OnePlus 7 Pro Vs iPhone XR Battery Charging Test By Tech1Tv

By Tech1Tv
Aug 15, 2021
OnePlus 7 Pro Vs iPhone XR Battery Charging Test

What's up guys, this is a fast-charging speed test for the iPhone XRF SS. They want +7 PO I'm using the fast charge, 29 watt power, brick for the iPhone XR as well, using the web charged early power, brick for the OnePlus 7po. So let me plug both device on, and we're. Going to start it says. So, let's go okay, guys! I am back, and I blocked both of the charges for each phone. So let me start with the iPhone XR just like so, and now they want +7 Paul.

So both of these devices are dead and are, let's see we're going to be the fastest guys. So here we go time's up getting lost one step more now, with far from everything we had ready for whatever sly enough, we won't stop. Moving feels too good four times of getting lost with I promise to be there beam every single way, we're doing this together, every step close to each other, so guys, the one plus seven post finish after one hour and 12 minutes, it's on 100% right now, and the iPhone XR is at 94%. So, while yep, let's continue the test, hey guys, I'm back and the iPhone Excise finally done now, it's externally two minute more opposed to the 1 + 7 Pole, the 1, + 7 poor check hours and 12 minutes to finish and the iPhone XR take it hour and 41 minutes. So there you have a gas, the 1, + 7 poor charge 32 minute faster than the iPhone XR.

Anyway, are my base.

Source : Tech1Tv

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