OnePlus 8 pro vs Google Pixel 4XL By Carlos Lara

By Carlos Lara
Aug 14, 2021
OnePlus 8 pro vs Google Pixel 4XL

What's up guys, this is Carlos back again with another video. So in this video we're going to be talking about the OnePlus April, my left and the Google Pixel for Excel on my right. I have a deep brain skin on this one. Alright. So with that in further ado, let's get started so basically, what we're going to do first is turn both to the device at the same time, you'll see which device start back up quickly. So, let's do a restart.

Let's see which file comes back on quicker, it looks like the one plus a pro is winning right now, and then we got the Google logo now coming up. Let's see which one takes the crown first, one plus eight throw I'm still waiting on the Google I didn't think it was gonna, be this low wow. This is bad. It must be because I'm running Android 11 beta 1 on this I'm, not I'm, not sure. If that's what it is but holy crap.

This is taking forever see Android beta program. It might be that I don't know I'm not defending the defending is just my opinion, but alright. So what I want to do is compare the absence see which phone, which device loads up quicker and one thing I want to point out from this already, so I can see this one is way brighter to see how I had to return this one up all the way up to here, and this one is in the middle, and this was like ice I would say this is like probably 75 to 80%, and this is probably a 50% brightness, so anyways. Alright, let's get started with that phone. Dialer click around 1, +, April and again guys, if I'm, if you I, see that another device is quicker.

Let me do not know in the comments, and you'll be the judge. Not me. All right looks like the world was a pro Play, Store I say equal on both Google Chrome. Well, definitely, click around the audio card I mean under 1, +, April and I want to point out. I want this long, + pixel bottom in the Pixel Buds here in green color, but they're still not available in that color camera clicker on the Google Pixel for Excel.

Alright, next up, we've got perfect piano I bought the same little quicker in the 1 + 8 Pro Amazons, definitely quicker around the 1 plus 8 Pro eBay, quicker I, don't know Google Pixel for TO, then we got the charge point quicker and the pixel for, so I'll just buy a bit rocket mortgage, but the same Google Pay quick little pixel for Excel alright. So then one of the nets I what's up another one, doesn't alright quickly over my pixel for Excel I, don't know if you guys heard I swap off. Oh, my bad on that one I didn't click at the same time, all right, Thank, You, American, I'm, a scoot away, because I think America has a face ID, so don't want to open it alright! Now we got you to definitely quicker on the 1 + 8 pro all right now we got YouTube music. Here we go. Look around the pixel for Excel.

Alright! Next stop we got so knows definitely quicker on this one. This one gave me an ad. Well, there add Domino's pixel, definitely quicker on the one plus a pearl. Alright, now we go I have two games: I, don't game that much space Mars. What it's you know we're doing here.

Definitely a little over here on the OnePlus I exit out I'm, not gonna, actually pray all right, Fandango uh-huh, but the same I'm, both ATP mobile. Definitely click on here, like re, all right, no say 1, +, 8 Pro beats it just by bit. Soon the same odds fall 9. Now one thing I want to point out, but Icefall 9 that it gives you a big bar like the 1 + I mean that Google Pixel for forehead when you're playing it so well, definitely 1 + a pro way quicker. Of course again remember: you have something in a 65 on this device.55 runs here so 4 1, +, 8 Pro, is winning. Then we're going to test out the RAM on each device, all right.

So what's next Amazon shine, alright, definitely little quicker under 1, + and last but not least, mint or DSP. Nothing a little quicker on the OnePlus. So, so far the 1 + 8, it's winning by five I. Think alright. So now, let's test out the RAM on both of this, and it's go all the way back to the first thing that we opened I mean.

Why is this recorder on anyways? Let's go to phone look Tikki I, deliver refresh on the Google pick. Software itself can remember. This has a gig around. It says six! Alright, let's go back, and next stop will be messages. Okay, this was on the RAM.

This one had to do a little refresh, so right now we're equal. Alright, next stop will be Play Store. Let me take care of that. One alright play store up they're both on the ran pretty good, alright, so far, they're doing good. The same.

Alright chrome definitely refresh on balls, so, okay, so far, still not no winners' camera. He did this depicts Oh had I had the camera. In the background, this one had to open it up again. Let's go back alright, perfect piano. There we go alright, they both in there Ram cool, but so far the pixels winning by one Amazon.

They both had refresh so had to refresh. Let's see eBay dang, if they're all what they both had to refresh all right. Next stop charge point: oh yeah, they put a refresh. Unfortunately, so I am spreading some bugs with the Google Pixel for Excel, because it's running a beta program, all right, so the staples how to refresh Google page they both had to refresh all right. Let's see, what's up, looks like they both in the RAM swap off and remember one thing guys: this is one in 90 Hertz.

This isn't running harder than 20 Hertz, so you might see it quicker. Oh, let me give my face off of this. All right, it seems like both of them were had a refresh. Alright YouTube won't have to refresh man still with the pixels winning by one. Remember that okay, music, YouTube music I couldn't tell on down one but I.

Think they're. Both the head of refresh I saw a little refresh there. Alright, so nose up. They both on the RAM, pretty good dominoes they get they pull up to refresh. One plus is actually surprising me in a bad way here.

I would think that there it was gonna, be winning or let's see here how many mean on the game. They both have to refresh okay, and we're almost there guys yeah Fandango, and it's like the bull had to refresh here. Then ADP bubble, hmm yeah. What's how to refresh not allowed on RAM I'll tell you that yeah staples, how you refresh alright soon yep they both have to be fresh as fall 9. It's going to be a tough one.

Oh yeah, everybody thought from 0 that sucks I definitely think that the one plus a pro should have had 12 years of RAM. Now that I'm doing this test, but to be honest, 2 pixels not doing bad still win and remember that guys still winning. Oh now, they tied because I'm a sunshine. What's opening on this one, and this one was not the pixel so right now there aren't it's high. Let's see if one of them will be a winner.

Oh, there you have it. The 1 plus a pro is now winning ok, and that was it. So we have a winner, guys, the 1 plus a pro by one with the RAM and with the way he opens up app quicker, and before I go I wanna. Let you guys know that I'm recording this using 8 iPhones 5s there you go alright guys. This is it hope you guys enjoyed the video I'll, see you guys in the next one peace.

Source : Carlos Lara

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