Pixel 3 vs LG V40 Camera Comparison! By Max Lee

By Max Lee
Aug 14, 2021
Pixel 3 vs LG V40 Camera Comparison!

Hi guys this is max from high on Android today we're going to do a full comparison, video between the pixel 3 camerae and the LG v 40 camerae, as one of you requested. Let's go take a look: hey guys, welcome to San Francisco they're, doing a test with the LG G 40 and the pixel 3 I'm going to go ahead and switch up the audio here in a bit. We're going to go ahead and start with the pixel.3 audio has been the problem yeah. So let's go ahead and switch to the LG v 40 and let me know which one you guys think it's better I've got video stabilization on both in the widest angle possible. So this is a wide-angle 4, pixel, pixel, 3 hi guys so now, I've got video stabilization off both for both and do tell me, which one you think is wider. Well yeah, pixel three is definitely wider.

If you turn off video stabilization and I, think you don't really need it for the front camera because you're holding it with your hand, and it's outside its pretty stable, so yeah. If you want to take advantage of the widest angle, you'll probably want to turn off video stabilization, all right, I'm at the ice skating rink. That's where we're going and let's go ahead and switch to the back camera. Hey guys, quick test. My delta I got my phone camera mounted together, it's good! It's going more to test for me.

I'm trying to catch up, so I can go yeah. Let me see yeah, it looks pretty good. What do you guys think good landing there, which one you think is my stable I got video stabilization on both in 4k? Let me looks dynamic range. You guys, like I've done. Why for videos I felt like stabilization was perfect on both, especially the v40 has yeah s for all five cameras and also does pixel three pixels.

Three has very good stabilization. I couldn't really tell the difference between the two. As for the front camera, pixel three does give you slightly wider when stabilization is turned off and from back camera, both it pretty well. I didn't see huge difference between the two, but let's go and take a look at some photos. I took hi guys, so let's go ahead and start with some selfies, and you can see here.

Colors are a little more vibrancy on the v40, and it seems to light up the face a little more, which I like I'm zooming in a little slightly different angles, exposure much better. Obviously, with the pixel three, you could see more details of my daughter's face with the pixel three, but when taking photos of humans I, actually like the v40. Look better, and you'll see why in this next photo again, the pixel three looks very good. Very contrasting LGA 40 almost blowing out everything a little, but at the same time it really brings up the shadows, and also I really like the color tones of the v40. But it is definitely a lot warmer with the v40, while the pixel 3 is a little more contrast II and gives you that more film look alright, here's another shot from the opposite side, zooming in again, pixel 3, picks up more details, but the v40 really smooths out everything and I know they've been working on some noise reduction and I think this works perfect for the faces and I actually prefer the before you look right.

If you go ahead and zoom in even more, the v40 tends to over sharpen not as much as previous models, but that's the only thing I don't like about it. Things seem to get over. Sharpen is the only thing I really don't like about be 40 years of sharpening. Alright, here's another photo from the opposite side, with the opposite lighting in this photo again I prefer the brights sort of cleaned up look of the v40 when dealing with humans, it seems like the v40 makes you slightly. Brighter beauty mode was not turned on.

V40 tends to process everything a little brighter now. My theory is that you know a lot of Asian women, especially Korean woman. They like to make themselves a slightly brighter slightly washed out in their for, and this could be great for women who want that feature. If you look at the forehead of my daughter with the v40, it really just cleans it up face, looks much, much cleaner versus pixel 3 and, in my opinion, pixel 3 is great for like non portraits nonhumans, you know shots of buildings and stuff where you need more details, but I felt like most throughout this session. I would actually prefer the look of the v40 more all right.

Here are some shots I took while skating, pixel 3 is probably more accurate, but it seems to be 40 really brings out the shadows which one you prefer. Let me know here's another look of my daughter. You could see that the v40 really brings out the shadows, perfect right here. Here's another selfie with my daughter again, I really feel like the v40. Has better colors really makes you look better, and the same shot took with the wide-angle them both and the pixel 3 is definitely wider of the 2, but yeah you still prefer the colors, the skin tones only be 40 and here's my daughter again, the v40 does quite well up bring out the shadows, especially against the Sun like this, while the pixel 3 has trouble, here's another shot, sort of with bright background and again the v40 really shines.

Zoomed in you could clearly see the face of my daughter, while the pixel 3, it's really hard to tell it's really dark. Here's another shot with the Sun behind us. Both did pretty well here, not bad at all, slightly warmer colors with the lab 40 and here's another shot. While skating and again here the v40 exposed much better you zooming in a little, you could see more of the outside, and you can even see more of my daughter's sweater a lot brighter. Here's a shot of the Iceman cleaning, the ice, rink and again v40 really brings out the shadows really well.

