Hello everyone- it's been a while anyway m, so large display capture and details in low light, tapes today's battery life a thousand and then fast and efficiently for four months and then uh, the Google Assistant bottom Anita, Yong Panama future. So anyway wow I love it swimming and then and then of course, I love it and then my liberation lemon liberation. I know uh case yeah case and then of course, um instruction in Chinese and in English, no English seriously, English, so Mahayana Scala- and this is my phone. I don't like the color, but I'm going to time my military turn it on yeah now go on a show, let's wait, um and then, like the downloading, chat, nothing downloading here. Let's translate it into English boy, English, my Filipino national chocolate, just click agree and then the downloading SHA marina on internet foreign proceed long ties and next and saving retype day and then confirm click, nothing and confirm again and then another OUI keep going set up, continue assistant next time, Google Assistant, no, thanks, another Gmail account or change your wallpaper control info unlocks, lock, screen and change font size review. Additional apps are money, a foreign wait.
Nothing, oh, and this is my new phone number. Oh, are you hereare the top search result: okay, assistant search boyfriend. Can I have uh what's the weather for today tonight the forecast is around 28 and partly cloudy there right now, it's 29 degrees and partly cloudy English? Okay, okay, can you search palatals? This is the top result. I learned okay, um search, Albert ray on YouTube. Here's a matching video hindering I search spallalabs on YouTube.
Please play Alex videos on youtube personality, foreign I'll, be crying on YouTube YouTube. Has this result? What's the weather tomorrow in Hong Kong, please tomorrow in Hong Kong, it'll be partly cloudy with a high of 29 and a low of 26. Thank you very much. Can you close the window? Thank you for watching god bless so much, and this is Nokia 1.4, a 1.4 bio. Yes, it's 1.4! Thank you and god bless.
Source : Gina Launio