skywalker Ranch mug, which I actually got from Skywalker Ranch. Alright, okay yeah, you top us all: Thank You, Man yeah, so, okay, let's, let's start off this week with some news uselessness, we've now had a lot in the last couple of weeks, but here's one that quite interesting, so one plus has been found to be collecting your data write out your permission. Ah, yes, terrible, isn't if I cannot believe this did I, never do something phone manufacturer tracking user data and not alerting their customers to that mm-hmm.

That's unheard of no, not at all, never how's the girl warrant here, yeah we're talking about OnePlus collecting people's data. Without there you go I'm totally shocked that you're doing this shot. That I've been using for, like the last three weeks just switched up, but you still switched up well. I changed the quality of it. I just feel like that.

That needs some accuracy in making fun of me they're. Like don't judge me I didn't do this I'm, not going to figure out a way to do some Trippe angle, like the Brooks to you guys, yeah, join us. I really wish I could plug in, like do like an actual interactive drop. I've got a've got a cable thread that I can set a 360 camera from my ceiling and I still haven't found any good like livestream solution for if it's getting a little frustrating I want to do like from the office. You can look anywhere in the office while we broadcast kind of a thing.

Yeah, don't mind me folks, I'm starving, so yeah, so yeah the time you're, seeing about one bus, no I'm, just saying it's totally surprised. I've, never done anything like this before you think about these guys, they're, not the kind of people to basically ask for them to send in pictures, so they can basically get a phone based on how the person looks. That's it, never! No, don't I'm, not bad. This is totally out of character just totally out of character. It made so many good decisions, so in all seriousness, I think I.

Think one of the things that was upsetting one of the things that's curious is that apparently this is behavior. They've been engaging in since the 1+2 that this has been a story that people have been tracking for well over a year now, and then it's only just now, starting to gather some momentum, but we kind of all have the sense that companies are probably paying attention to what we're doing on their products. What's what's troubling. Here is the fact that they see that OnePlus seems to be collecting some pretty intimate data. You know like when you turn your phone on where your phone is when you turn it on, but they're not really setting up a good protection bucket for you, apparently your phone serial number and your location data and your usage data.

It's just in a big old plain text bucket that, if someone were to compromise that bucket, then they wouldn't have any issues pulling that data using that data, utilizing that data, it's not like it's encrypted or anything and I- think that's that's going to be another! Increasingly big I mean we. We know that we're using Android products at Google is deep into all our is right. So that's, that's! That's a troubling thought, but we also have some small sense of faith that the reason why they're in our data is that they're giving us better services, and they're going to do a better job of protecting our little data bucket than a company like OnePlus yeah, no III agree, but it's a sad reality of what we are going to pay for in this mobile era. Is that everything I mean there was another company, I was rumba right, I was collecting user matter of. You know like what I would sweets your home, the layout of your apartment, size.

That kind of thing you know, knowing that apartments in this area have this kind of square footage like stuff like that is going to be collective. You just have to know that that's the case and if not, you might want to use a regular broom and a flip phone. You know I mean that's just you know the prices can be because right now they have two screens to an Amazon server right. One one-year set is being used for post sales support, which is basically you know, understanding. What's going on, why it's being shut down if it's running slow, your stuff, like that I get that the second stream I'm, not quite sure exactly what seconds? Three minutes.

So what curtain we start asking these companies that okay, we pay you for hardware. We pay you for a service, we're not paying you for us to become basically an arm of your business, a date of my own data collection, node for your business. At some point, people have to stand up. It's not acceptable. At least you give people the option right off.

The bat of turning this off, like OnePlus, came out with a statement saying you can turn this one of the streams off, but by the end of the day, it's because people are outraged about this. They all need to come before the average say. Okay, this is an option. You can turn this off, but we do collect these, and you see that we see that, even though an Engram it asks you. If you want to make Android better by sending crash.

Do you want to make windows matter by sending crash data? You need to sell them that damn crash data so that, so they can actually fix some crap. That's windows, I've told my hand, road anywhere any enemy, with literally anything that can crash. We've got a comment in the live chat from Nicole one. That's that's sort of pointing to the same thing, Sam, just the the problem, and we've mentioned this with other companies in the past. The problem seems to be one of disclosure yeah when your users find out about something before you've alerted them.

To that thing, then you are instantly in massive damage, control and so like compared to a company like Google. Google is really upfront and aggressive, and in your face about we are in all of your stuff, because you don't want to have to type out a reply in Gmail. So we'll give you Auto options for your email replies. You'll, never have to have a conversation with another living human being, if you don't want to, but this out options are great man at what point is just like machine learning, algorithms having conversations between themselves and then like humans are completely like out of that conversation. Well, anyway, I can tell you what my machine learning yeah, we say: they'll be saving from another 80 keyboard incidents and from a 39.

That's what's that we know what's happening there and that's the major difference between one company doing massive data collection on and visual and another company secretly doing massive data collection on an individual, yeah. I know it's its a bad. Can you guys hear me? Okay, audios acting a little funky there for a second um, let's, let's move on, because we've spent some time on that already Tesla fired seven hundred people this week, like that, you know when you snap, your fingers, you know just disappeared. This was part-time and full-time employees. I know Sam you're, the one who brought this up.

So can you give us some more details? Yeah, so reading news this morning find out that Tesla basically got rid of workers all based on performance reviews, which I find a little kind. My god, I know performance reviews, yo, Mike, nice. You might come in and out to me. This is so typical. You read about how the guy wants the best of the best of the best, but then he does company-wide access for to 700 people.

Wow, maybe give him a chance to perform better, but I just think it's its it's its. It kind of says a lot, because right now, ties going through some growing things becoming a real company, unless you can almost feel the pressure building and I think this was just a way for the company to actually leave that pressure for company I send a message to everyone else that yes, we're we're behind on the release of we're behind on the construction of the Lesson as many as they should have they're, not hitting any production targets, they haven't released the pickup truck, which they don't have an analysis. A big up truck with day decided to push the inside push the announcements they're having issues we're calling the model X's because of these seats, I think an issue with seating. So yes, they're going through some growing pains and I think this is just a way of saying we are committed to still having the best of the best people and if we find out that people cannot meet the test, mold even must standard. That's it! That's the key.

The is this not the Tesla standard is to Elon, must and read his book, and you'll know what if standard it said, a lot of people that live up to that type of that type of standard, and it's its. It's I'm, just surprised that somebody got fired for actual poor performance. You know how this rolls actually get fired. The quickest way to get fired of Corporate America is mess with their money. You don't do you could be there for 20 years to be the worst-performing put those to keep you for the fact that they're doing it does show that commitment that way we're trying to get somewhere.

