Poco F3 GT Redmi K40 Gaming Edition PUBG Mobile HDR+90 FPS Test | How's MTK Dimensity 1200? By Golden Reviewer

By Golden Reviewer
Aug 14, 2021
Poco F3 GT Redmi K40 Gaming Edition PUBG Mobile HDR+90 FPS Test | How's MTK Dimensity 1200?

Hey guys welcome back to golden reviewer. This is the Redmi k40 gaming edition. With the MTV dimension, 1200 soc. You can see that it's a very nicely built device that has these physical buttons for gaming purpose, but as a gaming phone, I think the most important thing is still the performance. So today, let's test the performance of this device with the PUBG mobile game, we'll set the graphics settings to HDR, plus 90 fps, and currently this is only available in the Chinese version of the PUBG mobile game. So we'll be using the Chinese version on the global version.

You can only do 60 fps, which is no challenge for these phones at all. So it's not interesting. Okay, so we'll be playing the subhub map dropping at the boot camp area. Hopefully the load will be heavier and just like all my previous tests, I'll show you the real-time fps I'll play the game for about 20 minutes, so you may choose to watch the full footage, or you may just skip to the end of the video for the final results. Okay, so before we start, I ask you to give me a thumb up, share my channel and the video to your friends who might be interested and also remember, to subscribe.

Let's go to the test, so, oh, oh! So so so! Oh, oh, oh, oh foreign! So do to do uh, so hey! So all right guys. The results are in, and I'll say that the performance of this device is okay, but not amazing. Now if they say this is a device especially for gaming, it's so called a gaming edition. I honestly I expected more from it, but it's fine. I guess so.

The average fps is 83 and towards the later half of the 20 minutes. Gameplay. You see a lot of rim drops because I think the device is becoming hotter, and it starts to throttle a bit and then look at the power consumption. It's not that good either. The overall average power consumption is 7.2 watt, which is pretty high, and I'd say that, after about 10 to 15 minutes of gameplay, the metal frame of the device has become so hot. That is almost uncomfortable to hold.

Actually, if you check out the gameplay footage, you can see that I was adjusting my holding position of the device a few times and that's actually because the metal frame became so hot. I couldn't really stand it anymore. So, overall, I think this device performed okay, and the performance is not bad at all. Right, HDR and 90 fps overall achieved 83 on average. That's okay, that's quite good, but the power consumption is quite high, and the temperature is also quite high.

So I won't say it's not really um amazing the mic device right and I don't really think this has any better performance than the Poco f3 also called Redmi k40 in China. So I don't see anything special about gaming for this device. Okay, so maybe it's just uh another variant of the k-fort here, rather than some special crazy gaming phone that uh Xiaomi wants you to believe. Okay, all right guys. So that's all for today's video thanks for watching and see you next time.

Source : Golden Reviewer

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