By Wynnsanity
Aug 15, 2021

It takes a lot to compete with the greatest in mobile gaming, but today a new challenger has arrived, introducing wait what yo! You know what I could probably kick your ass. Even if I had a two-inch phone um yeah, I wasn't joking, I'm like I'm actually literally playing on a phone that has a 2.4-inch screen yo. What's going on guys, this is going to welcome back to another video today we're going to do something crazy that I've never ever done in PUBG mobile, so we've tried everything from phone to tablets to even playing on emulator on the channel right. I personally really like to play on tablets. I like the bigger devices, but I had a thought, and it might sound crazy, but what? If we flip that around and instead of trying to play on the biggest device we try to play on the smallest device, so that's going to require us to go off of tablet and back down to phone, but not just any phone right at first, I thought what about the iPhone SC? That seems to be one of the smallest phones. You can buy right now, go to the store pick it up, but no, I wanted to go a bit further, so I started doing some research online and come to find out there's a lot of tiny android phones.

The problem is some of them. Don't even have the Google Play Store, so you can't even download extra apps anyway and, let's not forget a lot of them. Don't even have good enough specs for PUBG to even run or be installed or even function on anything, basically other than checking your email or sending a text message, but I didn't give up hope, and we stumbled across the world's smallest rugged 4g smartphone, not my words, that's their words. Let me introduce to you the unihertz atom. So unihertz is claiming that this is the world's smallest rugged, 4g smartphone.

The reason they call it rugged is that this thing could get stepped on thrown down the stairs. It's wind resistant dust, resistant waterproof. This thing is amazing: it's meant to be taken out when you're like hiking or going out in the wilderness. It's got GPS. It's got all the different things.

You're going to need as like a utility phone, but what I love about it is: it's still strong enough to run all of our favorite games and whatnot at least well. Let's just say it could at least run them. Let's check out the specs on the back. We've got an outscore 2, gigahertz processor, 4, gigs of ram 64 gigabytes of disk space, so we can download PUBG mobile. We can also download all the resource packs and several other apps.

Before we run out of space, it's got a 2000 William battery and a 2.45-inch screen. Let me say that again guys it has a less than two and a half inch screen. It has a 16, megapixel rear facing camera and eight megapixel front-facing camera, and it runs android 9.0. This thing is small, but it is very mighty. So, let's pop this open inside we've got kind of the little uh folder, with all the envelopes and stickers and like a little sim pin and everything- and this is it guys this is the atom.

It is incredibly tiny, just look at it compared to the size of my hand. Here we can pop this thing out, and it is a brick. It is a fairly thick phone but, like I said, it's very, very strong and let's check out that little screen size there. It is look how small and cute it is, but it's still running full android. We can swipe download apps it has the Google Play Store.

It's got everything text calling the little keyboard when you go to type it's so cute and tiny, and it even has a thumbprint sensor, and I already put my thumbprint on here. I did pick it up on Amazon for about 240 dollars, and we have a side red button here that I can think you could do like different utility functions right now. If I turn it on, it would make my flash turn into a flashlight but check this out. Lets uh, we can still put in our passcode, and now we've got all of our apps. I've already downloaded right.

PUBG mobile gentian impact clash, royale and even among us, we've got a bunch of different apps installed at the same time, but just look how small this phone screen is compared to something like an iPhone 12 Pro max. This thing is, is very, very small even compared to a tablet. We've got this look at this, I'm going to be going from this size screen down to this size screen for playing pub g mobile. We are actually going to run PUBG mobile, and we're going to run it fairly. Well.

The game doesn't run that great, but we can still play on high frames, so we can play on 30, fps and smooth graphics is about where we're going to be able to play, but the best feature is guys. This phone has gyroscope, so I'm not going to be able to do much on the screen. We might be able to move our analog shoe and aim, but when I'm actually aiming down scope, I'm going to be able to aim with my 4x and do gyroscope no problem and for as tiny of a phone that is going to be a huge help for actually being able to shoot and play at least moderately. Well, here's the screen size compared to an OnePlus 8t. So you can see very, very tiny compared to most of these flagship phones and here's.

My old dusty Samsung note 9 for comparison as well. These are some the bigger phones you can get. I like larger devices like I said, but something like this probably wouldn't recommend playing PUBG on it, but at the end of the day, it's for the Lulu right. Any of these other phones are going to run this game way better. But this thing it at least runs it right all right.