The thing is, is that this is this I think don't have my three at about 30,000 employees or something like that. That's a small percentage of its being, but he's been doing this for years. We know he's a high anything. You can't do himself anything. He won't do himself in anything that goes wrong or anything.

It isn't something they can't get something done. Healy Mile tries to try to do it himself to see what the problem is. He's not somebody just buys people and doesn't know. What's going on, oh yeah want any additions before we move to the main topics. Actually, no, you guys have covered it pretty.

Well, it's just I, don't know the is. Is there something about the commentary on this like? We need that sort of disruptive, visionary, auteur individual, like I, think for the last generation of folks that were really into technology. It was someone like a Steve Jobs like we always seem that, let's not call Steve Jobs a visionary, ok I'm, just again he was a marketing guru. Thank you. Not a technology.

Visionary well, I think it's pretty clear, though, that a singular type of personality drives excitement. Ok, like look at Tim Cook, where we have like the most forward-thinking ass Typhoon ever. He sounds right now from everything that I've heard, Tim Cook is, is actually an amazing individual to work for, and that like there was just someone else who, just recently I think posted his experiences interviewing Tim Cook for something or presenting Tim Cook, something I read it on Reddit and again, just like echoes and echoes and echoes of just like Tim Cook is phenomenal. He's gracious, he's kind. Furthermore, he's he's president he's a part of your presentation.

Furthermore, he really cares that you know people succeed, but what are the things that we're talking about with Apple right now? We sort of lack a certain Janus, a qua. What and right now the person at the head of a technology industry, that's generating more excitement. More commentary is, is a lot more of a singular force of personality at the top of that company, and that's someone like in Elon Musk. It seems like we, we kind of always need one person who can at least be on the pulse jobs, whether he was actually able to do the things that he was tasking his engineers and developers to do. He was still that force of personality at the top of Apple that got them back on track well, and a lot of musk seems to be cognizant here.

The other thing I would say to that is is doing Tim Cook have Tim, Cook speak, who yet or that still opposition. Sometimes it doesn't roll necessarily that way very instantly. Does he get the people that he wants and there's some people that might be still from the jobs they were around, that he might not necessarily be able to move in his own people? To get I will maybe then was mostly he wants. I will definitely grant him that, but that's a generational kind of turnover it out yeah. It is that's totally fair, but again for a Tim.

Cook Apple was generating its most excitement. When a megalomaniac was at the head of that company right, Tim Cook is maybe one of the most brilliant operations guys to ever hit the technology landscape. You want someone to roll in and negotiate preferred manufacturing deals in China, keep all the trains running on time and keep those profit margins. High Tim Cook is second to none, but he's not a design guy, and he's not an exciting guy, and you know his presentation style is not bomber. My sweaty pits.

There's there something really charming about Ballmer, even if he's not effective, bring on to something that during that time, I think a lot of people were more excited with Microsoft when ball was around because he had such a passion and I thought they might have tried to use panels in the same similar way and pushing putting him sort of forefront of everything is the really excited and passionate guy, because that's what brings people into employment? You shot a present, but to your point where, and I think what we're looking at it at Apple is because you don't have someone with that kind of singular ego at the head of the company. You will have differing philosophies for what Apple is trying to accomplish. Furthermore, you'll have different structure and because Tim Cook is an Operations guy. He's not going to want to leave any dime on left on the table, and so you end up with things like we have what you have the iPhone SE 6s, seven, eight ten and then two different sizes for the seven and eight, so you've never had that kind of spread of an iPhone being directly sold from Apple before that's that's kind of a money guy way to run the company, not hey, we're driving the market, visionary kind of way to drive the company, and so we see I, think I. Think we're currently seeing a conflict of philosophies at Apple.

Currently, Elon Musk ain't. Having none of that. If you read his issues with PayPal and COM, and I'm sure, he would like to say that everyone yeah anyway, let's let's move on our first topic of the day, is November. First reason we'll be announcing something new, and the room is a broke. Broken sorry has it broke raised there? Allegedly we would be releasing a phone now remember they bought next fit.

Rot next, be Robin the phone next bit. The company was this year or last year, cash number last thing, I honestly, don't remember. Last they're, beginning of this year, the end of last year and from bench March we're seeing, of course, in 835, eight gigs of RAM HD display seen by that aspect, ratio six, four gigs of ram thoughts on this device. Also, you do know Racer owns thanks as well as a company. So will we see some of that integration here, but just your general thoughts on where what's this means for a company like razor because they like to try different things all the time? That's the mo anyone.

Can you know like so again? So what sucks about? Where we're at with phones is the first product the first product you put out is basically going to be irrelevant. Yeah, there's almost no point in talking about it, because it's not instantly it's not going to be an instant success. It's not going to corner any piece of the market. It's not gonna, be king of in each and every one who reviews it's. Going to say this is a great phone but don't buy it, and we won't take it seriously until we see that razor is willing to lose two or three years worth of fights in the market.

This is going to happen every single time we talk about something which has become as much of a commodity and as much as a necessity as the smartphone. So now the big question is: is gaming on the go gaming? This is a gaming company. We have an expectation of gaming performance on this product. Is that going to drive some part of the market to at least create a fan base where Racer can sustain this project for a couple of years, and is this the killer app that some consumers think they're missing, I'm, actually really hoping? It's not a phone I really hope. Racer is looking at some type of mobile gaming product that can maybe take the Android ecosystem and a more smartphone style delivery system.

Head-To-Head against, like the Nintendo Switch. You know I think, there's plenty of room in the market for a companion device to actually shake things up in a way that I think NVIDIA was just too early to the game with their shield. Products and razor could benefit from that maturity in the market and that proof of concept from Nintendo to maybe do something fascinating there. But if it's a phone we know it's not going to sell. Well, we know it's not going to be a success everyone's going to pan it, and then we'll have to wait to see if they actually iterate on that idea.

This is gonna, be one powerful device with 7.5 gigabytes of memory. That's amazing, 8:8 that 7.5 is just you know. Remember we read stuff, sorry, that's nice, alright, and then it has the Qualcomm Arena 540 in there, which means is 35 chipsets. So it's going to be very interesting if this is basically taking the high end of a wail chip, and it has to of an open, open, G API's in there what OpenGL, I'm going to open, CL I'm sorry. So this is very interesting.

