Razer Phone 2 VS ROG Phone Speed Test By Chad Christian

By Chad Christian
Aug 21, 2021
Razer Phone 2 VS ROG Phone Speed Test

Hey, what's going on, you guys check Christian from CWC technologies. Today, I wanted to do a speed test between the brand-new razor phone 2 and the DOG phone. So let's get right into this. We're gonna start with some very basic applications, and then we're going to move our way into some super heavy intensive games. If you guys, will click that thumbs up and subscribe for more videos. Just like this, so I want to show you a couple of things here before we get started, you can see there's nothing running in the background.

We're going to go ahead and turn on each one of these systems. Game modes, which is going to increase the performance as fast as these systems will allow. So you can see over here on the razor phone -. It has the game booster mode, which means I've turned up all the performance of the CPU or run as fast as it can without being disturbed, we'll go ahead, and now I'll close that setting out over here, I'm the DOG phone I've done the same thing: I enabled the game mode in the game. Center and I've also gone into each one of the profiles and I turned everything on so quick difference between the two of these systems.

The razor phone too has a hundred and twenty Hertz LCD, and the DOG phone has a ninety Hertz AMOLED display, which is as far as I know, the fastest AMOLED display that any phone has right now. So just to give you a little of comparison of what we're working with here. So let me go ahead and close all apps out. You can see now that with the DOG phone, the wallpaper indicates that the gain mode is turned on. You can also see all the icons are highlighted on red, so that's kind of a cool feature: let's go ahead and start with the easier applications first and see how they do.

Let's go ahead and start with Twitter. You can see here that DOG phone was slightly faster. Let's go ahead and leave that in memory. That's one other thing is that on the DOG phone this has eight gigs of RAM and I believe the razor phone to have six gigs of RAM, but I'll leave that here or here just so, you guys can see what the RAM is on. Let's go ahead and open the camera.

Look like this was slightly faster here. Let's go ahead and open the Play Store up whew that one was almost a tie. You guys have to be the judge on that. Let's go ahead and open YouTube looks like the razor phone two might have one out on that one. You can see the difference of the LCD versus the AMOLED display, but they're both very fast and fluid all right.

This time we're going to go ahead and try vainglory and three two one now I am gonna, be doing some gaming videos so make sure you guys subscribe because I will show you all of these games on each of these phones being played. If there are any games, you guys are interested in seeing. Let me know too below this look. The same I was going to show you rival, but for some reason that's not loading on the DOG phone, so I apologize for that. Let's go ahead and move on to art and three two one: let's go ahead and try it since we got some weird issues in the beginning here, little faster over here on the DOG phone and the last one: let's go ahead and try Odyssey and three two one interesting look at the DOG phone glitch towel not supposed to do that.

Now, let's check some of these programs in the memory and see if anything is still running. So let's go ahead and start with the beginning. It's like Twitter stayed open on both. Let's try, YouTube gees that looks good, looks like a state of memory. Let's see if any of the games stayed in memory, let's, let's try Taken! Well, that's great, so both of them stayed in memory, see what else we got.

Let's see if Fame glory, State and memory look at that the DOG foam had to reload it where the razor phone too, had it sitting there right away interesting. So you guys, let me know down in the comments below which phone are you more interested in which phone would you guys like to have? Would you rather have the razor phone to or the brand-new DOG phone curious to see what you guys think about these phones again, the real boxing stayed in memory over here on the razor phone too, and it did not stay in memory with the DOG fold and that's gonna? Do it for my speed test video today between the razor phone two and the DOG phone I. Hope you guys like that if you did make sure to click that thumbs up and subscribe and as always I'll see you guys on the next video.

Source : Chad Christian

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