So if you want to know why it looks so darn bad well, that's because it literally is 480p, that's just the resolution of the screen. So it's going to look pixelated! It's going to look like PUBG mobile from like 1997. Um, I've already configured my HUD and stuff. You know the first thing we have to do is we just gotta go straight into a TDM uh. We have to go evil ground, no arena all right.

We have to download everything. This is why we needed all the the space we need all 64, gigs man, I'm I'm a little nervous. I actually haven't, played anything real. Yet on this phone, all I've done is gone into training grounds and shot some shots and targets. This is gonna, be real if you're wondering why I have such an awkward recording setup.

So the one thing this phone is not strong enough to do that. All the other phones and tablets and stuff that I play on this doesn't actually have any kind of video output. So there's no way for me to record it. I have to use like some awkward like screen, mirroring program and capture the audio. This doesn't work with capture cards.

Unfortunately, oh dear god, oh, my god, everyone's going to call me a bot. This happened the last time I played TDM's, I suck so bad, and they were like with sanity. You suck all right. It's still loading there we go. It does take a couple seconds to load here.

Oh god, I can't even scroll through the okay there we go all right, we're going to pull out. Oh god, we have asks and I don't want my bag. This. I can't even see do my thumbs- oh, oh my god. Oh my god! No! No! No! No! Oh my god! I have to kill! Oh my god.

I have to kill no way, I'm actually one and oh, I haven't even died, yet I have to kill bro. I was warning. Oh, I could just stop right now. I could just stop right now be like I have a kill. I've never died.

Furthermore, I've never died on the atom. So look the gyro. It fully works. Oh, there's a guy named Winnie, interesting, okay, the screen's actually fairly responsive yo, we're winning we're actually winning and try to gyro bro reload, oh shoot. No, he didn't fire, he didn't fire yo.

I almost want to like look at my screen. Now that's actually way harder. I have to look at the phone come on gyro! Don't let me down. I like need the gyro to move 25 to 26. I don't want to lose this.

Furthermore, I don't want to lose this. Oh, no! No! No! No bro! Oh my god! They probably think I'm horrible they're, like this dude with a mythic outfit, can't play for trash. No! No! No! We don't want a red team killing spree. I'm sorry, teammates, hey! Look! I'm just I'm trying to play on phone! This is what you guys wanted right. No man, everybody's everybody's, a gamer, okay! Oh, oh, I got a kill.

Oh my god! Oh, escaping the edge he's camping edge fire he's right there. Yes, oh, I almost got a double kill, dang it. Okay. That was rough. That was the first.

That was a rough first match. Uh we're just going to ready up into a match. Let's just write it up into a classic. Oh dear god, a frost festival. What is this on Europe? Why am I only gold? No! This is not.

This is squads. Why did it say gold? All right? Let's see how PUBG mobile runs, my I could feel like my phone's, getting a little hot yeah, so I'm gonna play with these guys, and they have absolutely no idea that I'm playing on a two-inch phone, so they're going to be like bro. You suck just kidding. I'm going to carry hard all right this. Is it we're in the airplane right now, look how bad it looks.

Oh my god, I feel like I'm playing like the game boy advanced version, invite you to jump together. Yes, I will follow you. Whoever this guy is, please don't hot drop us. Can I hear the plane, I don't even know who this is we're all just following the random? It runs. Okay, it doesn't run that bad.

Let's check the map. What do we have? Do we have any uh castles? I don't even know. I can't really see all right. Where are you going buddy? Why are we following number four, because I'm playing on a four-inch phone, a two-inch phone? I should probably tell them switch to team chat. Oh wait, can you guys hear me yeah? I can't hear you.

Oh, you can hear me. Oh, this is gonna, be interesting: okay, um! So Juan. I have a confession to make. I am playing on a 2-inch android phone. Furthermore, I'm I'm not going to be very good, so that means we're dead right yeah.

Furthermore, I think. Oh, no, there's literally enemies here. Oh god, oh yep, why did the random take us all the way? Okay? Why did he hot drop military so late? What is an idiot? Oh, god! This is like a minus yeah. Oh, oh, it wasn't gold when it was a star one bro. Why did I do that? Oh, my god.

We literally just lost 43 points. Oh, we lost so many points I had to like to load the next tier- oh dear god. Okay, we're not doing that. Again. Oh all right, cool you're! All here! Okay, let's not do that again.