I think there it's definitely going to be aligned to what's gaming, because I know what Racer does, but I think it is a fun, a very powerful woman, with a 5.7 little screen more like a top tablet right. This is gonna, be they'll, be interesting, and I mean it forward to this just to hearken back on what Klein was talking about, and I do agree. You know, remember: Riggs I has dabbled in the android games here before with their box, and then they bought. We are as well, so they have all these components to technically make exactly what you're talking about it. It still will be a phone to a large degree, but it doesn't mean you can't come home and expand that experience on your TV or something like that, or you know.

If you go to a hotel or whatever the case may be, the one question I am I wanted to ask in our go to you aren't like razor. Has that synapse software, which for the initially was all about just storing all your settings right? So if you had a reason keyboard, you had a reason, my headset, it's all you, you kept all your settings in the cloud. How do you think that will play with this phone, especially if they extended, because snap settings us initially I found it annoying until I got the razor blade and I realized that oh shoot I still have my gaming settings from way back when you know I could import it. But how do you think that would apply with a phone itself, because that's something they've been pushing for a while I think they probably will push for this device as well? Not it Ward! You want to tackle it me Sam. How about you add alright, so, basically with snaps, that's pretty cool! Alright, the whole idea of the storing things in the cloud who think for me with senators they've, always been a constant updates right.

Almost every single time, I turn it up. Disruptive, if it's a great thing for them to use it quickly, they use what next right so like you're saying they have technology from these companies and what next it did with the Romulus. You know the whole idea, if you don't use apps, if you don't use an app enough, it basically almost goes to the background, believes itself in doesn't take of system memory or storage, so you think Madden, both of those being combined. You have synapse that basically most stores all your profiles and, if you're not using a certain application, if you're not using something like you know if you stop using the razor mouse instead of you going in, and you know deleting that it basically fades out phases that whole application that'd be pretty cool I, think that is something that it concluded technology they have and the whole idea of being able to pick up the phone pick up a laptop. Furthermore, you know gaming, a PC and still have your profiles wherever you go, that might be a know that might be a feature that actually enables them to sell this device.

So they do have a few technologies that they can apply to this and- and you know, make an argument for a know: gamer friendly phone, but I think at the end of the day, it's going to be exactly what the hard to implementation of the hardware, and you know if they can justify the use case if they can actually give you a discipline at a price point that isn't the one thousand dollar iPhone 10 or almost thousand dollar. You know there's a part of me that agrees with that on price, but there's a part of me. That also wonders. Maybe that's what they need to do is come out with like a $900 phone, so they can have the price war under the iPhone 10, but that that high price point is still linked with consumers, that this is gonna, be a nice product that, if it's too cheap, then they'll act like nothing but crackle in your site, practical that you might want to change your headset yeah I can't be worn from here. So okay yeah, but no I do agree with you on that arm.

Aspect. I. Think it's interesting, though I think the best thing for them without worrying about price is really highlight. The use case like I, said: if it's really game eccentric, and you can it, you know it is it's a Nintendo Switch without being the Nintendo Switch like one of the disadvantages of the switch. Is it sucks right? If you think about it, it's something that you have to carry separately.

So if the racer phone was that without being that separate device weights like it's always in my pocket anyway, right I can gain and then, when I get back home, I can continue, and you know do whatever I need to do, or I can transfer to my PC, because it's arrays a PC, for instance through synapse, then you know hey, that might be the southern board. We hear you, okay, the one thing I want is I wish I wanted to call this THX certified phone and put as much thanks check in that as possible. You know, and- and that's crazy is- is to know that they've they've gone through these types of partnerships. They own some great labels. How much do you want to bet that they overlook that they just mention it with our partnership with thanks you can expect the highest I mean is like how much do you want to bet that they fumble this? Just because, like no other company, seems to get this stuff right, I hope so far, even though it makes me a little sad to know that they're kind of just using it as a labeling or a branding exercise to Samsung with AKG, you know like they are making a lot of noise that they spent a lot of money to pick up AKG.

Then they should stop like really pushing it probably I mean, but it's AKG ?, yes, ? no mean I! Think if I'm Samsung, like you, know the s9, and we'll get to that. Actually, this just even week to that topic, what great segue I was even thinking about it dropping in and out a year ago, I had the idea of a Cochise a talkie alright, so they continue. This phone's going to be crap. I mean the phone's going to be if I know them. They going to do some poly hybrid phone, docking type thing that you can.

You know, play games on the go and then dock it into some docking station and play games on your TV and you all sort of those things and try to really push the Android gaming market a little higher and really try to get some more powerful games. Maybe out of that, this thing is only gonna, be a foam, because it's going to give you like some type of connection, if you're not around Wi-Fi, you can game on. You know LTE or something like that. I mean you'll, be able to take phone calls to do those things, but it won't be its main focus, which is what smartphone is the main focus for a being at a phone these days anyway. So as I see this thing, I'm trying to really trying to push gaming on it as much as they can, and we'll wait to the second or third version when it actually gets to where they say it's gonna, be if they get that far with it.

Yeah. That's pretty much the name point. If, if we can get that far, then they were beyond this stevia clean as being the only manufacturer to provide you a mobile phone and a gaming experience at the same time, so we just have to wait and see speaking of Samsung, the third Samsung topic which I jumped to is the Galaxy S 9 camera. Well, the information from GSM arena talks about two camera senses. Samsung's working on one is a 12 megapixel, wonder 2 microns what so 1.2 8 microns with dual pixel and the other is 24 megapixels with the 0.9 microns, and the talk here is that this will reduce camera bumps. It also has a new technology called tetra cycle, which we used three three three cycle sensors: to give you better light inclusion increase, increase in light sensitivity, sneaking tetra-cell my scented, recycle Wow I went Slake organic chemistry, my lab, oh, that is that biochem coming out to give you better lighting.

I mean you know. This is me talk of Samsung. We see these camera sensors talking about um. You know the next camera sensor will have. A thousand is a thousand frames per seconds in slo-mo phenom estate, something like that.

That was the last rumor, and it looks like this is something we're going to get on the s9. What do you guys just think about just the camera tech itself? He is the real camera real person in here, I'm I'm, going to show you how to smartphone. I can name the book. I blew in her mind. Let's try to pitch the book.

