Oppo Reno 2 - best camera on a smartphone? By Esquire Middle East

By Esquire Middle East
Aug 14, 2021
Oppo Reno 2 - best camera on a smartphone?

Fun fact Oppo is the only technology company. That's name is the same backwards. Try it OPPO and backwards OPPO its Ricky to innovate, smartphones in the year 2019. There are only so many ways you can differentially present an impossibly thin sheet of glass and microchips this year. All the big names have turned their attention to the camera and opposed Renault.2 is no exception, boasting an impressive quanta camera system. That's right.

The Renault 2 sports for cameras, best of all they're not housed in a sort of IKEA square hob design like other phones. Instead, the four cameras sit behind a glass sheet for protection in a uniform strip. That does not add any bulk to your sleep blower each different camera specializes in providing the clearest images at any given distance. They come together to provide a 5 x, hybrid zoomed, magnification, thanks to images being taken using all four cameras, there's also 20 x, digital zoom. The four cameras also provide an ultra steady video, reducing the shaky cam issues of recording video better.

Yet it takes these videos at an impressive at 60 frames per second. This smartphone comes with features such as ultra dark mode, ultra steady mode and a video editor also ultra dark mode will automatically set in when brightness is less than 5 lux and all those camera smarts are driven by an onboard CPU and improved color OS 6.1. All in all, it's no surprise. This phone was chosen to light up the facade of the Burn Kali fa recently. So let's take a look at that divide beyond the cameras which we could go on and on and on about the shark fin selfie camps, also fantastic by the way.

There's a host of other features to get into the Renault 2 has a 6.5-inch AMOLED screen, meaning that refresh rates are snappy and colors appear more vivid, 93 program % of the phone is made of screen. This is thanks to the lack of any kind of bezels to the selfie cam being housed in the device itself, there's also a lack of a home button. The phone is powered by a speedy 730 G Snapdragon processor, which has up to 8 gigabytes of RAM and can handle up to 13 hours of video watching. That means you get supreme processing power which makes browsing the web flicking through apps and mobile gaming. An absolute breeze, more importantly, is the price and considering that the OPPO Renault 2 comes in at almost half the price of other flagship phones.

It is it almost certainly the smartphone to beat that have another episode of Tech, Talk I hope you enjoyed what you saw if you did, please do hit subscribe, and we'll be back next week with another video.

Source : Esquire Middle East

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