Pixel 4a 5G Gaming Test: I Was Surprised By The Performance! By Adam Reviews Tech

By Adam Reviews Tech
Aug 14, 2021
Pixel 4a 5G Gaming Test: I Was Surprised By The Performance!

Hello and welcome back to another video, so today we're doing a gaming test on the Google Pixel 4a 5g. Now a lot of you guys have actually asked for this. So here it is we'll be testing four games I'll show you guys all the games, so the Pixel 4a is running the snapdragon 765 g with six gigabytes of ram. We're going to see how well it performs as well as talk about the thermals after each game. Here are the four games I mentioned, and we'll see how it goes well, not my best game ever, but we got the victory okay. So after that we didn't really feel any stutters or lags, so that was good to see the game ran very smooth, and the phone so far didn't feel very hot at all.

We got to get some among us in. I know a decent amount of you guys play it. Alright, we're crewed, I told pink. I said it was orange all right, but either way that's among us uh asphalt, 9 next again after um among us, the phone's, fine, it's not overheating at all batteries at 99. After those two games we got asphalt, 9 a little heavier of a game, definitely heavier than among us.

So, okay, that is enough of asphalt. You could tell the game ran very smoothly on here, which is great. The 765g is proving to be a capable chip. So now we'll play some 2k play a season game for you guys and that will do it then we'll talk about everything. The phone is still not hot after asphalt or anything, thermals are keeping a pretty good level, and we're down to 97 so 3 percent down, since all these games so far, uh.

Okay, so there's that there's the gaming session for you and, as you can tell right there, we got to 96 after a decent gaming session. So I hope you guys enjoyed this one. The phone at the end of all this is not too hot, it is lukewarm, but even then I'd say it's a very normal temperature. There weren't any stutters or lags really, so that was good to see. I hope you guys enjoyed and peace.

Source : Adam Reviews Tech

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