So what so the concern I have, I don't doubt Samsung's ability to make killer sensors I really wish that they had continued with their interchangeable and X line, because those backlit APC CMOS a--'s were phenomenal, where I have concerns I, think Samsung. If I'm reading this, and I'm doing the math on this, that the pixel size is going to be getting smaller, that the pixel pitch is going to be getting smaller in the sensor, size is going to be getting smaller. Where I have some concerns is really just the overall surface area of each one of these sensors and that Samsung seems to be trying to make it up with more computational photography and image processing. On the back end to make up the difference of pure physics, of how much light can hit each one of these sensors I'm not saying they can't pull it off because. If any company could because I haven't seen anything so exciting out of Sony for phone sensors over the last year.

That Samsung actually has an opportunity here to do something radical, but what I was really hoping to see from Samsung was more word on some of the experiments that they were running in-house for a larger sensor, where they were looking at a sensor, nearly the size of what we had in the Lucia 1020 and especially given Samsung's ability to sync a sensor. The the depth that they are able to create phenomenal few products and have them near flush on the back of uh on the back of a phone that could have been really compelling. I would greatly prefer that as an exercise over dual sensor or smaller sensor, but more software driven that to me could be a tangible benefit for the photography space, but it is more expensive and harder to explain to consumers why it's different or why it's better and that's kind of a bummer and I think that's what we're seeing driving this new generation of ISO cell yeah I mean what you were saying right there about having to explain it. That's that's kind of where Nokia's downfall wasn't a lot of cases. They had.

You know, awesome camera tech that was ahead of everyone, but it's really hard to explain why their camera tech was better than someone else's and in the end of the day, and even something that was a little lower sensor than the like. The Lucia 1020 would I forgot the name of the phone. The Verizon exclusive one was also great as well too, but it's hard to see yeah, it was the icon. I got yeah, yeah and I. Take great photos.

It wasn't. It wasn't as good as a 1020, but it's hard to explain to people the differences between the two and sell, so the the user base on you. So the users persona consumer on that. This is Larry that you can still pick up a 1520 or a 930, and it's its still hanging with current phones. Today, I just you know, when you have that right mix of resolution sensor, size and good software processing, all three going hand-in-hand, oh and good mics, and that's what I thought.

That's what I thought Samsung was going to be building towards with their next generation. I think the problem is the other way. I think we would have gotten that if we weren't in such the bells Alice and must be made of glass race where materials any materials could be used, it didn't really matter how thin or thick the bezels were, and we just got detect. That was a side of it. But since we're into everything's got to have this striking elegance to it, it limits what you can actually put inside a smartphone, so yeah I could see why largest sensor is going to be a harder thing for them to accomplish versus? Let's, lets see what we can get out of the sensor, we have now or make the center smaller and get the most we can out of it, and if we have this software to be able to do that, to give it up, give it close to performance of a large assent, Center right now, that's what the option is.

Going to get chosen, yeah agreed, I, think what you think is very interesting about how firms, and it's from what forms of no look like as sensors get smaller and smaller having a sub 1 micron pixel size is gonna, be very interesting. I we, we would really have to know exactly what how this affects picture quality because right now we have devices on your shoot devices on our phones that better get a lot of photo shoots that we had even a couple of years out. So it's really going to be interesting, how you know the quality of the cameras and also what the Flu zone next two years, these cameras look like if I can pick up my phone, and it's like almost paper thin I still have a camera in that thing, be pretty impressed with that. So I think, if I'm optimistic that they're really committed to continue working on reducing the size of your cameras and we have already seen from a design perspective you're, also working with making phones more sleek. You know bringing that meld in that art and technology together.

I just think it's a good thing about. Ok, speaking of good thing. Samsung is definitely having a good quarter. Samsung points, the guidance that q3 will have record profits, sales of up to 55 billion and profits it up to about twelve point: eight seven billion dollars. Now this could be attributed to number of factors.

Their phones are selling well because we got a BS selling well, and also they have this thing called the iPhone X, which would be give them a hundred dollars per print device. So much so how much piece of that does Microsoft get since they have all the Android fans display so well, they have to pay him. Microsoft has great profits from Android ad sun's and Windows. Phone makes a win. This one is officially dead by the way we never really did talk about that did we did they give that they give that issue.

This week they stated that yeah, it is dead, it was. It was like on my wife's birthday and all the news came in from who was it that tweet, it was a think. So no no is the yeah. There was a peepers literally in just Twitter conversations. It's like yeah I, moved over to an Android, and we're still going to support.

Windows Phone for people and I have it in corporate and what's-his-name is using Android now Bill Gates. That was last week, but no I think it was I, think it was Joe Before. You know, I mean again like the person who was like most responsible for showing off Windows Phone hardware, just casually dropping it. Mid Twitter chat, super as where and oh by the way. Windows Phone is dead, but we've got this really cool new launcher that you can play in Microsoft and the edge browser beta is on iOS 11, but Windows Phone is dead and just you know, nobody cares.

The edge. Surprisingly, the edge beta for iOS went fast. Like is. You can only have so many beta participants on and on iOS and like they. It is like.

He announced it and then, like a half hour later had to say oh by the way. No one else can use it now, because we're phone users who were like I finally got easier. iPhone now yeah they went I found an Android and that's something yeah. They were the only other options. It's just like you know, I mean I, I, guess I have to figure out a way to sync things to your PCs, because it's not like you can you can do that the way they want to do that in a Windows Phone or oh, my god, like oh we're, going to Microsoft fan, let's just cool MMM whiskey, one song exact, the CEO from Samsung Electronics stepped out, citing unprecedented crisis, which precedent yeah I mean when I saw that news I was like, but you guys just posted like profits like who else is going to jail well and the aircraft of your company actually gets carted off to jail.

Yeah, that's kind of an unprecedented crisis, yeah I know, but it just is the same time as the guidance for the profits came out. So you know, like one hand, you're like we're making money in the heads like exactly I'm going to jail. I mean Samsung needs to get its house in order, but wait am I ready. So, there's literally no other information than one person. Stepping down saying crisis jail.

I mean basically the crisis we friend who are is the financial time to you know I mean that's literally it there's nothing else he's just like I've. Basically he's statements like we did a perfect job I like what we've done as a company. The people have done well and this president's a crisis so 201 our craft go Nora collect $200 yeah. That was pretty much it's moving on from Samsung oculus had his oculus day, and they announced a couple of headsets. One of them was the oculus go, which is the span.

One headset will be powered most likely by a Snapchat. Don't try track dragon active sir easy for you to say yeah all right um. He also showed off the only true wireless headset as well, and he also had a price cuts for the original oculus, which would go to 399 to combat Microsoft's mixed reality, which headsets, which are $2.99 and 399. If you with the controls, I will say this: I use the mixed reality. Headset and I played a couple of games, I have in my oculus and buy on there, and it plays the same.