What's up everybody, hello, everybody you all, ready to get your ass kicked I'm about to kill all of you yo! You know what I could probably kick your ass, even if I had a two-inch phone drop, your name. What's your name, my name is insanity. Where are we going uh we're just going somewhere very, very far away so that I don't die um yeah, I wasn't joking, I'm like, like I'm actually literally playing on a phone that has a 2.4-inch screen. It's basically the size of Apple Watch a little bigger yeah. I bought it off Amazon and uh.

It barely runs this game, and we're playing an ace right now. This is going to be great. It. It kind of looks like I'm playing on like a game boy or like a Nokia vehicle. Oh, wait! Let me get a kill.

This is gonna, be the only kill, I'm going to get all game. I can't even see him. Where are they? Oh, I see him. Oh, I have to kill! Oh my god. The only thing that's even remotely making this possible is that for some reason this tiny phone still has gyro yeah.

Okay, I hear more well that hip fire was uh, not it wows uh. So the hit markers the hit markers are still the same size as they'd be on a normal phone, even though this one's tiny so like the hit markers are huge. Let me see how driving looks. Can I even drive? Okay, I can drive. Oh, oh, hey! Look at that all right, yeah, where uh, where are we going watch out? Saving? Oh boy, watch out! This is like surprisingly, not that bad.

I just I can't fight for anything. But oh I got another one here we go um I have a gas. Can? Oh, that's a hay bale, oh gee! The little hay bales like they're, impossible to see all right. I have to stick to the road. Oh, you can go that high with the UA.

Oh, no! No! No! No! I couldn't be prone. Oh, you got knocked on our roof. I couldn't tell it looked like you were knocked down the grass over there. I don't have any meds. This is so bad like the basic functions there we go, auto run.

Okay, 4x acquired all right cool, we're just going to open the bag. There we go. Oh yeah, that's money, bring up voice, chat all right. What do you? What do you want to do? You want me to get all right? You want to drive all right. Let's go all right! This! Actually is not bad, oh my god.

My 4x, I put my 4x sense to like 400. This is a lot which wall, oh boy, that's spray! Yeah! This 4x is actually super helpful. No he's tagged up pretty bad. Are you reviving? I might be able to just help revive, honestly. Okay, I'm kind of useless looks like we just got the next zone.

How much time is left? Is it a minute, 10 or 10 seconds? It's a minute, 10 right, yeah, a minute. Okay, literally, the numbers are so small. Like I don't even oh yep, I should have known that guy was like one pixel, oh dear god, yo my tablet lags when I'm wearing smokes. I wonder how this phone is. Going to handle smokes.

No, what I don't even know. If I'm hidden or not rip yeah, you are just a little. Do you have anymore heals? I mean I'm not really the'm, not really the uh the most important teammate right now, but all right that works, thanks. That's that's my last one, all right. How far from zone are we pushing up um 40 meters? Oh, they smoke like crazy.

They smoke all like crazy yeah help. Watch out. Oh my god, I can't take my outfit off my screen's, too small nice watch out. Wait. Okay, nice! I can't see anything, I'm just spraying in the grass.

Did we win? Oh, my god. We won what how no way. Oh, my god, my phone literally took like half a second just to load the chicken dinner screen. Where even were they I couldn't see anything I just was shooting into the smoke. Oh, they were back here.

Oh, that's! So funny! Oh, my god, 2.45 inch, chicken dinner yo. I actually made back some of the points I lost in that first, one, let's go well there you guys go! Oh, we! I really didn't help my team at all. I killed two bots, but we got a chicken dinner and ace on a two-inch phone. Furthermore, I am. Furthermore, I am happy with how that turned out so anyway, guys.

Furthermore, I, I hope you enjoyed this video. Let me know below I obviously with a tiny phone like this. The content is endless. The ideas are endless. I already want to try gentian impact on this phone clash rail on this phone.

I want to play among us on this phone and the fact that I can talk to teammates too, even though it's its android, that's pretty darn dope. Furthermore, I did not expect that that was really helpful, being able to talk to Juan for that whole match, but there we go. This is the atom phone. It is very tiny. It's the world's smallest 4g, rugged smartphone and it kind of got the job done, but that's all I have for you guys today.

Thank you so much for watching, and I will see you guys next time you.

Source : Wynnsanity

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