It's like night and day the pixel 3 looks like night, and the v40 looks like complete day. Exposure may be slightly better with the pixel 3 zooming in on the ice-truck here, and I think the v40 tends to over sharper and everything looks a little over sharpened, but at the same time you can actually see the details of the ice-truck on the side, while pixel 3 is just too dark too. So I think there's advantage to each of these photos. If you want to bring out the highlights of shadows before you can really bring it out. While if you want the truer details, lighting I think pixel 3 is more realistic.

All right. Here's another shot, I took in the streets of San Francisco, again v40 tends to bring out the shadows real. Well, while the pixel 3 looks like night, v40 looks like day now, assuming you get more details with the pixel 3 b40 seems to over sharpen a little but definitely looks brighter with the v40 but yeah. As far as realistic clarity, a realistic exposure you'll have to give it to the pixel 3 and clarity and much, much cleaner, all right. Here's another shot of San Francisco, very contrast, II with the pixel 3, but dynamic range, much better, with the v40 look at how it brings out the shadows of the trees.

While the pixel 3 is completely dark, you can actually see more of the leaves of the tree with the v40, so yeah I'm actually really impressed with the v40. These tests are not biased in any way. You can try them yourself. You get the same results. Here's another challenging shot of the sunset behind the buildings here and both that pretty well again.

V40 does quite well in bringing out the shadows, but overall exposure about the same overall clarity. A lot cleaner with pixel 3. Here are some flowers I took at the local groceries I'm, both looked pretty good zooming in you can see a lot more details with the pixel 3 v40 tends to spotless up colors and details, which can be good for portraits shots of humans, but it definitely hurts him in non-human objects. Here's another self Ian sort of low-light in the grocery store, pixel 3 a lot clearer with the selfies, while the v40 struggling a little with clarity. Here's another lowlife shot I'm, both did pretty good zooming in pixel 3 seems to have slightly better low-light performance, not huge difference, but the v40 definitely keeps up well alright.

This is what I ate last night. This is a grilled squid with onion grilled onions. It's perfect by the way, sod it's a Korean dish, and this is in pretty low light and I think both did pretty well slightly more saturated with the 40, but I'm pretty impressed at the low light performance of the 40, something that LG has been struggling in the past v40 seems to have improved a ton I. Next, let's do some comparison of the portrait shots. The pixel three seems to have much better exposure controlled the background slightly blown out with the v40.

A lot softer photo with the v40, but if you ask me which one I would prefer I would actually prefer the v40. It makes my skin tone slightly lighter. It just looks better to my eyes, whereas the pixel 3, it's got a lot of details. Furthermore, it just actually picks up too much detail. All right in this next photo is really blown out with the v40, so the v40 likes to your know blow out things a little and I think it can help in certain situation, but definitely the pixel 3 is much better here.

Um here's a selfie I took v40 tends to blow out things a little, but looking closer at the etchings I would say the v40 did a lot better with the edges, although overall photo is softer. You see more accurate, edging due to having three cameras on the back and one of the advantages of having the pixel 3 is that you can also take portrait photos with the wide-angle bob with the v40. You can only do it on the main camera. Alright, here's a shot of my daughter. Now.

Here's a difference between the pixel 3 on the back camera portrait mode versus the v40 will give you the same viewing image as a regular camera by utilizing two or three cameras to make your portrait, so you're not gonna, get a cropped image with the pixel 3 you're going to get a cropped image, a lot more crop because you're only using one camera, but definitely I do prefer the pixel 3 here much better skin tones better bouquet, a lot more bouquet, but it could be a preference between a sort of zoomed in look versus a sort of wide angle. Portrait looks alright! Here's another example: I really like the back camera portrayal in the pixel 3. It really brings out the subjects while the v40 doesn't look bad, it's having trouble blurring out the snacks on the left. Alright, here's another photo before we checked out both photos. Look pretty good, I! Think its preference of you want it sort of zoomed in versus wide-angle portrait, but definitely the v40 has one of the widest portraits that you can take alright here's another lowlight again, I tend to prefer the pixel three.

In this case the v40 has highlights overblown too much by overall I, really like the selfies coming out at the LED forty I just felt like selfies had better skin tones me forty tends to smooth out everything, but I think it really worked out for the selfies. Now that could be a personal preference. Pixel three definitely does better in more details. A more clarity again. This could be a personal preference, but I really like these skin tones on the southeast.

Now for the back camera, it was actually the opposite: I, really like the portrait mode on the pixel three more I'm sort of the zoomed in look, although you get that nice wide angle with b44 the back camera so yeah, if you tend to take a lot of selfies I, think the v40 will do better if you're using the back camera more I think the pixel three is better again. This is a personal choice. For me, it might be completely different for you, but I wanted to make this comparison, for you guys, I think, there are different characteristics to the cameras on these phones. You can go ahead and download the original photos and compare them yourself to really decide which cameras for you, but I'm, pretty surprised before he kept up pretty well to the pixel. Three fell off a little in low-light situation, but in most situations it kept up really well before he did quite well this year.

Compare it to the older lg predecessors anyway, hit the thumbs up for me have a great day. Let me know which phone you want me to compare next and, as always, stay.

Source : Max Lee

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