Damn way, I mean whatever Microsoft did with mixed reality. The fact that you don't need sensors, and you can move around yeah like that, like it was perfect, so oculus now has looks like they have serious competition from a company who I mean Microsoft has always had tech like this. It's just yeah who's invested in them, technically because they so anyway. What do you guys think about the oculus go, which is the Astana lone headset? We know there are rumors, that vibe is coming out one as well and in a video I think Google has one: that's going to be coming out soon right, Google mentioned the standalone daydream had said earlier this year. But what do you think about the oculus go? Well I think we really have this conversation I'm, not the biggest fan, I think it's definitely right there in the wrong direction.

For a company that has been somewhat flailing to figure out exactly which direction is they make high-end gaming VR? If it comes to mobile VR there they work with Samsung on the gear VR you know so that that's already covered. They already cover that in the way if it comes to load, if you're saying that oh they're going to be at a price point where you know more people can, you know have access to it. Then this $200 price point, although good, it's still more expensive than a gear VR with a firm you already have or getting what Google's daydream to. That's that's still cheaper to do that then go through this I, don't really quite understand what populace or what Facebook is doing with oculus. It makes it to me, it makes no sense.

This is unnecessary and if you say it's a reaction to Microsoft, and they shouldn't be reacting to anyone with the products like this, they should be pushing. The reaction should be to push the quality, and you know the tech have last few years of pioneering VR, so I'm still kind of see, I think the best reaction was the price match like the 399. Yes, you dropped. The price I was a perfect reaction. We turn the next oculus I'm buying would be the truly Wireless one right.

They demoed officially I'm like okay, fine I, don't have anything better, that men tempered here, okay and then, and then that can be a $6.99 oculus right. You could justify it because it's truly wireless, but you are right because now for me as a consumer, the price point is very funky at 200. If I spend more money, I can go to true office and not by much like I'm spending. Anything like you know five miles more, but you can move up and then really I could either get my gear VR or daydream I anything at a cheaper price. So I don't know what do you think? One I know you like a lot of the lower end models in terms of like just giving people access.

But what do you think about this strategy and where this kind of position is things well, because I share some of Sam's concerns. You know you could dock your phone into some kind of headset and arrive at commiserate, or at least an entry-level VR solution, significantly cheaper. Looking at the business and the optics on this, though it's just, it doesn't seem that consumers are really doing that part of the issue. I. Think with that strategy, is you have to take your phone, your mission, critical communications, lifeline device out of commission and, potentially, you know really plummet.

The battery run it really hot and sweat into mine. I mean like I. Don't share my daydream with other people. I really like that gunslinger game and I can only play it for about 10 minutes at a clip on my pixel before it gets screaming. Hot I can play it for a little longer on my galaxies.

They do run a little cooler, but after about 15 minutes, I'm sweating buckets like I'm, not gonna, spread that funk to another one of my friends, Carrie yeah. So what? What we have an opportunity here for, if we're going to claim that VR still has the potential to go mainstream is moving it to another device kind of like what I was saying with razor and a phone. You know. Maybe a phone isn't the way to go. Maybe a companion device might be a safer, smarter play for looking at the optics on what consumers are apt to spend money on where their entertainment dollars are gonna.

Go I mean it's even down to little things like I did a unofficial poll on the pocket now Twitter just asking. If anyone had ever used some type of VR solution on an airplane, you know like your gear VR. That seems to make sense to me. Like you, a lot of airplanes have chargers. You don't have to worry about your phone being dead when you land.

Could you watch a movie and really block out the fact that you were you know in the cheap seats on an economy, airplane and I? Think only like four or five percent of the people who responded. We got I, think over a thousand I've, never even thought about that yeah, but that to me starts to become like what is this stuff really going good idea? Is this stuff really going mainstream and I think we're still at that place where consumers are reticent to put a bougie face computer over their face and that, to me, I think is still a significant struggle in trying to get this stuff adopted? It's its, maybe even less. Is it at the right price or is it at the right functionality or does it have the apps? It's its just getting people used to the idea of wearing a computer on their face. I still think we have significant hurdles to overcome there, I'm I'm, confident that we'll see a little more traction now that we see real competition, though, when the competition was only five versus oculus, we're talking the premium expensive, big boy players, consumers, weren't, gonna, jump on board, PlayStation, 4, good step in the right direction, and I think now that we've got killer options from phones all the way up to mixed reality, and then all the way up into the next generation of whatever premiere VR is going to look like at least the people who are wanting to experiment will have illusions at different price points that they can hit. No I think it's its it's definitely in there and the one thing I will say we mixed reality.

Are you see a lot of design concepts from Holocene come into play so just put in the headset on it's really easy? The whole lance has as though the windup clip at the back, and then you can also just flip up the headset and look around you don't have to take it off. It's not cumbersome, like they've done a perfect job. In that, that's just frustrating that a consumer can't actually buy one. Oh, no! It's coming out sin! No, no I mean At this moment we've been talking about Holocene hollow as design in mixed reality, see I'm I'm of the mind that something like that is actually where true disruption, yeah exactly the market- and you guys have heard me prattle on about that I. Don't need to go down that well again, yeah my Holocene needs to fix one major thing: the field of view is very, very small, so once you deal with that, then they can release it out in people were like okay.

This is cool moving on to a company that looks like it's doing. Well, maybe it's just because they sold some people over to hate. You see double this revenue, September yeah they made $200 part of discounted, no I mean like again I'm, always going to be happy to see the letters HTC surviving I just I have concerns long-term I, really think that this is a sneaky way to do the Motorola deal without just accessing jobs and cutting a bunch of redundant positions and get garnering a bunch of negative headlines. I'll be super surprised, no matter how successful HTC might be in the next over the next two fiscal quarters if they exist in any recognizable form by 2020 yeah. But even with this news, it's still a 17 percent decline in revenues from last year.

So that's not a small I mean the problem has been very clear. Its HTC has not released compelling products for four users, I mean the U 11, so I mean okay. I agree that there are some. There are some optics problems, not in that camera. I mean like in getting consumer visibility for the U 11, but it's its a good phone.

It's a very good phone. Okay, HTC 10 last year was probably one of the best phones of the year. Yes, I think about it, I think about what happened last year. They did exactly what LG did the hate. You see, 10 last thing we all said good phone, let's see what he does.

You've done a rebound. Let's see what you do this year, then they go make squeeze and everybody was like. Forget it I mean. Is it bad a phone, but it just it lost I. Think I.

