Original iPhone vs. iPhone 12 Speed Test By PhoneBuff

By PhoneBuff
Aug 13, 2021
Original iPhone vs. iPhone 12 Speed Test

An iPod, a phone and an internet communicator. This is one device, and we are calling it iPhone today. Today, Apple is going to reinvent the phone, so a lot has changed in the world of smartphones. Since that day, the original iPhone was first announced. Smartphones today are bigger, they're, stronger and, of course, they're a heck of a lot faster. I mean just take a look at the spec sheet, comparing the original iPhone to the iPhone 12 it's night and day, the iPhone 12 CPU has 6 times the amount of cores at over 7 times the clock, speed.

It has a whopping 32 times more ram. It has 16 times the amount of base storage and over 19 times more pixels, which obviously translates into so much more than just speed. But at least for this video we wanted to see just how much faster today's iPhone is compared to the original. So, let's find out, this episode is sponsored by raid shadow legends. So by now you've probably heard of raid shadow legends.

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I mean the iPhone 12 just looks buttery here, whereas on the original iPhone you can definitely notice the jitter so much so that we actually had to program in delays with our robot just so. The original iPhone would be ready for the next screen tab. Otherwise, it just wouldn't respond. So as the iPhone 12 just sailed through that browser task, the original iPhone is only just beginning where each phone is tasked with loading up google. com through a bookmark going to image, search and then typing in the search term ROG and then hitting go where even that very, very lightweight task takes the original iPhone two times longer to complete, allowing the iPhone 12 to complete the entire first lap in just 40 seconds with it.

Well, on its way to finishing the second lap. Meanwhile, the original iPhone is loading up the contact address in Google Maps, which surprisingly still works, as does the app store. Although one thing to note about the app store is that while it technically works and loads up, today's apps, unfortunately you're not able to actually install anything since they're all listed as incompatible, but either way it just takes forever for the app store to load. The iPhone 12 has already been done with the entire test, completing it in just one minute flat, while we're still waiting for these final app icons to load up on the original. But there you go we'll move on to the settings app now which again just little delays between each step, with even the stopwatch taking a second to load back up, allowing the original iPhone to complete just the first lap in 1 minute and 26 seconds now, with only 128 megabytes of ram, that's 32 times less than the 4 gigabytes or 4 096 megabytes of ram on the iPhone 12.

Apple had to be really selective with which apps the original iPhone kept even just suspended. In memory, in fact, this original iPhone didn't even support multitasking, which was a feature that apple first added in iOS 4, which never actually made its way to this original iPhone. Since there just wasn't enough ram on this thing, and you could feel it with us having to return even the contacts app back to that last app state. But surprisingly, the Google image search in safari was still ready, as was the notes in the notes' app. So it wasn't all bad news, but for the rest of the apps, it's the same story with us having to redo our work from the first lap returning the original iPhone back to the app state that we left it in earlier, causing the original iPhone to finish the second lap and the entire test in a painfully slow 2 minutes and 29 seconds.

I can only imagine how much bigger the difference would be if we were actually able to use the more intensive apps that we do in our speed test today, like video exporting. But there you go. It's amazing to see how far we've come in the world of smartphones, not just in terms of speed but across the board, which of course, mostly stems from this original iPhone right here.

Source : PhoneBuff

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