Think I. Think squeeze is a gimmick, isn't what's convincing consumers not to buy the phone? No I think if she had a problem with their getting that phone to partner with a carrier, one can really with the 10. Nobody did, and they go to terrible missteps with that boat 9, the m9. It wasn't really their fault that the m9 was such a ROG of a performer, but you know that carriers were fielding a ton of complaints on LG and HTC that year, both companies took a huge hit in the market because of Qualcomm, then AT&T stuck their neck out for HTC on the a9 and if you were gonna, do an iPhone clone and make it that expensive. That was the wrong way to try and do an expensive iPhone clone, and after that, it was after the 9 to 18 t severed their relationship, their partnership, their carrier deals with HTC.

So when the HTC 10 came out, and they knew they were going to have to do it alone. What did they do? Did they double down on their company increase advertising on their own, really reach out to consumers and try and build a legit groundswell of fandom and activity? No, they went radio silent, so that's on them, but the phone is great. The HTC 10 is a baller phone, it's still a baller phone and the U 11 I think is a very good device, just a very good device. In an era where we've moved on to different screen aspect ratios dual camera experiments, and it feels a little dated, even though it's maybe the shiniest prettiest back, any manufacturers made well that helped the way they present. Today they released that phone out.

It was like and some hidden chamber at sea seriously. You love it man right, and then it there's no like there was told like romance. Wasn't CES the ultra like what? What was that you alternative? Here's. The thing, though- and this is something you need to learn from one plus as bad as one plus can do strange things- is that they always generate that, like you said the market, the excitement for a one-pass device now rumblings are coming back again about the 1 + 5 t, which not lead you every year. T, it's like HTC has forgotten how to generate interests.

You know now is no it's not it's not a stray matter of you spending a lot of big ad box yeah. You have to do that. Well, look! Look at their look at their strategy this year in trying to get I forget what their evangelist program is, but basically we just had a bunch elevate, angry individuals like Brigade Alan, all of our videos, if we said anything critical about the phone, because we were obviously biased and paid off by Samsung, and you're like that was the wrong you AstroTurf grassroots, it ya know that's causing problems because it makes HTC fans look like douchebags. It makes them look like angry internet trolls, not like an actual passionate fan community of people who like to talk about that product. So they have a severe optics problem at HTC beyond, like their desire line if they can't get ahead of the conversation and actually start reaching out to consumers, putting boots on the ground having hands-on having demos having mall kiosks like Samsung started with, they are irrelevant to the consumer discussion.

They do not matter, they will not sell. Thank you for that very poignant, and you know the ongoing suits between Apple and Qualcomm, using Apple in China, Amitabh and production and sales. The suit comes from the fact that Rock'em says Apple infringes on some patents based on power management and force touch technology. So we'll see what happens you know if this goes through or stops its production of certain drones doesn't say which phone is this applies to, but if I'm Qualcomm I'm most likely looking at the phones that sell the best, which would be the 5 and the 6 and not care about this- is everything I hate, because that's where Apple makes most their money? The truth here at people are this is that Apple has stopped giving you. This has nothing to do this but, of course, stop giving us exact numbers on which phones sell.

They just give us I phone sales and, as fun alluded to earlier, Apple has a range of iPhones now, all the way from the SE to the 10 and- and it reminds me of something my currently actively selling 8 8 different models, 8 different SKUs of iPhone, not counting the variations and storage size, yeah and in might miss something. Michael Fisher said when we had a little chats, and he was saying that if you think about it, iPhone users alone he's like 4 meses added all the evidence. A lot of iPhone users don't even know what devices they have he's friend came over and says: oh, this new iPhone draft upgrade might I have a four, and he's like this is a six, so I mean yeah, and you know not all iOS fans 'red. No, no we're not saying you won't happen. If you are, I'm, sorry, the are official is he's saying you are that was like that was borderline.

You know, Marie Antoinette, you know just don't be slow and ya know that we've come to end of topics. Has anything else in the chat. I know there was some talk about USB type-c audio there for a minute yeah, it's its gonna, be a hot mess. It's like three years already. Still no I have Sony cams yeah, yeah well, and we just did our um there's no s and there any of the cameras.

Sorry I'm, looking at in their yeah on what on the fear. Cellphone cameras, no, oh, is next I mean that's, not necessarily a bad thing. It's just wrong or computational image. Processing doesn't compare to the pixel, I mean good, but it's going up again. Look it's not like.

Sony ever really cared about their own camera. They would sell their camera to other manufacturers who would make better photos than the phones and their own cameras. I mean, so we've just wrapped up our xz1 compact review, and it was sort of like flashbacks of the Moto X to for me, where I loved the form factor, I, really loved the demographic that it's targeting I like that, there's a premium option for a small form factor device, and then you fire up the camera, and it fights you the entire time you're trying to take a photo. There's no autofocus for video. The 4k imaging is for some reason, two stops darker than when you shoot in 1080p.

Just very odd pieces of software, oh like when you're outside you'll, tap, to focus and the phone will slowly rack the focus onto your subject. And then, when you hit the shutter button about half the time you hit the shutter, it will then again recycle the focus to make sure it's locked after you've already preset. The focus I mean like so many completely odd choices for photography and video and image processing. Even though it's got an excellent image sensor and pretty good lenses on that phone. It's just such an a's such a strange feel actually using that camera.

Let's talk about Sony for a second as well as Samsung, is doing in smartphones. You would think Sony would be in this space. There's almost literally no excuse for them to not be either a 1b or number two next to Samsung in terms of Android smartphones. They have every capability that Samsung does every single one. It can make Alabama, let alone another one.

It can do it on their own if they wanted to, but they have the abilities, they might have start production, but they have the abilities, so they could make it a bigger have done. They could have in-house everything like Samsung outside a processor. That may be the only thing they have. They did after going by, but somehow they want to be the most ea relevant company in smartphone history. They just they're out to be like number five like we're number five in the game.

We good like think about it, you let well and that they're number five you know like LG I'm, expecting to be where they are. They have to think if it believes this Samsung and the rest and Sony as well to each cc doesn't really have that way in the same way, and we can see what kind of see some struggles are running into I mean even having a Huawei or always now and up there and doing these things, and it's just I, don't know it's just as a nickel one says Sony is stupid like it is that I just don't know what else to say to him like it doesn't make any and I anything. Is the tech community as a whole was alike Sony phones, yeah? We want to actually review them as good, because hardware design, wise they're the only ones that channel Samsung in the Android space, the only ones that do, and they rival Apple they they up there with that in terms of the phone designs and way things are looking, we've seen, you know that they've used the same. Damn candy bar aesthetic I swear for the last five years on their phones, but it doesn't matter because. It's usually we're very beautiful.

Looking, but yet we're here again, I'll be, will be a CES, don't introduce some phone to the law in the long press conference, we'll all take photos and then forget about it. So there, the internal discussion that the rumor mill is having is that this is the last generation the X Z's, the XE one is the last generation of phones to follow this aesthetic and that Sony will be shifting over, so we'll see if it's true, if a tree falls in the woods and nobody's there, does anyone hear it? Yes, nobody hears this. Nobody cares well in Japan. No, no I didn't say well, I, said reasonably well, I. Think Apple is number one Samsung's number two, maybe LG behind I mean even back in the football days.

I think NEC was selling better than they had been back in the football days of Japan they've, never been a number one you might want. So do you guys remember the PlayStation phone for me, I think it was Sony Ericsson was there was they were? They were very, very much on par, and then I think they bought that Ericsson wing in the Sony when strictly, and they brought that company in, but it seems like they brought him in. They didn't know what to do with him. What to do? What's his name? Imagine Jacky's points. You know it's like I own, a pair of Sony wireless headphones, and it'll market.

If they make Sony means no Sony. Sony is known for things like headphones people know they don't have to market it Tony's a name in that space. They don't have to market and hammers they. Everybody knows they got boss-ass cameras, but it was him. I know they have offed everything else or no marketing.

Look at the look at the markets. We Haven't headphones right. Yeah, Bose! had to market the headphones again. You know banging Austin, who are donen't usually market head food starter mark the headphones, I'm going to see if you had to go all out, but so they had to tell people look remember this is what we do. You don't have to necessarily go crazy, but you have to remind people that you there well bozos markets literally, just like hey, hey guys, we exist yeah, exactly like oh yeah I.

Remember. So let me try this out once they were the king of the Walkman. They will brew the Walkman. Remember that not only the king of the tape deck, but they ran the CDs to disk that had Lyon. Recording I love me.

Yes, they were absolutely ahead of everyone in that in every aspect of that space, and they let it all just vanish, yeah they're, still good. It's just the competition is doing better and cheaper. You can get better for you get better than what a Sony gives you without having to paint a Sony fact. This is I. Could what happened there? Tax didn't last any longer.

They still have it. They still have the tax sitting there like people, going to pay for it. True story right, my first bra via the reason I got my first bra yeah I plan for it for two years, I got to begin with, and then I kept that Vizio, because it was like what less than 500 bucks see my price I saved up for two years to get like a high-end bra via, and that was one of the happiest purchase away by a police station. That's what you have to save up. Three, oh, hey, hey guys by the way.

Imagine Ziggy is apparently of the female persuasion. So just my wanted she's calling that out when that was all funnies fault, my bad I'm, sorry market advertise. They could, you know they are getting advertised like, but that's the thing but see sample Samsung had the biggest benefit that the really were problem in. That is market. If they came to kick Sony's ass in TVs, that's exactly what brought their name up very, very high.

You don't realize when flat panels are first coming out, there was Sony and air with Samsung. Samsung was matching them in terms of quality or beating them and with pricing two to three hundred dollars under what they were doing. What Sony would put out, so Samsung was selling a lot of this stuff, so Samsung's name started to come up in the work, so it was easy transition ago, oh hey, you have the Samsung TV come look at this Samsung phone with a very similar looking display and feel and look and imagine your TV, and it was a real easy transition for them to do those things. And now you have your Blu-rays and all that other stuff they painted what they did. What Sony essentially did they took Sony strategy of reckoning? Well, Samsung did what a lot of companies do at the time.

Samsung had one arm deep pool, and they said whatever is made here. Remember: that's what happens: Sony yeah, whatever we're making this ING pool, we will use across our divisions. Sony had an era D for PlayStation that they never to the Blu-ray. Are you guys we're making the same thing at all? So you know issues so the big ones to be perfect, but when I, when I, when we knew they were phasing the brand out, essentially it was like the last year they had. It was a bad time to buy the brand of anything of these to have them look into that they used to have good PC monitors, ?, really, really good piece now yeah, especially if you're doing color in noir right now.

Lg needs that market. In terms of like you know, 100 RGB, you know color monitors and stuff them and NEC, but you NEC makes great monitors, but you got to know anything you experience and then any C is expensive and doesn't look as nice. There's nothing sexy about it. I mean yeah, it'll, look good, it'll, look very, very good and very Kelli accurate, but it's boring and expensive. Well, at least today, our company of Jaylene and despair is Sony.

Microsoft we can uh Microsoft. Did you guys get the fall update on your Boxes and Microsoft? Another thing start flying to do your stupid-ass update, I, guess so pissed off for that, if I want to skip the update and I have to be offline, won't let me online unless I do the update, like it's like that's like the same. They brought that thing. The thought process over to your PC say: we're gonna, tell you, will you when you can reboot your computer now? Wouldn't you want to do it? You do this now like what but the yeah I got. The creator update actually pretty nice one of the cool things it can.

It can now capture in 1080p up to is up to two minutes of 1080p that they limited it, and you can actually, you can actually change it to capture to an external drive. If you want to I, haven't checked to see if at this 1080p 60 I can't tell if it does, if it does it or not, it just says to it just says: 1080p SDR: we just need to standard I named it the Xbox One X it will capture in 4k, which essentially makes the Xbox the first console or first capture device of any kind in gaming too captured 4k yeah. Well, it's what is funny when they might only be 30 seconds, but you're doing it. It's going to say in terms of CAPTCHA. When I went to the Xbox events, they had this capture device that you're just sliding the SSD, and it can capture in 4k, and I was like how long it was like you can do 96 hours straight.

It's like okay, cool. That is pretty good. That's acceptable! Thanks! It's like nice! Thank you very much. It Comcast tell you how much the DVR could capture they. Let say this I didn't tell you the number of hours, the content of like okay, yeah, but I mean 96 hours.

I mean when, when I can't look in the capture, one minute was out to your 3 gigabytes.4K success rate for a second high nitrate I was like this is a very fantastic capture device that you have here like yeah, it's just commercial, it's not usually sold to sorry, it's not industry. It's not commercial. Virtually sold captured, see my face like one minute and doesn't take I mean when you're going to when you render it. It's not compressing anything when it's doing that take it. So it was good anyway.

I've got a part of the show where we talk about what we have in our channels and what we can expect next week. So Mr. Warren Bowman kick it off. Oh, I. Have everything that I had last week is up there next week will be awesome.

New stuff I got a bunch of things of stuff of the iPhone relation stuff of the bolts. We can talk about yet relation. You said pixel to which we all should have next week. He seems so excited about this. New pixel too was exciting.

My name was coming next week when I found it was a big lady, I just lost my excitement. I, don't know who's confirmed the next minute. I checked again they're like we moved you to the back, a weird. What color did you order out of the black okay? So I? We were doctor 21, it's two and we, so I originally tried to order. The white woman I'm a way getting a black XL and when I, when I put in the order, it was the same hour.

I put it in. They were like, oh by the way it's going to take an extra week to ship you're like well canceling that order sorry I, don't know what they're doing with their supply chains, but the one that's most delayed is the kind of blue, like that's going to be in another month out from delivery by October 17th 18th of paper. The extra ships like oh I, didn't mess around I just went in to sit by, and I was like nope, don't even think about it, because if you don't like it just return it or whatever or sell it later, but like if you sit down, take even 10 second to think about it, you're Diane, that's true: I'll get mine on October 26th like piano or panda. I can't get every time you guys say panda. They get a stupid designer song.

Album cover is a panda with the chain on, while you search for that on either hand, look at the logo. Could you tell us what we could expect so yeah we um we just published this morning? Our iPhone 8 plus review, which I know. I'm sure tons of people are super interested in with the iPhone 10, eventually around the corner. Likewise, we're going to have pixel to in-house coverage, probably towards the end of the week, at least like the first 24 hours or an unboxing video, or something like that. While we're getting to know it I'm hoping I, missed a package yesterday, which I'm hoping is my V 30, and if it is, that means we can also start jumping into the actual retail unit for our camera review and our a real audio review for gadget.

Guy I'm going to be wrapping up a review today on a super inexpensive pair of truly wireless earbuds, maybe an option for people who don't want it wired, tethering, but don't want to spend you know 150 to 400 dollars on a pair of earbuds for vid me. We recovered another episode of my mm that just went live about 15 minutes ago, where we're talking about one of my favorite period dramas involving Henry, the eighth and there's something I can't talk about yet, but I hope a press release will be delivered on Tuesday, so I'll be hopefully making some noise about something cool going on with a cool company that could be interesting to talk about on Tuesday, so Tuesday could be Tuesday, maybe pay attention to what's going on in my social media. With this he's he's working with John Larry, that's! What's working on he's, he's going to be going to be it's not that I'm so happy! You went there instead of like oh he's, Mexican he's going to eat some tacos on Tuesday or something I mean I was gonna, go usually easily. Does that joke I'm going to go someplace else, that's the thing that really happens all about sharing that aspect of rocks the superpower. You know kinda like something to commit jugs of certain racial jokes, and it's a lot to do it because it's true I, actually I, don't have that superpower.

Okay, on our heads, we have a bunch of headsets. We have the Astral 820 wireless. Give me a headset a review for that. Also have the high banks cloud alpha, which are no hundred bucks, and they sound, perfect, definitely check it out, especially the mic off they had set. Besides, we did what I call the best Bluetooth headphones on the $80 from Electronics, especially because they have tiny drivers and six millimeters, and you shouldn't get the kind of sound you get from them has to do with the ear tips and all that fun stuff in there also put up our gaming on the Samsung 49 inch behemoth of a monitor, basically a TV, and then a couple of trailer reactions, one for Justice League and one for Star Wars.

So definitely I would say this to everyone that preview for Star Wars. Whoever put that together deserves listen. Well is country, they deserve a cut of the profits. Oh, that's so sad was not like nowhere close to interested I said the trailer is like yeah I'm watching. This was a no-brainer, my that's what previous supposed to do you see what's going on, but I'm, not the biggest Star Wars person.

It doesn't excite me in the same way, get excited for it. Just it's like I, try, and I'm. Just like I, don't know, she's got to get into the force. Oh sorry, Vulcan mind-meld, my bad sorry, I. The force of stories but bad story, I, really feel we just glossed over, something we should be making more fun of e4 I was joking I did that on purpose, no III, don't difference we, the minor for watching.

Did you see the Panda? Yes I know. I, saw excellent, and I like the fact that there are different versions of that now with a chain on I, seen a red panda now wearing a chain of gold. Oh one, more thing: I forgot to mention cup head reviews up, and it's got some footage from Warren beating Pepe the clown serving sampling, perfect. Yet sad plains, cup head and me dying a lot. So all the death tours, but I was I.

Employ you guys. If you have the Windows PC trust me, buy this game, I just downloaded it. You will feel Alger you enjoy it, and you will feel the pain I was talking to someone, Microsoft, rep, and you're, like one of our colleagues shared their, you know, like you see, the death counts, and he died 485 times on. One of us I can't know what was it being like to attract, because you know think about cup and sometimes like. If you don't stop, you just wanted to frustration, yeah yeah, you just keep doing the same thing, so you have to kind of stop.

Go out either play another boss. Come back. I think is the bad thing is once you perfect once you try to do it, and it gets a get, get the big bids in it. I've come close, and I get pissed, and I like I'm, like I, got hit I'm just dying anyway, yeah anyway, guys I. Definitely look like I said pick up the game.

Juan. Let us know what you think next week when you, when you play through and definitely check out all the channels you check out Mr. warm Bowman. He is at BY one calm that is his channel. You can follow him there on YouTube and Twitter Instagram, that is his handle, be doing PWM calm as well as also Mr.

Juan Carlos. Back now he's part of the pocket now network. You can find his mobile videos their own pocket. Now also, he has his own personal channel. It is some gadget guy where he talks about other stuff in audio like he mentioned earlier, and he has his vid me channel, which is just fine back now where he brings up some good old entertainment videos with funky hairstyles he's got up and yes, yes book, take some perfect photos.

You can find them on Amazon if you search one back now, mm-hmm take better photos. Smartphone photography for noobs available on Amazon, Kindle still trying to get it on Google, but they're, not accepting any new authors, so accepting new offers for a site that nobody buys books and, of course, black iron Han, the school man take a know the richest guy here, because he's black Iron Man. Oh, yeah only ride a bicycle right, but into an Iron Man exactly it turns into have like no sound gets to work in like five minutes. He tells me he's frightened in a bike. Well, he probably gets through quicker than I do so no matter and, of course, in support of work.

You can follow us there, and so thank you very much guys and always enjoying it. Tamil's.

Source : Booredatwork.com

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